Wednesday, July 30, 2008


As those who will not see.
A commentary on those who steer the affairs
of Canada – A sometimes land of opportunity,
integrity, fair treatment, justice.

There are rigid regulations governing the issuing of trade licenses, surgeons and physicians certification and even the issuing of personal drivers license.

Also apart from the proof of competence required of those who wish to practice medicine in Canada they must also declare they will avoid doing harm to their clients, e.g. according to the Hippocratic Oath.

Most of us would feel a bit apprehensive if scheduled for serious surgery with a surgeon who was recently declared legally blind.

We wouldn’t allow our children to board a bus driven by someone using a white cane, and we ourselves would not enter any conveyance operated by someone accompanied by a seeing-eye-dog.

Yet we collectively vote for parliamentary candidates -- to take the helm of our entire country – who have not been required to demonstrate any qualifications what-so-ever. Just how sensible is that?

It is only after some horrendous political scandal becomes public knowledge that Canadian voters might withdraw their support of the villain(s).

If a political culprit also happens to be an indecent comedian there are supporters who would overlook violations -- of fidelity, integrity, decency, justice, honesty and competence -- as being acceptable minor infractions. After all we are discussing politicians.

Their spin doctors work hard to pull the wool over our eyes regarding such things as blatant conflict of interest deals and misappropriation of hundreds of millions of tax dollars – excusing such things as being trivial – more of a joke than a crime. Unfortunately it usually turns out to be an expensive joke on every Canadian Taxpayer while the culprit(s), et al, laugh all the way to the bank.

One item of insidious regulation – left-over from the previous Canadian government – is the taxable benefit legislation which targets a minority of Canadian taxpayers to be levied horrendous taxes on “income” that never existed. No matter how you examine this situation you can not make it look, sound or smell decent.

When the Conservative party won the opportunity to form a minority government in 2006 Member of Parliament, Gary Lunn, made an announcement that suggested the new regime was aware of the taxable benefit atrocity and was taking prompt action to correct this injustice.

As it turned out someone in authority found a way to split a hair on this issue and declared that one of two types of taxpayers victimized by the ESPP/ESO swindle are entitled to have their taxes and related penalties revoked while the remaining majority are denied the same treatment.

No one in authority has offered a reasonable excuse for this blatantly unfair and discriminatory action. Why not? Because there is no reasonable excuse.

So far -- to date -- the only apparent explanation for this gross injustice is as follows:-

Part (1) Rationale used to justify revoking the tax and penalties.

Victims in the group granted tax remission were caught in a situation where they were prevented from selling their ESO equities during an interval while the original corporation, SDL Optics, was being taken over by the JDS Uniphase corporation.

In order to grant some degree of tax fairness to this tiny group it must be ASSUMED they would have sold their ESPP/ESO equities at the appropriate time -- if they could have. This assumption, however, is taken to be justification for revoking the tax and penalties imposed. An assumption which is pure conjecture and one that can not be validated.

Part (2) Rationale for not revoking the tax and penalties.

The individual circumstances of taxpayers -- not granted remission of taxes imposed on their ESPP/ESO potential gains – can not be validated either.

But these victims are denied equivalent treatment on three assumptions:- i.e.
(1) They had opportunity to sell their ESPP/ESO equities at the time of delivery.
(2) They would have actually realized the theoretical profit for which they are being taxed if they had
sold their equities at the time of delivery and
(3) They made a deliberate and conscious decision to play the markets in the hopes of making an even
greater profit.

Regardless of the probability factor -- associated with every one of the foregoing ASSUMPTIONS --they remain nothing more or less than pure conjecture – not confirmed facts.

Operating any form of accounting system on conjecture and assumption is asking for trouble.

If any business attempts to report assumed losses, (write-off of unpaid customer invoices etc.), and/or unsupported expenses against income -- in order to calculate taxes owed – there would be a CRA auditor on their doorstep within days of submitting the tax return.

But when the Canadian Revenue Agency levies horrendous taxes on an individual’s theoretical income, that never existed, and justifies this penalty on the basis of ASSUMPTION it falls on the victim to bear the cost of appealing the penalty and proving – if they can – the assumptions are invalid.

Why do our elected representatives -- in Canada’s Parliament -- not see the injustice, and unfairness of allowing the personal income tax system to continue operating in this way?

As they all appear to have normal vision in the physical senses the only logical explanation being – they just will not see. If so then they belong to the group of “None So Blind.”

If you are a Canadian citizen of voting age you hold the cure for this blindness.

First notify your local Member of Parliament, (MP), you support the objective of the group called:- “Canadians for Fair and Equitable Taxation”, (CFET), and need a commitment from him, or her, to also support their objective. This would be a real eye-opener for our blind representatives.

Second refer your MP to the CFET web page:- for further information.
Third request everyone you know to follow your lead. When our politicians begin to see the light on this issue – everybody wins.

See you at the voting polls during the coming federal election, Dr. O’Grady.

Victor Drummond ©

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Like a moth..

Definition:- Irresistibly and dangerously
attracted to something or someone.
A commentary on the effect a flame has upon
the natural survival instinct of a moth and the comparable effect
tax dollars have upon those elected to watch over the best
interests of all Canadians.
By Victor Drummond ©
July 2008

Insects evolved on earth long before land animals appeared and have survived numerous natural environmental changes. The majority of them are active during daylight hours when plant blossoms are open to provide nectar and pollen.

The moth is a member of those insects that are more active after sunset and throughout the night. What they find to eat, and, more important – to the moth – is how they find each other that seem a bit of a mystery.

Some moths spend their time laying eggs on fruit trees, and, if they can find their way into your stored woollens they must delight in laying their eggs on your finest wool sweaters, scarves, mittens etc.

When some varieties of moth are in a room that is only illuminated by a lit candle, or fireplace burning low, they will fly towards the flame. Which action frequently results in them having their wings and antenna scorched to the point where they die or can no longer fly.

Being a creature that prefers to remain out of sight during daylight hours causes me to wonder what there is about an open flame that attracts them. Is it the colour of the flame, or the flickering of the light level, or perhaps a combination of the two? Do the moths become effectively hypnotized by the sight of an open flame? It would seem so.

Whatever the reason -- the moths that fly to the flame – are forsaking all their natural survival instincts that have served the species so well for so many millions of years.

There are other creatures that also seem to abandon their survival instincts and for one reason or another choose to commit literal suicide. The periodic march of thousands of lemmings into the ocean -- where they soon drown -- is one of them.

Do you suppose the lemmings actually make a deliberate, conscious decision to commit suicide?

Or are they like the victims of the ESPP/ESO taxable benefit rip-off – acting under an illusion that they are not facing physical and/or financial consequences above and beyond their ability to survive the immediate situation.

In the case of the ESPP/ESO participants – who failed to sell their equities when they first came into possession of them – the powers that be acted to cause many of them financial disaster solely on the basis of a plain and simple unfounded assumption, e.g. the tax victim made a deliberate and conscious decision to play the stock market.

In this situation an outrageous tax is based upon the premise:- “You are guilty until proven innocent.” Even a lemming wouldn’t see that one coming.

Whether, or not, the forgoing assumption is true why would the government claim the right to tax anyone on the basis of another assumption e.g. that the taxpayer would have actually received the amount of money they are being taxed on had they offered their equities for sale at the time they took possession of them. This makes the tax levied -- a tax on opportunity -- not on income.

Above and beyond being a tax on opportunity the tax imposed is often much greater than the victims real income -- for the time period – and sometimes even greater than the victims total financial assets.

I have personal knowledge of two such victims who were obliged to re-mortgage their homes in order to pay unjustified taxable benefits taxes levied on them.

Would you, or anyone you know, say this is a proper, fair, justified or normal system of income taxation?

Would anyone campaigning to be elected -- by a majority of ordinary, honest, hard-working Canadians – openly state they support this extortion-like taxation? Not very likely.

So why would normal politicians abandon a level of fairness that would favour their survival through the next election?

Why would they turn a deaf ear to the appeals of our own citizen’s financial distress caused by this unjustified tax?

Why would they focus on abstract issues such global warming, and/or getting our troops home from Afghanistan – which are issues the Canadian government acting alone can not control? While concurrently totally ignoring the abuse of our own taxable benefit victims – an issue they can control – but for some strange reason prefer not to.

Could it be due to some form of hypnosis -- or narcolepsy -- triggered in our politicians by the sight of our flickering loonies in the government coffers? Or could it be they are encouraged by the low level of public concern displayed for the plight and abuse of fellow Canadians. Or possibly it is a combination of these two factors.

It appears something like that is happening to dull the sense of fairness, justice, honour and integrity of those in public office – for not one has recently stated opposition to this atrocity.

Why else would they ignore the basics of political survival and tolerate this outrageous abuse of honest, hard-working Canadians? This political phenomenon is equivalent to a moth captivated by the presence of a flickering flame – and the results may be just as devastating.

If you prefer to have taxable benefit taxes only applied where a benefit is actually conveyed to the recipient – not on an assumed nonexistent benefit – then contact you local Member of Parliament and tell him, or her, straight out, “Commit to correcting the defective taxable benefit legislation and fairly compensating those already victimized – or they will not receive your support in the next federal election.”

Refer to the “Canadians for Fair and Equitable Taxation”, (CFET), and their web page:-

Ask your family members, relatives, friends and foes to follow your actions in this regard.

See you at the voting polls for the coming federal election – O’Grady.

Victor Drummond ©

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Giving a real run..

A commentary on an old time idiom
“Getting a run for your money”
By Victor Drummond ©
July 2008

The subject idiom appears in a couple of variations i.e. (1) “Getting a run for the money”, and (2) “Giving a run for the money”.

Variation (1) could have connotations to betting on the ponies while variation (2) seems to relate to one’s ability to hold their own in a competition or comparison.

Everyone is entitled to give and to get:- “A run for the money.”

The 20th century brought with it another variation of: - “A run for the money.”
Those with a vested interest in promoting public health started the ball rolling with a series of commercials praising the health benefits of exercise.

Even the Canadian government got into the act by introducing health slogans and programs such as “Participaction”.

Once a significant number of young Canadians became infatuated with the idea of a daily jog the agencies involved in raising funds for worthy causes saw an opportunity to cash in on the fad. They organized fund raising “Runs” for everything from finding a cure for cancer to funding the finding of homes for stray cats.

Since the advent of Y2K hardly a week goes by without one fund raising run or another being publicized and there never seems to be a shortage of willing runners.

In some respects I suppose there are a number of real beneficiaries from these runs.

People participating in the run get a lot of exercise.

The sponsored charity gets their share of the money raised and the sports clothing industry sells a lot of running shoes, sweat shirts, shorts and the like.

Street vendors sell a lot of food and beverages to those who come to watch the event.

The media -- from newspapers to news television – provide a lot of publicity for these charity runs and whether or not it is paid publicity -- by the promoters -- the supporting media receives a considerably more material for their public information mill.

Also the Canadian government receives a slice of the action by way of the Goods and Services Taxes, (GST), generated before, during and following the run.

Last but not least those who contributed money to the fund raising event get to feel really good that they have justified their existence by performing a charitable deed.
So it seems a run for charity money gives a lot of people:- “A run for their money”.

Perhaps the solution to the problem, e.g. where a lot of honest, hard-working Canadians are being obliged to part with more money than they have – you know those victimized by the defective taxable benefit legislation – would be to organize a charity run for them.

Can you think of a more deserving group in Canada than those who have been taxed out of their life’s savings and even out of their homes in some cases?

Just imagine all the good that would be accomplished by publicizing a public run – with no funding involved – but with lots of publicity.

As before the runners, the vendors, the media and the government would all benefit for certain and the victims might even stand a chance of receiving a fair deal from the government.

If anyone reading this article is interested in organizing a run to publicize the plight of thousands of Canadians levied huge taxes on money they never received – then use the E-mail Victor Drummond link and/or the “comment” link associated with this posting and send me some details of your offer.

There is nothing the victims support group, e.g. “Canadians for Fair and Equitable Taxation”, (CFET), would like to see, more, than the government given:- “A run for our money.”

For more information on this issue visit the CFET web page at:-

Follow the petition and signature links to read victims and supporters comments.
Click on a few of the newspaper article links to read what some journalists have said on this issue.

Even if you are not inclined to organize a CFET Support Run – if you favour fair taxation for all honest, hard-working Canadians -- contact your friends of voting age and refer them to the CFET web page and encourage them to give moral support to this group.

Contact your Member of Canada’s Parliament to inform him, or her, you expect them to support the CFET objective of “Fair Taxation” for all honest, hard-working Candains.

See you at the next federal election polls O’Grady.
(Refer to posting of Jan 28/08 –O’Grady sez.)

Victor Drummond ©

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Frankly my dear Scarlett..

A commentary on the self centered attitude
expressed by the character -- Rhett Butler --
in his famous parting words.
By Victor Drummond ©
July 2008

In the novel, “Gone with the Wind” and in the 1939 movie version of that novel, the character (Rhett Butler) played by Clarke Gable, fades away into oblivion with the parting words:- “Frankly my dear Scarlett I don’t give a damn.”

Scarlett O’Hara – like many Romanists engrossed in the story – believes Rhett will return to her one fine day.

If there were a sequel written to the story with a title like – “It’s an ill wind that doesn’t blow some good.” -- do you suppose Rhett would return to Scarlett and they would both live happily ever after? Or is that only the story line of “Fairy Tales”?

Unfortunately the compassion level expressed by Rhett Butler appears to more the norm than the exception these days -- even right here in Canada.

If anyone in our federal government actually gave a damn about honest, hard-working Canadians being unjustly taxed -- into financial oblivion -- the problem would be openly publicized and promptly corrected.

Does anyone in Canada really “give a damn” if the government plays fast and loose with
attributes that set a good country apart from an oppressive regime? Qualities such as
Fairness, Integrity, Justice, Decency, Morality. and Responsibility.

Attributes that are essential to any country’s government if its citizens are to be treated with the fairness and respect all honest, hard-working people deserve.

And what about that idiotic rationale used as an excuse to victimize those taxed -- for not cashing in -- when their equities MIGHT have produced the ALMOST INCOME they are being taxed on?

According to victims -- who appealed their tax extortion – the authorities stated the tax is based upon the Fair Market Value, (FMV), of equities sold to them -- by their employer -- and which MIGHT have produced the gain being taxed had the taxpayer not made a deliberate and conscious decision to gamble with the potential gain.
(This is the scenario ASSUMED TO BE FACTUAL by the Canada Revenue Agency, (CRA).

The fact that the taxpayer never received the income – for whatever reason – is all that is needed to establish another fact – no tax of any kind can be justified where no actual income is present. Can anyone honestly dispute that fact?

Does anyone believe the CRA -- or any other entity – has a right to demand money from anyone based upon POTENTIAL gain, and/or, ASSUMED circumstances where gain MIGHT have happened but which actually resulted in losses instead?

If you support that logic how about taxing people who had title and could have sold their home -- at a huge profit -- during a real estate market boom?
But they made a deliberate and conscientious decision not to.
Shouldn’t the CRA be just as entitled to demand a slice of that almost action?

Then shouldn’t local real estate agents be entitled to claim payment for commissions they would have been entitled to if the owner had listed the house and sold at the peak of the boom. If not why not?

Why Not -- because there was, (is), no obligation on the property holder to enter into a transaction, at any specific time, to produced any gain for anyone. Consequently there is nothing to tax.

But the logic is just as valid as the rationale applied by the CRA to tax equities that never delivered a gain to their holder but instead actually lost the owner money.

Does the distress of those victimized by this ridiculous, insidious, punitive tax mean anything to you? Or are you a Rhett Butler?

If so you can ignore this plea for grass-roots support and say to your fellow victimized Canadians:- “Frankly my dear neighbour – I do not give a damn.”

Every Canadian should feel they own a share of responsibility to assure our government lives up to its image and should take action to see this atrocious situation corrected?

What can every individual Canadian, of voting age, do about this blight on Canada’s image?

You can:-

(1) Take some time to become really familiar with the situation – visit the “Canadians for Fair and Equitable Taxation”, (CFET), web page at:- .

(2) Follow the links there and read a few the newspaper articles already published on this issue.

(3) Follow the CFET petition, signatures link and read the impact statements, comments posted there.

(4) Then if you wish to support the CFET objective, (there are no fees involved), click on the link and join CFET as a moral supporter -- even if not an unjustified tax victim yourself.

(5) Spread the CFET message, and web-page URL to all your, voting age, friends, relatives – yes and even your enemies – if you happen to have any.

(6) Last – but not least – contact your Member of Parliament and tell him, or her, you support the objective of Fair Taxation for all honest, hard-working Canadians and mention the CFET organization.

If enough of us really do Care about our victimized citizens – and those in a position to correct this situation are made aware – then we can collectively make it happen.

“Yes – neighbour -- a lot of us do give a damn” and we will not elect anyone -- who doesn’t commit to representing us in Canada’s next Parliament.

(7) See you at the voting polls for the coming federal election O’Grady.
(See posting 28 Jan/08 O’Grady Sez)

Victor Drummond ©

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Is something...

A commentary on seemingly minor things
that can result in the loss of a campaign.
By Victor Drummond ©
July 2008

As the rhyme goes an entire Kingdom was lost due to a missing horseshoe nail.
(For details visit:- )

The lesson conveyed being:- to tie up all loose ends before beginning any action that you really want to win.

It appears to me that candidates seeking votes in Canada’s next federal election are leaving a few missing nails unattended.

First and foremost are the thousands of honest, hard-working Canadians that have been abused for years due to defective taxable benefit, (TB), legislation.

If Canadian politicians wish to construct a solid campaign platform -- upon which to solicit votes in the coming federal election -- they would do well to commit to correcting the defective taxable benefit legislation and providing all Canadians -- already victimized by this outrageous rip-off -- with a fair compensation package.

Otherwise their platform is going to have a few loose planks that might just trip them up.

A few newspaper journalists have already published articles – very critical of the defective taxable benefit, (TB), legislation and related policy applied. But so far all calls for reason, fair treatment for all TB victims, and correction of the defective legislation – has fallen on deaf ears.

For more details visit the “Canadians for Fair and Equitable Taxation” (CFET), web page at:- and follow the links to published articles, petition, signatures etc.

Then if you wish to notify your candidate -- for election in the next federal election – that you are not going to be voting blindly this time:- Call them and e-mail them to let them know you demand a commitment from him/her to correct this TB atrocity which includes fair compensation for those already victimized.

After all it is only fair to let them all know there is a nail or two missing from their campaign for election -- so long as they support or tolerate discriminatory, unreasonable and unfair taxation.

See you at the voting polls for the next federal election – O’Grady.

Victor Drummond ©

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Justice quota ...

A commentary on recent agreements to
Provide compensation to some victims of
Canadian Government -- unfair actions.
By Victor Drummond ©
July 2008

It should be obvious to any person with average, or higher, intelligence that when hindsight reveals a serious incident -- of unfair, unreasonable, unjust, unwarranted and/or punitive consequences – due to any Canadian government action/inaction that corrective measures are needed without delay.

The apology, and compensation package awarded the horribly abused Japanese Canadians, for their mistreatment during WWII, came to pass on September 22 1988, under the conservative government of Brian Mulroney.

Some feel that Prime Minister Mulroney was inspired to take this action by the President of the United States, Ronald Reagan who had made a similar gesture to the Japanese Americans.

I prefer to believe Mulroney merely used the US action to pave the way for the Canadian Government to do the proper and honourable thing – without facing stiff opposition in Canada’s Parliament.

Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, reinforced this belief when he announced an apology and compensation agreement had been reached with Canada’s First Nations’ people who had been terribly mistreated via the parochial residential schools policy.

A cynic could say the agreement to compensate residential school victims was merely a public relations stunt motivated more to make the conservative party more popular both inside and outside the First Nations voting blocks – than it was to satisfy any sense of guilt or honour.

Both the Japanese Canadian population and the First Nations Canadian population do contain a significant number of eligible voters.

Victims of the ESPP/ESO taxable benefit rip-off, who were not recognized by the SDL/JDSU Tax Remission Order, (TRO), might understandably feel this way – because:-

After all is said and done the Prime Minister, and the National Minister of Finance, and the Minister of Revenue, among other Members of Canada’s Federal Parliament, have all been made well aware of the injustice, and financial hardship imposed upon a voting minority of Canada’s citizens.

Above and beyond that denial of justice is the fact that these government officials have acknowledged by their actions – granting a TRO to some 30 former SDL/JDSU, ESPP/ESO
Employees – which they realize this tax has been, and still is, more punitive than justified.

Was it worse – at the individual level – when a Japanese Canadian was removed from their home and sent where they didn’t wish to go as compared to an innocent Canadian Taxpayer who is financially decimated by an unwarranted tax and has to sell their home?

They both have to start over to build their lives and financial security.

In my opinion only the magnitude of the atrocity is different but is much the same at the individual level.

It appears apparent the present federal government has exhausted it’s quota of justice for this term.

If re-elected -- without duress -- there has been no indication the Stephen Harper conservatives intend to honour the commitment -- implied in several public announcements made in 2007 – of providing “all honest, hard-working Canadians with fair and equalized taxation.”

The reputation for fair, honest, and dependable administration does not seem to be adequate to bring any of the Canadian Federal Politicians to the point of commitment to correct the taxable benefit legislation and fairly compensate those victimized by it.

Perhaps in Canada’s 141 year history there have been incidents where corrective action has been implemented by federal political parties – other than the conservatives – but I haven’t heard of one lately.

Perhaps the grits and/or the NDP, and/or the Green Party would like to make up this move to justice inequality.

That is why every one of my articles posted to this blog page call for readers to contact their MP, and ask family members and friends to do the same in the hope that given sufficient voter pressure the government, and those who aspire to become our government, may up the current term justice quota and commit to correcting this un-Canadian atrocity.

At least those who have recently received some form of corrective action -- because of their mistreatment -- know how it feels to be abused and ignored.

Now is their, and your, opportunity to take action and assist another minority group of abused Canadians obtain fair compensation.

Begin by visiting “Canadians for Fair and Equalized Taxation”, (CFET), at and following the links to the petition.

Read the comments of those who have signed the CFET petition and the links to articles published on this topic in Canadian Newspapers.

See you at the next federal election voting polls O’Grady.

Victor Drummond ©

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

If at first...

A commentary on Winning
By Victor Drummond ©
July 2008

Old legend.

King Robert the Bruce 1, was born at Lochmaben Castle in 1274. He was Knight and Overlord of Annandale. In 1306 he was crowned King of Scotland and henceforth tried to free Scotland from the English enemy.
After being defeated at a battle, Bruce escaped and found a hideout in a cave. Hiding in a cave for three months, Bruce was at the lowest point of his life. He thought about leaving the country and never coming back.
While waiting, he watched a spider building a web in the cave's entrance. The spider fell down time after time, but finally he succeeded with his web. So Bruce decided also to retry his fight and told his men: "If at first you don't succeed, try try and try again".

Education comes in many forms and is not the exclusive domain of educators in institutions of higher learning or those who achieve doctorate degrees.

In fact most of us acquire most of our learning from everyday experiences.

And so it was – according to legend – with Robert the Bruce – after losing battle after battle and several members of his family – brothers and a sister – he learned that quitters never win – and winners never quit – from a lowly insect.

He pulled himself together – rallied his supporters – and won his next battle with the enemy.

Canadians who have been fighting -- for the past seven or eight years – against unfair, unwarranted, unjustified and unreasonable taxation may well feel beaten and downcast and ready – like King Bruce – to throw in the towel.

Where is our King Bruce? Who will rally the forces of decency, honesty, integrity, and fairness for this group of mistreated, abused and downtrodden Canadians?

About a year ago it looked as though our messiah had appeared in the form of Gary Lunn, and/or, Jim Flaherty, and/or Stephen Harper – each of whom made statements implying they would bring Fair Taxation to all honest hard working Canadians.

But – like the spider in the legend of King Bruce – they have all, initially, fallen short of their stated objective. Has our King Bruce actually appeared?

Or are those who recently took up the banner and began to battle for fair taxation merely pretenders to the throne?

If mere pretenders then when the next federal election opens the door to change – remember – those who promise much – but deliver little – do not deserve our or your support.

Those that ignore the abuse -- entirely -- are equally guilty of tolerating – and thereby supporting -- an intolerable tax situation that is a blight upon our people and a wart on Canada’s image world wide.

If they are not equal to the job of facing up to -- and fixing -- this outrageous abuse of honest, hard-working, Canadians then tell them you intend to vote for the spider in the next federal election.

At least the spider achieved what it set out to do.

And so will “Canadians for Fair and Equalized Taxation”, (CFET).

For more information on this taxation issue visit

See you at the next federal election polls – O’Grady.

Victor Drummond ©

Sunday, July 6, 2008

To Serve?

When and where does this slogan apply?
When and where should it apply?
A parody by Victor Drummond ©
July 2008

What would you think if a couple of policemen were to sit in their parked police car – bearing the slogan “To Serve and Protect” – and just sat there, twirling their moustaches, while watching a mugger beat and rob a screaming little old lady on the sidewalk beside them?

The foregoing analogy compares precisely to the abuse of honest, hard-working, Canadian Taxpayers who have been financially decimated by horrendous taxes levied on “income” money they never received -- while those who should take action to prevent such a travesty sit on their leather covered seats – symbolically twirling their moustaches and ignoring all cries for help.

Could the slogan:- “To Serve and Protect” apply to Canada’s government in this situation?
Should it – or is that too much to expect from our well paid politicians -- who we elect to represent us?

If you have no personal vested interest in maintaining the “status quo” then kindly contact your Member of Parliament and demand he, or she, do the job they were elected to do.
“Serve and Protect Canadians”– First and Foremost.

For more information on this issue visit “Canadians for Fair and Equalized Taxation”, (CFET) at web page:- . Follow the “Petition Link”, click on the “signatures” link, and read the comments posted there.

The taxable benefit legislation as applied to ESPP/ESO participants is a disgrace to any country pretending to be a fair and just democratic society.

See you at the next federal election polls – O’Grady.

Victor Drummond ©

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Canada's Birthday 2008 how about something..

A commentary on punishing Canadian Taxpayers
While soliciting their vote.
By Victor Drummond ©
Canada Day 2008

Today is set aside for Canadians to reflect upon the blessings we are all supposed to be counting and revelling in because we have the most beautiful country with the greatest set of guaranteed rights and freedoms in the whole world.

If you doubt that claim just read the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms at http://www.

Now having read for yourself the protection this charter provides all Canadians you would expect the Canadian government would be the last to deny its citizens the very things this document proclaims to be their Queen given rights.

For example:- 12. Everyone has the right not to be subjected to any cruel and unusual treatment or punishment.

What would you call a tax -- levied on income that never existed – that you couldn’t pay using all the income you received in the entire year? I would say this is cruel and unusual
treatment and punishment. Imposed by our own government on thousands of honest hard-working Canadians.

For example:- 15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.

What level of equality -- before and under the law – would you say is in effect when a Member of Parliament succeeds in getting a Tax Remission Order, (TRO) -- signed by the Prime Minister, and Governor General for Canada – which relieves
a paltry 30 or so taxpayers -- victimized by this insidious tax – from all such taxes and penalties -- while leaving thousands of other similar victims on the hook.

Where the scale of EQUALITY runs from zero to 10 – this situation is definitely a zero.

6. (1) Every citizen of Canada has the right to enter, remain in and leave Canada.

What would you say if the law penalized you for moving out of Canada while any part of the unjust taxes levied – per 12 above – remained unpaid.
Would consider your right to leave Canada has been infringed in any way?

Is it unreasonable to expect any Canadians -- who have been denied or penalized from enjoying these charter rights -- need only to notify the government authorities who would then make an assessment of the claim(s) and promptly correct any violation(s) that may have inadvertently occurred.

Apparently our Rights and Freedoms “Guarantee” comes at a price. Just telling your elected representative of the problem isn’t good enough. Appealing to the Prime Minister directly – and/or any subordinate Members of Canada’s Parliament isn’t good enough.

Why not? The only answers that makes sense to me are:- (1) Our government is not interested in giving up a cash cow for the sake of a few thousand abused citizens or to preserve their own reputation.

(2) By ignoring the defective legislation and merely providing appeal channels that accommodate one victim at a time – and that victim facing a crap-shoot prospect of getting a favourable result – the greater part of the ill gotten gains are safe and sound in the government treasury.

If you want your guarantee honoured then your first step might be to appeal to the Canada Revenue, Chief appeals Officer for a tax re-assessment. Many victims have tried this step without success.

24. (1) Anyone whose rights or freedoms, as guaranteed by this Charter, have been infringed or denied may apply to a court of competent jurisdiction to obtain such remedy as the court considers appropriate and just in the circumstances.

Next you can hire a Lawyer and take your case to the Tax Court of Canada for a ruling.
Several victims have tried this step but ended up sending good money after bad.

Now, however, if you have appealed to the TCC but did not receive a favourable ruling you now have a basis for asking your team of lawyers to take your appeal for justice to the Supreme Court of Canada, (SCC).

With a bit of luck you might get a favourable ruling from the SCC and have your taxes revoked, and your court costs paid by Revenue Canada. BUT DON’T BET ON IT.

The odds are you will end up having your appeal denied. In which case you will then have to pay the unjustified taxes, with penalties and possibly also the court costs claimed by Revenue Canada.

So at best your “Guaranteed Rights” under our glorious Charter – in this instance – is a lot like getting a guarantee from a flea-market vendor. Not worth the paper it is written upon.

So what do our taxable benefit victims have to celebrate on this “Canada Day”?
Not Much.
It is difficult to get enthusiastic about a country that taxes you into financial oblivion.

Most victims have been working hard for many years – feeding the government in power – through their productivity and paying all legitimate taxes – only to be severely bitten by ruinous taxes levied on money that never materialized.

Those that paid these unwarranted taxes – out of their savings – have been taxed double as that money was already taxed at the time it was earned.

If you would like to have representation in government – that pays more than lip service to honest, fair and equalized taxation – then contact your Member of Parliament and notify him. or her, you want the defective taxable benefit legislation corrected and all those victimized by it fairly compensated.

If those who would like to form our next government – get the message – then by next Canada Day there will be thousands of our fellow Canadians that will have something to celebrate.

For more information on this issue visit:- Read the petition and read the comments left there by petition signers.

See you at the voting polls for the next Federal Election – O’Grady.

Victor Drummond ©