Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Law of zero ...

A commentary on the benefit of calling a federal election now.
By Victor Drummond ©
August 2008

A Federal election costs Canadian taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars -- and for many -- also time to actually go to the polls and vote.

So there should be at least one good reason -- for calling an election before the government has been defeated -- or their current four year term expires.

Our Prime Minister -- The Right honourable Stephen Harper -- has stated very recently -- he does not expect the Conservatives would win a majority government if an election were held now.

He also said he expects the result would be very similar to the minority government we currently have.

So why take the nation to the polls now – and spend hundreds of millions of dollars -- if there is little – or nothing -- to be gained?

Could it be that a Democratic Party win in the American Elections -- this coming November --
would alter the prospects of the Canadian Conservative Party -- getting even a minority government -- in a subsequent Canadian Federal Election?

Both the USA Democratic Party candidates -- Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama -- have declared they will review the NAFTA agreement with the objective of implementing a more protectionist American policy.

This action would impact directly -- and adversely -- upon the Canadian economy.

Now that Barack Obama has accepted the Democratic Party nomination -- to run for the office of President of the USA that little incident of a leaked confidential report -- by Canada, e.g. that Barack’s promise to the American voters to review the NAFTA agreement was merely political rhetoric –- takes on a life of its own.

Regardless of who -- in Canada -- leaked the confidential USA communiqué to the media -- the onus is now on Barack Obama – if elected president -- to prove he meant what he said regarding protecting the American economy.

Whichever Canadian Political Party happens to be in government -- when the President Barack Obama axe falls -- is going to become the scapegoat for the consequences of that leaked communiqué.

Our next federal election may then become unique in the respect that it is an election that no political party really wants to win.

Even if the American Republican Party Candidate – John McCain -- happens to become the next President of the USA it could be bad news for the Canadian government.

Because the American economy is in such a bad way – with no recovery in sight.

Canadian voters may glean a clue or two from the items selected -- by each Canadian Federal Party -- as planks in their pre-election platform.

For example -- if a party selects a non-issue – such as renewing the great lakes , i.e. anything beyond the ability of Canada to actually accomplish – or some non-committal, mealy mouthed statement such as – I love Canada so elect me etc. -- then you know they are not making a serious pitch to form Canada’s next government.

They do not wish to take the blame for anticipated problems in the Canadian economy.

So where does a campaign like that leave the Canadian voter?

What can anyone expect to gain by going to the polls under those conditions?

Even more confusing. If your preferred federal political party puts forward ridiculous campaign statements -- in an obvious effort to avoid being elected -- then who should you vote for?

In such an event it seems logical you should vote for one of the other federal party’s to help your favourite in their effort to avoid being elected.

In order to be confident the federal political party of your choice actually wants your support they must campaign on one or more real issues.

Issues that address the resolution of real abuse of all Canadians and will make it worth every voters time and money to go to the polls.

Issues that are actually within the power of our elected representatives to correct.

When I see any Canadian political party commit to restoring every Canadian’s RIGHT to fair Income Taxation – then I will know that party is serious in their effort to form Canada’s next government.

And even more important – they deserve to be elected as Canada’s ruling party.

It is VERY important to protect every Canadian’s RIGHT to fair, justified and equalized taxation in order to uphold Canada’s image on the world stage and deter creeping anarchy.

And when such a party is actually elected – with the majority they deserve – every Canadian will receive a huge dividend for their time and money.

Political expediency will be replaced by political decency and thousands of Canadians --victimized by extortionist-like taxable benefit legislation -- will have their money restored with tax overpayment interest and all related unpaid taxes/penalties revoked.

All Canadians of voting age should contact their Member of Parliament and demand to know if the candidate supports objectives of:- “Canadians for Fair and Equalized Taxation”, (CFET).

If unfamiliar with this very important issue – visit web page:-

Follow the links to their petition and signatures and read the comments left there by those who have been victimized by this insidious legislation.

See you at the next federal election voting polls – O’Grady.

Victor Drummond ©

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The operation was a success..

The complete Oxymoron goes:-
“The Operation was a great Success.”
“But the Patient Died.”
A Commentary on current Canadian
Political Election Platforms.
By Victor Drummond ©
August 2008

The obviously contradictory aspects of the title theme were coined many years ago to give credit to someone who achieved a minor accomplishment at the expense of someone else.

A current example of such a situation is the scientific hullaballoo regarding the objective to save our planet from a theoretical fatal disaster claimed to be caused by man made release of carbon dioxide.

Fingers are pointed at the smokestacks of industrial developed nations – such as Canada, USA, Great Britain, Russia etc. – with the implication that these nations have it within their power to reverse the trend of global warming.

Supposing that all industrial action was totally halted in all of these nations. What do you think would happen?

Do you suppose the population of these countries would survive?
On what?

Do you suppose the earth would then begin to cool down?

And if it did would there be anyone left alive to appreciate the change?

In such a scenario it would be a classic case of:- The operation was a success. But the patient died.

When it comes to producing CO2 gases and releasing them into the atmosphere – why haven’t the carbonated beverage manufacturer’s come under fire?

With all the CO2 beverages consumed every day this source must be significant.

So when it comes to Canadian Federal Political Party’s preparing their election platforms how much importance should the voting population place on the actions promised?

What about the proposed Carbon Tax Plan.

If you were a major shareholder -- of a Canadian based corporation -- faced with tax penalties for producing “excess CO2” – what actions would you consider?

(1) pay the tax and pass the cost on to your customers?
(2) relocate to a country that has lower labour and tax expense – to remain competitive on the world

A political party that selects a project -- such as saving the environment from pollution, and/or saving the planet from global warming -- i.e. any objective that requires full international co-operation to become even partially effective – is offering Canadian voters a “Red Herring” program.

Any voter who bites on such an election promise is being reeled in -- hook-line-and-sinker.

Election platforms must be constructed on planks that are home grown and any related objectives well within the Canadian Governments power to deliver.

Before our government offers to play on the international – world -- stage they should assure our own citizens are not being legally abused.

Every Canadian Federal Political Party is now well aware of the insidious, abusive fall-out from our defective taxable benefit legislation.

But not one has publicly acknowledged this atrocious situation as a local financial environmental disaster badly in need of corrective action.

As a Canadian voter are you satisfied with your government – present and/or future – that sits by silently and allows thousands of your countrymen to be legally robbed of money they never had?

If you doubt that such things are happening in Canada – visit the “Canadians for Fair and Equitable Taxation”, (CFET), website:-

Follow the links:- “Our Petition”, -- “signatures” and read the comments left by hundreds of Canadians victimized by this defective legislation.

While there is still time – contact your Member of Parliament – and tell him, or her, you demand a commitment this home grown atrocity be addressed by them -- and their party -- or no vote.

All that is necessary for evil to prevail – is for good people to do nothing.

See you at the coming federal election polls – O’Grady.

Victor Drummond ©

Sunday, August 17, 2008

All that is necessary for Evil to Prevail..

A commentary on why it is necessary and
when is the time for good people to act.

One of the truest statements ever coined is the adage:- “All that is necessary for Evil to Prevail is for Good People to Do Nothing”.

Evil, like Beauty is often in the eye, (mind), of the beholder.

To people with the attitude -- “The World owes me everything I want.” – to steal, or abuse others is not evil in their mind. It is their birthright.

They see it as their right to take from the weaker people around them based purely upon the fact that being bigger and stronger they can do evil with impunity.
“I do it because I can” is their motto.

When such people lack conduct moderating influences -- such as a moral code, an ethical code or respect for decency -- they blossom into thieves, con-men, rapists, pedophiles, abusive partners and/or abusive parents.

Those that are savvy enough to conceal their true personality -- for a while – may appear to be decent, respectable and even likable people. They might even be elected into public office

When, however, they are faced with a situation where decency, compassion and/or fairness is required they lack the mental/personal qualities to respond appropriately.

Instead of searching out the defect -- causing the innocent victims distress and correcting the flaw -- they merely give voice to some lame excuse for doing precisely nothing.
An statement such as:- “I have been doing this for a long time so it is OK”, is offered as justification. An excuse that is nothing more than an insult to a person’s intelligence.

A do nothing policy – on the part of a sufficient number of good people -- will automatically result in detrimental laws, and undesirable social policies and practices being implemented.

Immediately a deficient or adverse practice – anything that abuses even one Canadian citizen -- becomes apparent it also becomes imperative for good Canadians to take action.

A prime example of a chronic adverse policy – supported by the government of Canada – is the taxation of citizens on money they never saw.

Taxes that – in many cases – totally wiped out years of prudent savings and forced innocent, honest, hard-working people to go from affluence to becoming debtors.

Every Canadian has a right to Fair and Equitable tax treatment by their own government.

Immediately that right has been denied it is time for good Canadians to take action.

Failure to do so is amounts inviting authorities to continue to violate every Canadian’s rights.

Many such victimized Canadians have submitted appeals – for justice and fair treatment -- to their Member of Parliament, (MP), and appeals have also been made to all levels of Canadian authority -- for justice – without success so far.

All that is necessary for this kind of evil to continue is for good people to do nothing.

If justice continues to be denied -- by our current political leaders – then all good Canadians should join in a grass-roots protest to demand this atrocity be corrected – or a fresh slate of Federal Candidates should be elected to form our next government.

If you believe this unjust and unfair policy must be rectified then please inform your MP
that you support the objective of the group, “Canadians for Fair and Equitable Taxation”, (CFET) and refer him, or her, to visit the:- web pages.

Visit the CFET web page personally and read the petition comments. Ask your family, relatives and friends to join you in this movement.

See you at the voting polls for the next federal election – O’Grady

Victor Drummond ©

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Taxing a ..

A comparison between the conferring of a perk
to an employee and the real benefit conveyed.
By Victor Drummond ©
August 2008

What it means to possess a white elephant:- receiving a gift of a white elephant from a monarch was both a blessing and a curse: a blessing because the animal was sacred and a sign of the monarch's favour, and a curse because the animal had to be kept and could not be put to practical use to offset the cost of maintaining it.
To levy a tax on the recipient of a “White Elephant” based upon the Fair Market Value of a White Elephant gift would then really put the icing on the cake.

The owner of a White Elephant has an obligation to be grateful to the donor while becoming burdened with a sacred beast that requires food, shelter and daily sanitary maintenance but can not be used to perform useful labour.

You wouldn’t expect there would be even one Canadian caught in such a predicament.

There are, however thousands of honest, hard-working Canadians placed in exactly that kind of situation.

What was intended -- by their employer – to be a financial reward for above average performance – was converted to a punishing liability by way of flawed legislation that taxed opportunity rather than reality and then blocked the victim from realizing direct corrective action.

Victimized Canadians did not actually receive a living animal as a gift from a benevolent monarch.

What they did receive was a perk from an appreciative employer who fully intended the item offered to be a reward.

So by what mischief did an intended reward become a financially destructive curse?

The transition began with a piece of defective legislation which provided the Canada Revenue Agency, (CRA), a basis for taxing the employer’s reward immediately it was delivered to the employee.

There was no real problem if the recipient sold -- or converted -- the received gift at the time it was delivered. In which case the tax levied was offset by the real, sale/conversion, value of the gift.

A big problem arose, however, when the recipient failed to sell, or convert the gift, at time of delivery and the exchange value of the gift declined while still in possession of the employee.

In the latter case the gift was well on its way to becoming a “White Elephant”.

The gift recipient was levied taxes on the estimated value of the gift at time of delivery.

Legislation that produced this result also split the characteristic of the gift into two mutually exclusive classifications, i.e. (1) A taxable benefit and (2) A Capital equity.

It was ruled that any tax levied on the gift at time of delivery, (a taxable benefit), could not be offset by any loss suffered when the gift was later sold, (a Capital equity transaction). In other words the tax levied on the gift at the time of delivery became a sacred “White Elephant”.

To compound the problem victims were allowed to defer payment of taxes imposed on the reward -- that was now a curse -- with the added liability of having the tax deferment cancelled should the employer go out of business, or the recipient disposed of the gift, or the recipient moved out of Canada.

For the thousands of Canadians who ended up in this situation their employer’s reward has been totally converted to the greatest “White Elephant” in modern history.

Can anyone justify the imposing of a horrendous tax on strictly potential -- but unrealized gain?

Can anyone justify imposing a tax that equals – and often exceeds – the victims total real income for the taxation year?

Can anyone justify the dual classification -- of the same reward -- that only serves to prevent the “White Elephant” victim from recouping any part of the taxable benefit taxes levied?

Can anyone justify the levying of horrendous taxes based upon a one-sided unproven assumption?

If anyone wishes to challenge -- one or more of the foregoing questions -- feel free to post your comment(s) to this article.

On the other hand – if you feel -- as I do -- that taxes are only justified where real income is present – then make your support of “Canadians for Fair and Equalized Taxation”, (CFET), be known.

Visit Sign the petition – Identify your support by using the link and even become a member of this rapidly growing group.

CFET has no membership fees and is non-partisan. They are strictly a group dedicated to restore the basic rights of all Canadians to Fair/Equitable treatment.

Contact your Member of Parliament and express your support of the CFET “Fair Tax” Objective.

Ask your family, relatives and friends to follow your example.

When common sense -- and the obligation to defend the right of “All honest, hard-working Canadians” fails to inspire our elected representatives to take appropriate corrective action – grass roots protest may just be the means to obtain justice.

See you at the next federal election voting polls O’Grady.

Victor Drummond ©

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Tories kill tax..

A Correction to the Title of the Vancouver Sun Article:-
By Victor Drummond ©
August 2008

To refresh your memory here is the headline and credits of the subject article:-

Tories kill tax on profit never made -- Cindy E. Harnett, Jonathan Fowlie,
Vancouver Sun; CanWest News Service, Published: Wednesday, December 20, 2006

And here is the first part of the claims made:-

The Conservative government has brought an end to a bizarre, five-year tax nightmare that forced several former Saanich plant workers to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxes on stock profits they never received.

Saanich-Gulf Islands MP Gary Lunn announced Tuesday his government is offering immediate tax relief to the employees of the defunct JDS Uniphase plant in Saanich, who had been taxed on the phantom profits.

"It took a change in government to get someone to listen, but the prime minister has come through and delivered tax relief," said Lunn.
"It's not in the interest of government to tax people on money they never saw."

At the time this article appeared in the press thousands of honest, hard-working Canadians -- who had also been levied huge taxes on money they never saw -- had their hope of obtaining justice -- and fair treatment -- renewed.

Finally here was an elected representative who knew fraud -- when he saw it -- and was courageous enough to take the issue to the head of his political party, i.e. The Most Honourable Stephen Harper – Prime Minister of Canada.

The two of them – then braving the slings and arrows of the back-room mandarins – took the issue to, “Her Excellency the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean, Governor General of Canada”.

Michaëlle Jean then signed a Tax Remission Order, (TRO) saying she did so in the best interest of Canadians.

To all Canadian taxpayers -- taxed on money never seen – it seemed as though the legend of Camelot, had suddenly materialized complete with a King Arthur, a Sir Lancelot and a Lady Guinevere.

Figuratively speaking -- King Arthur, ( Harper), it appeared had pulled the magic sword, “Excalibur”, from the Canada Revenue Agency, (CRA) stone and slain the Fire Breathing Dragon, (FBD), e.g. the defective taxable benefit legislation – owned and operated by the CRA.

This illusion -- however – didn’t last long.

Victims appeals -- to the Knights of The Round Table, (KTRT), i.e. Conservative Members of Parliament – for more information on this reported justified FBD killing – brought back little information other the claim this TRO only applied to the members of Sir Lancelot’s immediate circle of constituents who were actually named in the TRO. Every other victim was excluded.

Sir Lancelot’s white horse suddenly turned black and his shining coat of armour dulled and then disappeared completely.

King Arthur dropped Excalibur -- which promptly returned to be again stuck in the CRA stone.

Lady Guinevere had more important issues to attend to and disappeared from this tax scene altogether. So much then for the best interest of Canadians.

As for the FBD -- i.e. the tax on money never seen – supposedly slain by our staunch Conservative defenders – it is alive and well – having merely suffered an insignificant scratch in this minor skirmish.

With a federal election looming some KTRT are sending out brochures asking rhetorical questions e.g. "who do you think is on the right track on taxes”? and "Who do you think will best represent Canada on the world stage"?

These questions are a no brainer. You can discount any political party that shies away from providing just and fair taxation to ALL the people it is elected to protect and represent.

It is obvious if someone -- in control -- can not correct a blatant miscarriage of justice in their own country what kind of representation can you expect of them on the world stage?

A party that bungled the job isn’t a very likely prospect to be sure.

Canada’s image as a land of justice, fairness and integrity is already in shambles as a result of our politicians continuing to tolerate Canadian citizens being taxed on money they never saw.

Could any current Canadian Federal Political Party best represent Canada on the World Stage?

Not in my opinion. Because they are all well aware of this atrocity and not one of them has the moxie to acknowledge it -- or to commit to doing anything about it.

Canada sorely needs a champion -- first and foremost of its own citizens.
A government that will truly kill the FBD at home.

Then everyone will know for certain :- "who is on the right track on taxes” and
“Who will best represent Canada on the World Stage”.

When you receive federal election promotions – of any kind – from any Canadian political party – respond by referring the originator(s) to the “Canadians for Fair and Equitable Taxation”, (CFET), web page:-

Inform the sender(s) to commit to fixing this problem properly – finish the job of killing the tax on money never seen and properly compensating the victims. Otherwise no support on election day.

See you at the federal election voting polls:- O’Grady

Victor Drummond ©

Thursday, August 7, 2008


A commentary on the stingy dolling out
Of Justice by the Canadian Government
To Victimized Canadian Taxpayers.

By Victor Drummond ©
August 2008

Canadian athletes are about to begin competing against the worlds best at the Beijing, 2008 Olympics.

If so much as one of our athletes is denied fair treatment -- during these competitions -- you can bet you last loony the media and our highest government officials will be all over the issue in no time flat.

The victimized Canadian athlete will not be required to fill in a CRA form T400A notice of objection and wait while the Chief of Appeals Officer decides whether or not to issue a favourable decision.

Outraged Canadians would take to the streets with protest signs – shouting at the top of their lungs – for justice and fair treatment of our mistreated athlete(s).

Where are these champions of Justice and Fair play when honest, hard working, Canadian taxpayers are legally deprived of their life’s savings, even their homes and property by our own government?

What happened to our love of justice and respect for our fellow Canadians?

Is it because Canada's tax victims are less worthy of respect, or less entitled to justice, or less visible to the world media?

Any Canadian unfortunate enough to unwittingly fall under the insidious aspects of the defective ESPP/ESO tax legislation is apparently not entitled to anything more than an opportunity to file a T400A objection and depend upon the tender mercy of a CRA Chief of Appeals Officer to decide their fate.

Supposing every Canadian Taxpayer -- who has been taxed on phantom income -- filed a T400A objection form and is granted a favourable decision.

Which would be nothing more than just and fair treatment – but most unlikely to happen.

It would be much more efficient to merely correct the defective taxable benefit legislation which would automatically restore the right --of every Canadian -- to fair taxation.

Could it be that Canadian politicians only pay lip-service to justice, and fair treatment of our citizens and are not the least bit interested in providing justice and fair treatment to every victimized Canadian?

Regardless of all the high sounding rhetoric proclaiming -- the virtues of Canada’s political leaders and -- the wonderful system of government they provide – actions speak much louder than words.

Tolerance of the taxation abuse imposed upon thousands of Canadians -- for nearly a decade --tells it the way it really is, “We couldn’t care less for the injustice, unfairness, and distress imposed on low profile Canadian citizens.”

“It is far more important for us to be seen fighting air pollution, and/or climate change, and/or getting our soldiers out of harms way and supporting our Olympic athletes etc. and the devil can have any Canadian taxed into financial ruin.”

If you are as outraged by this situation -- as I am -- then there is a way to let our politicians know when enough is enough.

You do not need to join a protest march -- with placards saying such things as:- “We demand fair taxation for all Canadians”, or “Fix the Law – don’t just mask the problem”, (D. Cayo – Vancouver Sun).

You can begin by contacting your Member of Parliament and letting him, or her, know, you demand the right to Fair Taxation be restored for all Canadians. Refer to the group:- “Canadians for Fair and Equitable Taxation”, (CFET) and their web page

Direct your family, friends and acquaintances’ to the CFET web page and ask them to join the campaign for taxpayer justice.

No more piecemeal justice will be tolerated. If similar tax victims -- in Saanich British Columbia are entitled to a Tax Remission Order, (TRO) – so are all Canadians that have been taxed on phantom Income.

See you at a protest march and/or at the next federal election voting polls O’Grady.

Victor Drummond ©

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Standing Still..

A commentary on illusion
By Victor Drummond ©
August 2008

Humans on space-ship earth depend on their five senses to inform them of their environment.
Sitting on the patio of a cottage at the lake – watching a sunset across a mirror surfaced lake – leads one to believe they are essentially sitting still.

The fact that the sun is setting is a hint that things are moving but it doesn’t produce a sensation of motion in most observers. They feel as though they are motionless and the sun is all that is moving.

There are in fact at least three factors at work to carry the observer through space at a fantastic pace.

Closest to home is the rotation of the earth. An observer sitting still, at the earths equator, watching the sunset, is moving at more than 1000 miles per hour.

Then added to that movement is the earths motion in its orbit around the sun which is in the order of 50 miles per second, i.e. a motion of approximately 180,000 MPH.

The earth -- captive to our suns gravity -- is being dragged through space at a very much greater pace.

None of this hi-speed activity produces a sense of motion in the human observer.

People tend to think they will wake up tomorrow in the same place they went to sleep the night before.
Nothing could be further from the truth.

They are millions of miles away from the spot in the universe where they went to bed.

But the relative stability of their immediate surroundings deceives the human senses leading people into believing what they do.

Possibly that explains why one or two Canadian politicians tell the victims of the defective taxable benefit legislation that because the legislation has been on the books for a long time it must be good legislation. That rationale also could not be further from the truth.

Anyone with a bit of experience and savvy knows the longer anything has been in use the greater the probability it is threadbare, worn out, as stale as yesterday’s newspaper, no longer valid and needs to be updated or replaced.

What does that lame excuse -- tell you about that person – when issued by someone expected to possess – at least – average intelligence?

It says one, or both, of two things.

(1) The politician(s) making the statement are not as intelligent as we have a right to expect of them and/or
(2) they consider the appellants are also intellectually challenged.

In denying the taxing of honest, hard-working Canadians -- on money they never received -- is not even close to being fair – or reasonable – or proper -- they also tell us they are either totally lacking in the ability to see what is fair and reasonable or they have yielded to some temptation, and/or exterior pressure to submerge any sense of propriety they do have.

Whatever the reason – Canada is downgraded it terms of being a place where citizens may reap the rewards -- they are entitled to -- for remaining loyal to their employer and performing at above average levels of proficiency.

So long as it is legal for the government to claim 100% and more of an intended, earned, reward and even wipe out the entire savings of many victims Canada is in the category of a country that tolerates gross injustice regarding the treatment of its citizens.

No one in Canada -- in a position to correct this atrocity has a right – or should they even desire -- to defend legislation that produces this atrocious, unfair, punitive and disgraceful result.

And to say this law has been on the books for a long time – implying that length of tenure makes it a good law -- merely shows such an authority to be just that much more deficient in their personal comprehension and on-the-job performance.

The fact they do not recognize this situation for the punitive -- unjustified tax that it is -- and show some initiative to correct it without persuasion is bad enough.

But in addition to deny victimized appellants justice, and equality under the law, on the basis of an insidious, outdated piece of defective legislation is absolutely self damming.

This merely shows these politicians are truly standing still – at 1000 MPH. Their view of acceptable social conduct is firmly anchored in the dark ages. And I do not wish to have any such person sitting in Canada’s Parliament. They do not display even one attribute I see as desirable.

If you are unfamiliar with the impact of the defective taxable benefit legislation visit web page Follow the links to the petition and petitions signatures to read the comment posted by victims and “Canadians for Fair and Equitable Taxation”, (CFET), supporters.

Every reader should be outraged by any honest, hard-working Canadian being abused this way – and if so they can make a difference by informing their Member of Parliament that unless they personally -- and the party they represent -- make a commitment to correct this outrageous legislation and fairly compensate those already victimized by it – they will not receive your support on the coming federal election day.

See you at the next federal election voting polls – O’Grady

Victor Drummond ©