Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Years Resolutions..

As a fourth generation native born Canadian and a Canadian WWII Veteran I feel entitled to express my opinions and expectations of those elected to govern me and my homeland.

Victor Drummond ©
December 31, 2008

Canadian political leaders have performed miserably throughout the year 2007.

The democratically elected minority conservative party has acted as though they had a majority mandate and in so doing have essentially dared the opposition parties to bring down the government via a no confidence vote.

As the year progressed so did the apparent public support of the conservative government such that by August 2007 polls indicated the conservatives could win a majority government if a federal election were held then.

With polls favouring the conservative party the opposition parties declined to bring down the minority conservative government via a no confidence vote and instead spent their time and resources searching for a way to discredit the Prime Minister and the party he heads.

When -- by September 2007 --the opposition parties had not obliged our Prime Minister with a no confidence vote Stephen Harper took the gamble of having the Governor General dissolve parliament to force another federal general election.

An election he likely expected to return the Conservative party to power and this time with a majority government. (A miscalculation to be sure.)

All Canadian Federal Parties demonstrated gross ignorance of the attitude of the Canadian public and world political/economic affairs during their pre-election campaigns and policy platforms.

The Liberal proposed Carbon Tax received little if any public support.

The NDP policy of restoring the corporate tax levels to their former level didn’t receive much public support.

The Green Party platform policy focusing on preserving the environment didn’t generate much public support.

If Stephen Harper and Jack Layton not opposed Elizabeth May’s bid to participate in the pre-election party leaders debates the Green Party might have been completely lost in the pre-election hi-jinks.

As it turned out Elizabeth not only fed crow to Jack Layton and Stephen Harper she had her day in the sun by attending the debates along with those who declared they would boycott the debates if Elizabeth were allowed to participate. (Another miscalculation to be sure.)

BTW:- The pre-election party leaders debates are a farce in any case. The questions are cherry picked before presentation.

Do you believe a question on the breaking of pre-election promises by leaders running for office outranks the issue of taxpayer abuse? None of the victimized Canadian taxpayers think so.

The issue of abusing Canadian taxpayers by taxing many on phantom (nonexistent) income was submitted to the debate program administrators -- well in advance of the debates -- but not one word was said on this important issue during the debates broadcast. Questions on this issue were submitted by at least a dozen victims of the insidious defective Canadian taxable benefit legislation.

Although financial storm clouds had been visible for over a year – and they were growing bigger and blacker by the day – our Prime Minister and Minister if Finance kept assuring the Canadian public that Canada’s financial affairs were in good shape and there was no real cause for the average Canadian to become unduly concerned. (Another miscalculation to be sure.)

Were they really that inept at reading the signs of a coming world wide depression or were they merely gambling their assurance of Canada’s good financial situation would translate into more votes?

The government and opposition party leaders’ obsession with bashing each other and all of them failing to address really important issues resulted in the lowest voter turn out in recent history.

Less than half of Canada’s eligible voters even bothered to vote. No wonder the Conservatives failed to achieve their desired majority government. As long as any Canadian Federal Political
Party ignores honesty, decency, fairness and justice in their dealings with the Canadian public they will be lucky to get even a minority of their candidates for office elected.

So here are my Governments Resolutions for the year 2009.

(1) We will keep our promises to the Canadian public -- to the best of our ability -- and when
conditions change that prevent our doing so we will give a truthful and complete

(2) We will cease wasting time and resources in an effort to make ourselves look good and/or
our opponents look bad by comparison.
There will be no more personal attacks on other government members.
(No more pooping puffins in our television promotions.)

(3) Our Primary focus will be to serve Canadians’ and Canada’s best interests -- in all our policies -- to the best of our ability.

In keeping with the foregoing resolutions we will take prompt action to correct Canada’s defective taxable benefit legislation and revoke all related taxes and penalties levied on phantom income.

Furthermore we will fairly compensate Canadian taxpayers who have already been victimized by this outrageous tax policy in a manner comparable to the United States government’s recent correction of their similar Alternative Minimum Tax legislation and victim compensation.

Ref:- and


Victor Drummond ©

Sunday, December 21, 2008


A commentary on the Christian attitude displayed by a majority
of Canadians – all year round.

By Victor Drummond ©
December 2008

Except for a few people in Canada that reject all religious concepts -- and a few others that pay homage to the forces of evil -- most Canadians believe in some form of the Christian doctrine of live in peace and display good will towards all mankind.

Those who adopt this objective most obsessively also tolerate abuse without complaint. But is that the path to real peace – or -- is it an invitation to receive even more abuse?

Do those who tolerate a blow on one cheek – and then offer the other cheek -- actually pave the way to peace on earth? Or do they merely encourage bullies to whack them again and then go on to abuse someone else?

Would those who will not defend themselves – for the sake of peace and goodwill – raise a hand to defend someone else who is being abused?

Judging from the lack of public support -- given to those who have been financially decimated by Canada’s defective taxable benefit legislation – there must be a vast majority of Canadians who have not – and will not raise their voice in defence of their victimized fellow citizens.

They do not even defend themselves when their own right to fair taxation is denied.

No one in Canada currently has the right to acquire equity in their employers business -- via an employee incentive plan -- without the risk of being taxed on money they never received.

Under Canada’s present taxable benefit legislation this outrageous abuse is legal but definitely not just, fair, decent or morally acceptable.

Yet the news media – radio talk show hosts – TV Talk show hosts – and CBC’s “AT ISSUE” producers – Readers Digest Editors – including our elected representatives in the house of commons all keep silent and allow this travesty of justice – which has been in effect since the year 2001 -- to continue.

Every one of the agencies named above have been appealed to for support without one word being said on the issue. Not a very reliable system of news and event reporting.

Is the tolerance displayed -- by ordinary Canadians – for the on-going abuse of their fellow Canadians – an indication of their dedication to the Christian doctrine of “Turn the other cheek”? Or is it just plain indifference to the abuse and distress of anyone but themselves?

To those who care enough to raise their voice for the preservation of justice and the right of all Canadians to equal and fair treatment -- by those elected to govern and protect them – MERRY CHRISTMAS and A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR.

Victor Drummond ©

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


A commentary on the coalition plot to overthrow
a democratically elected government.

It is a well known fact that the first casualty in any conflict is “TRUTH”

The first element of truth to fall victim in the undeclared war on the Conservative Government was evident in the highly biased perspective put forward -- by the opposition leaders -- in their attack on the Conservative Throne Speech of November 27 2008.

The theme of that speech being:- “Strong Leadership to Protect Canada’s Future”.

The stated objective in that speech was:- Cut all unnecessary government expenditures in order to avoid creating a deficit budget, or at least minimizing the deficit as much as possible.

Federal tax dollars saved thereby would be available to:-

(1)- Assist Canadians who have been financially decimated by loss of employment and rising

(2)- Assist Canadian business and industry to survive the current economic depression and thereby diminish the loss of jobs in Canada.

For weeks – prior to the delivery of this throne speech – the very same opposition party leaders were crying loud and long for the government to do something/anything to accomplish items (1) and (2) above.

They were the paragons of virtue in the campaign to assist the jobless and financially distressed Canadians.

That is until they were informed they were going to lose some perks that are dearer to them than the plight of any number of distressed Canadians.

All of a sudden the leader of the Conservative party became a domineering ogre plotting to sink the opposition parties by closing the lid on their pork barrelling privileges. i.e. the $1.95 vote subsidy, and scheduled pay increases for MP’s etc.

At a time when their focus should have been on supporting their constituents they threw them to the wolves and focused on overthrowing the government.

In order to accomplish this unethical and unwise objective they were willing to form a coalition of the Liberal Party, the NDP supported by the separatist bloc.

In their haste to preserve their own self serving interest’s leaders of the opposition parties blithely ignored a very real risk that their action could shut down Canada’s parliament for an extended period. If they knew the risk they were foolish to proceed down that path and if they didn’t know the risk they revealed gross political ineptitude.

If that very real possibility happened, (and it did), it would be nearly impossible for any federal assistance to be given to distressed Canadians and/or business enterprises on the verge of collapse for as long as parliament is prorogued.

If they believed they could overthrow the elected government and then convince a majority of Canadians they were acting in the best interest of all Canadians they severely underestimated the reasoning power of most Canadians.

As it turned out their idiotic gamble was a loser – for them and -- for all Canadians.

Most Canadians saw their coalition ploy as being the self serving act that it really is. This act revealed the callous disregard the coalition leaders actually have for the well being of all Canadians.

Shortly after the coalition was announced the CBC ran an on-line poll asking readers to answer the following question:-

“Should public subsidies that Canada’s five major political parties receive be scrapped?”

Two possible answers were offered:-

“Yes - we could save $30,000,000 a year.”
This option received 7,357 votes (56%)

“No – This is a political move to weaken the opposition.”
This option received 5,705 votes (44%)

So apparently not many Canadians are as gullible as the opposition’s political spin doctors would like to believe.

It appears the Liberal Party passed the bill -- creating the vote subsidy legislation -- at a time when they had a majority in parliament. Then the senate – mainly populated with liberal appointees -- passed the bill to allow it to become law.

But that pork barrel law is not in keeping with the wishes of the majority of Canadians.

Either the vote subsidy should be taken to a public referendum or at the very least the ballot -- used in federal general elections -- should contain a check-box that allows the voter to indicate whether, or not, they wish to have the party of their choice paid a vote subsidy.

By cancelling the vote subsidy the Conservative party had the most to lose -- by some $3,000,000 – over the next highest loss of subsidy.

Political spin doctors, however, quickly presented the case that the conservatives were in a much better financial position to absorb this loss than any other Canadian political party and therefore it was move designed to cripple opposition parties.

If that is true then what does that tell you about the real support base of the opposition parties?

If the people who favour any political party are not willing, or able, to support their choice financially it raises the question:- does the party have any right to exist in the first place?

Not one of the opposition leaders has shown any real concern for financially distressed Canadians.

They have totally ignored the plight and appeals of thousands of Canadians unjustly taxed out of their homes, and life’s savings beginning seven years ago and continuing to this very day.
Visit for more information on this item.

Their actions -- following the recent speech from the throne -- further indicates their attitude regarding the well being of Canada and all Canadians has always been – and still is -- one of self before anything -- or anyone -- else.

Everyone comes first after me seems to be their motto.

They do not want a Prime Minister who is a true leader. They want a wimp leading the government so they can in effect operate as the de facto government of Canada.

They attack Stephen Harper relentlessly – not because he is a dictatorial leader but -- because he does what he sincerely believes his policies are in the best interest of all Canadians.
He seldom bends to any self serving demands of the other party leaders.

When you find any Canadian political leader committing their party, and supporters, to the
real welfare of Canada -- and all Canadians -- then you will have found someone worthy of your vote and support. So far none of the opposition party leaders meets these criteria.

Stephen Harper came closest to meeting that requirement when he signed a Tax Remission Order for victimized taxpayers in Gary Lunn’s constituency.

Canada needs a political leader who acknowledges our existing taxable benefit legislation is defective and must be amended to eliminate taxing phantom income. Furthermore all related taxes and penalties previously paid, or outstanding, must be revoked and those already victimized fairly compensated.

Find a political party leader who shows real concern for any Canadian victimized in this way then you will have found someone who has at least a trace of honesty, decency, and sense of fairness in his or her personality.
Qualities that seem to be totally lacking in our current coalition party leaders.

Their recent actions suggest they are more focused on being vindictive than on being statesmen.

The United States government has recently passed legislation to amend their defective “Alternative Minimum Tax”, (AMT), legislation and they have moved to fairly compensate those who were taxed on phantom income.

Visit for details

Our conservative government now has a new opportunity to show they have the best interest of Canada, and all Canadians at heart when they bring down their next budget.

A Canadian federal budget -- that follows the example of the U.S. government in amending their flawed AMT legislation and -- restoring the money so extorted to its rightful owners – would be a two edged sword.

It would restore Canada’s reputation of being a country governed by honest, just, decent and fair politicians and at the same time put millions of dollars back into the economy to help halt the current economic depression. A win-win situation.

There is no more effective way to apply federal tax dollars to fight the economic depression than to put the money into the hands of consumers.

Readers are requested to contact their Member of Parliament and tell them they want the Canadian insidious and abusive, taxation of phantom profit brought to an end NOW.

Victor Drummond ©

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


A commentary on the state of Canadian Federal Politics
Which are rapidly deteriorating to resemble that of a banana republic.
By Victor Drummond
December 2008

Recent News:- “Opposition leaders prepare to request the Governor General to approve a coalition
government for Canada.”

How about that?

There is evidence to indicate a coup d’état -- to overturn Canada’s democratically elected government – was in the works before the intent of the new government was even declared.

That sounds more like treason than a vote of non-confidence.

Can you imagine Stephane Dion as Prime Minister of Canada while at the same time the shaky leader of a coalition government propped up by two other self serving politicians such as Gilles Duceppe and Jack Layton?

If that group actually receive a mandate to govern Canada just how long do suppose it would be before the coalition fell apart?

That set up would be lucky to last 3 months.

When the coalition does collapse Canadian taxpayers would not only be out the $30,000,000 vote subsidy money but another $300,000,000 to keep it company.

And likely the $1.5 billion dollars in perks reported to be promised by this coalition to Quebec.

Does that scenario sound like the work of honest, conscientious politicians who have the best interest of the all Canadian at heart?

In the meantime what do you suppose would happen to Canada’s financial status and general economy?

Would Jack Layton succeed in lending, or giving, GM et al $25 billion, or more, tax dollars to keep their unprofitable plants operating in Canada.

How long do you imagine all, or any, of those corporations would keep their plants operating in Canada if the new president of the United States offers more billions to bring the jobs home to the U.S.?

If the big three did get our tax dollars and still closed their Canadian operations would we get our money back? Do you suppose?

Would Stephane Dion make more and more concessions to the bloc in order to maintain their support?

Would Dion still apply a carbon tax while Canada’s economy is dealing with a recession – possibly even a depression?

The recent support of the three stooges by Elizabeth May (Green Party Leader) could be more of a detriment to them than an asset.

In my opinion to put that group of pork-barrellers in charge of Canada’s government would be inviting a disaster of gargantuan proportions.

The Quebec Separatists and the Western Canada Separatists are the only people in Canada that stand to gain anything from the invoking of a coalition government in Canada.

Victor Drummond ©