Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Years Resolutions..

As a fourth generation native born Canadian and a Canadian WWII Veteran I feel entitled to express my opinions and expectations of those elected to govern me and my homeland.

Victor Drummond ©
December 31, 2008

Canadian political leaders have performed miserably throughout the year 2007.

The democratically elected minority conservative party has acted as though they had a majority mandate and in so doing have essentially dared the opposition parties to bring down the government via a no confidence vote.

As the year progressed so did the apparent public support of the conservative government such that by August 2007 polls indicated the conservatives could win a majority government if a federal election were held then.

With polls favouring the conservative party the opposition parties declined to bring down the minority conservative government via a no confidence vote and instead spent their time and resources searching for a way to discredit the Prime Minister and the party he heads.

When -- by September 2007 --the opposition parties had not obliged our Prime Minister with a no confidence vote Stephen Harper took the gamble of having the Governor General dissolve parliament to force another federal general election.

An election he likely expected to return the Conservative party to power and this time with a majority government. (A miscalculation to be sure.)

All Canadian Federal Parties demonstrated gross ignorance of the attitude of the Canadian public and world political/economic affairs during their pre-election campaigns and policy platforms.

The Liberal proposed Carbon Tax received little if any public support.

The NDP policy of restoring the corporate tax levels to their former level didn’t receive much public support.

The Green Party platform policy focusing on preserving the environment didn’t generate much public support.

If Stephen Harper and Jack Layton not opposed Elizabeth May’s bid to participate in the pre-election party leaders debates the Green Party might have been completely lost in the pre-election hi-jinks.

As it turned out Elizabeth not only fed crow to Jack Layton and Stephen Harper she had her day in the sun by attending the debates along with those who declared they would boycott the debates if Elizabeth were allowed to participate. (Another miscalculation to be sure.)

BTW:- The pre-election party leaders debates are a farce in any case. The questions are cherry picked before presentation.

Do you believe a question on the breaking of pre-election promises by leaders running for office outranks the issue of taxpayer abuse? None of the victimized Canadian taxpayers think so.

The issue of abusing Canadian taxpayers by taxing many on phantom (nonexistent) income was submitted to the debate program administrators -- well in advance of the debates -- but not one word was said on this important issue during the debates broadcast. Questions on this issue were submitted by at least a dozen victims of the insidious defective Canadian taxable benefit legislation.

Although financial storm clouds had been visible for over a year – and they were growing bigger and blacker by the day – our Prime Minister and Minister if Finance kept assuring the Canadian public that Canada’s financial affairs were in good shape and there was no real cause for the average Canadian to become unduly concerned. (Another miscalculation to be sure.)

Were they really that inept at reading the signs of a coming world wide depression or were they merely gambling their assurance of Canada’s good financial situation would translate into more votes?

The government and opposition party leaders’ obsession with bashing each other and all of them failing to address really important issues resulted in the lowest voter turn out in recent history.

Less than half of Canada’s eligible voters even bothered to vote. No wonder the Conservatives failed to achieve their desired majority government. As long as any Canadian Federal Political
Party ignores honesty, decency, fairness and justice in their dealings with the Canadian public they will be lucky to get even a minority of their candidates for office elected.

So here are my Governments Resolutions for the year 2009.

(1) We will keep our promises to the Canadian public -- to the best of our ability -- and when
conditions change that prevent our doing so we will give a truthful and complete

(2) We will cease wasting time and resources in an effort to make ourselves look good and/or
our opponents look bad by comparison.
There will be no more personal attacks on other government members.
(No more pooping puffins in our television promotions.)

(3) Our Primary focus will be to serve Canadians’ and Canada’s best interests -- in all our policies -- to the best of our ability.

In keeping with the foregoing resolutions we will take prompt action to correct Canada’s defective taxable benefit legislation and revoke all related taxes and penalties levied on phantom income.

Furthermore we will fairly compensate Canadian taxpayers who have already been victimized by this outrageous tax policy in a manner comparable to the United States government’s recent correction of their similar Alternative Minimum Tax legislation and victim compensation.

Ref:- and


Victor Drummond ©

Sunday, December 21, 2008


A commentary on the Christian attitude displayed by a majority
of Canadians – all year round.

By Victor Drummond ©
December 2008

Except for a few people in Canada that reject all religious concepts -- and a few others that pay homage to the forces of evil -- most Canadians believe in some form of the Christian doctrine of live in peace and display good will towards all mankind.

Those who adopt this objective most obsessively also tolerate abuse without complaint. But is that the path to real peace – or -- is it an invitation to receive even more abuse?

Do those who tolerate a blow on one cheek – and then offer the other cheek -- actually pave the way to peace on earth? Or do they merely encourage bullies to whack them again and then go on to abuse someone else?

Would those who will not defend themselves – for the sake of peace and goodwill – raise a hand to defend someone else who is being abused?

Judging from the lack of public support -- given to those who have been financially decimated by Canada’s defective taxable benefit legislation – there must be a vast majority of Canadians who have not – and will not raise their voice in defence of their victimized fellow citizens.

They do not even defend themselves when their own right to fair taxation is denied.

No one in Canada currently has the right to acquire equity in their employers business -- via an employee incentive plan -- without the risk of being taxed on money they never received.

Under Canada’s present taxable benefit legislation this outrageous abuse is legal but definitely not just, fair, decent or morally acceptable.

Yet the news media – radio talk show hosts – TV Talk show hosts – and CBC’s “AT ISSUE” producers – Readers Digest Editors – including our elected representatives in the house of commons all keep silent and allow this travesty of justice – which has been in effect since the year 2001 -- to continue.

Every one of the agencies named above have been appealed to for support without one word being said on the issue. Not a very reliable system of news and event reporting.

Is the tolerance displayed -- by ordinary Canadians – for the on-going abuse of their fellow Canadians – an indication of their dedication to the Christian doctrine of “Turn the other cheek”? Or is it just plain indifference to the abuse and distress of anyone but themselves?

To those who care enough to raise their voice for the preservation of justice and the right of all Canadians to equal and fair treatment -- by those elected to govern and protect them – MERRY CHRISTMAS and A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR.

Victor Drummond ©

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


A commentary on the coalition plot to overthrow
a democratically elected government.

It is a well known fact that the first casualty in any conflict is “TRUTH”

The first element of truth to fall victim in the undeclared war on the Conservative Government was evident in the highly biased perspective put forward -- by the opposition leaders -- in their attack on the Conservative Throne Speech of November 27 2008.

The theme of that speech being:- “Strong Leadership to Protect Canada’s Future”.

The stated objective in that speech was:- Cut all unnecessary government expenditures in order to avoid creating a deficit budget, or at least minimizing the deficit as much as possible.

Federal tax dollars saved thereby would be available to:-

(1)- Assist Canadians who have been financially decimated by loss of employment and rising

(2)- Assist Canadian business and industry to survive the current economic depression and thereby diminish the loss of jobs in Canada.

For weeks – prior to the delivery of this throne speech – the very same opposition party leaders were crying loud and long for the government to do something/anything to accomplish items (1) and (2) above.

They were the paragons of virtue in the campaign to assist the jobless and financially distressed Canadians.

That is until they were informed they were going to lose some perks that are dearer to them than the plight of any number of distressed Canadians.

All of a sudden the leader of the Conservative party became a domineering ogre plotting to sink the opposition parties by closing the lid on their pork barrelling privileges. i.e. the $1.95 vote subsidy, and scheduled pay increases for MP’s etc.

At a time when their focus should have been on supporting their constituents they threw them to the wolves and focused on overthrowing the government.

In order to accomplish this unethical and unwise objective they were willing to form a coalition of the Liberal Party, the NDP supported by the separatist bloc.

In their haste to preserve their own self serving interest’s leaders of the opposition parties blithely ignored a very real risk that their action could shut down Canada’s parliament for an extended period. If they knew the risk they were foolish to proceed down that path and if they didn’t know the risk they revealed gross political ineptitude.

If that very real possibility happened, (and it did), it would be nearly impossible for any federal assistance to be given to distressed Canadians and/or business enterprises on the verge of collapse for as long as parliament is prorogued.

If they believed they could overthrow the elected government and then convince a majority of Canadians they were acting in the best interest of all Canadians they severely underestimated the reasoning power of most Canadians.

As it turned out their idiotic gamble was a loser – for them and -- for all Canadians.

Most Canadians saw their coalition ploy as being the self serving act that it really is. This act revealed the callous disregard the coalition leaders actually have for the well being of all Canadians.

Shortly after the coalition was announced the CBC ran an on-line poll asking readers to answer the following question:-

“Should public subsidies that Canada’s five major political parties receive be scrapped?”

Two possible answers were offered:-

“Yes - we could save $30,000,000 a year.”
This option received 7,357 votes (56%)

“No – This is a political move to weaken the opposition.”
This option received 5,705 votes (44%)

So apparently not many Canadians are as gullible as the opposition’s political spin doctors would like to believe.

It appears the Liberal Party passed the bill -- creating the vote subsidy legislation -- at a time when they had a majority in parliament. Then the senate – mainly populated with liberal appointees -- passed the bill to allow it to become law.

But that pork barrel law is not in keeping with the wishes of the majority of Canadians.

Either the vote subsidy should be taken to a public referendum or at the very least the ballot -- used in federal general elections -- should contain a check-box that allows the voter to indicate whether, or not, they wish to have the party of their choice paid a vote subsidy.

By cancelling the vote subsidy the Conservative party had the most to lose -- by some $3,000,000 – over the next highest loss of subsidy.

Political spin doctors, however, quickly presented the case that the conservatives were in a much better financial position to absorb this loss than any other Canadian political party and therefore it was move designed to cripple opposition parties.

If that is true then what does that tell you about the real support base of the opposition parties?

If the people who favour any political party are not willing, or able, to support their choice financially it raises the question:- does the party have any right to exist in the first place?

Not one of the opposition leaders has shown any real concern for financially distressed Canadians.

They have totally ignored the plight and appeals of thousands of Canadians unjustly taxed out of their homes, and life’s savings beginning seven years ago and continuing to this very day.
Visit for more information on this item.

Their actions -- following the recent speech from the throne -- further indicates their attitude regarding the well being of Canada and all Canadians has always been – and still is -- one of self before anything -- or anyone -- else.

Everyone comes first after me seems to be their motto.

They do not want a Prime Minister who is a true leader. They want a wimp leading the government so they can in effect operate as the de facto government of Canada.

They attack Stephen Harper relentlessly – not because he is a dictatorial leader but -- because he does what he sincerely believes his policies are in the best interest of all Canadians.
He seldom bends to any self serving demands of the other party leaders.

When you find any Canadian political leader committing their party, and supporters, to the
real welfare of Canada -- and all Canadians -- then you will have found someone worthy of your vote and support. So far none of the opposition party leaders meets these criteria.

Stephen Harper came closest to meeting that requirement when he signed a Tax Remission Order for victimized taxpayers in Gary Lunn’s constituency.

Canada needs a political leader who acknowledges our existing taxable benefit legislation is defective and must be amended to eliminate taxing phantom income. Furthermore all related taxes and penalties previously paid, or outstanding, must be revoked and those already victimized fairly compensated.

Find a political party leader who shows real concern for any Canadian victimized in this way then you will have found someone who has at least a trace of honesty, decency, and sense of fairness in his or her personality.
Qualities that seem to be totally lacking in our current coalition party leaders.

Their recent actions suggest they are more focused on being vindictive than on being statesmen.

The United States government has recently passed legislation to amend their defective “Alternative Minimum Tax”, (AMT), legislation and they have moved to fairly compensate those who were taxed on phantom income.

Visit for details

Our conservative government now has a new opportunity to show they have the best interest of Canada, and all Canadians at heart when they bring down their next budget.

A Canadian federal budget -- that follows the example of the U.S. government in amending their flawed AMT legislation and -- restoring the money so extorted to its rightful owners – would be a two edged sword.

It would restore Canada’s reputation of being a country governed by honest, just, decent and fair politicians and at the same time put millions of dollars back into the economy to help halt the current economic depression. A win-win situation.

There is no more effective way to apply federal tax dollars to fight the economic depression than to put the money into the hands of consumers.

Readers are requested to contact their Member of Parliament and tell them they want the Canadian insidious and abusive, taxation of phantom profit brought to an end NOW.

Victor Drummond ©

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


A commentary on the state of Canadian Federal Politics
Which are rapidly deteriorating to resemble that of a banana republic.
By Victor Drummond
December 2008

Recent News:- “Opposition leaders prepare to request the Governor General to approve a coalition
government for Canada.”

How about that?

There is evidence to indicate a coup d’état -- to overturn Canada’s democratically elected government – was in the works before the intent of the new government was even declared.

That sounds more like treason than a vote of non-confidence.

Can you imagine Stephane Dion as Prime Minister of Canada while at the same time the shaky leader of a coalition government propped up by two other self serving politicians such as Gilles Duceppe and Jack Layton?

If that group actually receive a mandate to govern Canada just how long do suppose it would be before the coalition fell apart?

That set up would be lucky to last 3 months.

When the coalition does collapse Canadian taxpayers would not only be out the $30,000,000 vote subsidy money but another $300,000,000 to keep it company.

And likely the $1.5 billion dollars in perks reported to be promised by this coalition to Quebec.

Does that scenario sound like the work of honest, conscientious politicians who have the best interest of the all Canadian at heart?

In the meantime what do you suppose would happen to Canada’s financial status and general economy?

Would Jack Layton succeed in lending, or giving, GM et al $25 billion, or more, tax dollars to keep their unprofitable plants operating in Canada.

How long do you imagine all, or any, of those corporations would keep their plants operating in Canada if the new president of the United States offers more billions to bring the jobs home to the U.S.?

If the big three did get our tax dollars and still closed their Canadian operations would we get our money back? Do you suppose?

Would Stephane Dion make more and more concessions to the bloc in order to maintain their support?

Would Dion still apply a carbon tax while Canada’s economy is dealing with a recession – possibly even a depression?

The recent support of the three stooges by Elizabeth May (Green Party Leader) could be more of a detriment to them than an asset.

In my opinion to put that group of pork-barrellers in charge of Canada’s government would be inviting a disaster of gargantuan proportions.

The Quebec Separatists and the Western Canada Separatists are the only people in Canada that stand to gain anything from the invoking of a coalition government in Canada.

Victor Drummond ©

Sunday, November 30, 2008


A commentary on the high tolerance Canadians
have for intolerable situations.

By Victor Drummond ©
November 2008

Tolerance is most often touted as a virtue.

This is true in cases where people of different races, different cultures and holding different opinions accept each other at face value and remain good neighbours.

There are times, however, when tolerance, equates to indifference to the abuse, distress, and violation of every Canadians basic rights and under these circumstances tolerance becomes apathy or worse.

When people fall victim to a miscarriage of justice -- that puts their very life at risk or at the very least causes them to be incarcerated for a crime they didn’t commit – then when the truth becomes known the public should become absolutely intolerant of the situation until justice prevails.

Prime examples of such events are the conviction of Stephen Truscott in 1959 for the murder of Lynn Harper and the conviction of David Milgaard in 1970 for the murder of nurses aid Gail Miller.

Both men were totally innocent of the crimes of which they were convicted and both spent many years in prison before evidence of their innocence was brought to light and the media took up the fight to obtain justice for them.

The CBC Fifth Estate produced documentaries to bring the injustice imposed on these men to public attention across Canada.

Once the Canadian public fully understood the abuse and distress imposed upon these victims -- of a miscarriage of justice – they raised a public outcry that expedited action by the government justice system to release them from prison and eventually to make monetary compensation for the distress they and their families had endured.

Public and media tolerance in this kind of situation is no virtue.

Everyone recognizes one person -- victimized in this way -- is one too many.

The foregoing are fortunately rare, and, extreme examples of incidents when honest hard working Canadians became victims of a justice system that somehow had a serious flaw in the way it operated to serve the public.

In these examples real crimes had been committed and these innocent suspects were found guilty on the basis of some very wrong assumptions.

If one person falsely convicted of a real crime is one too many how about thousands of Canadians deprived of their life’s savings – some even forced to remortgage their homes – when they have committed no crime and are penalized on the basis of flawed legislation and unproven assumption?

Again one such victim is one too many.

Both Canada and the United States have honest, hard working taxpayers who were levied huge amounts of taxes on money they never received, i.e. phantom income.

Grass roots U.S. victims formed one or more lobby groups to appeal to their government for fair taxation and compensation for taxes already paid.

The U.S. news media and government paid little attention to the plight of those victimized by the insidious tax on phantom income until two victims committed suicide.

Among the reasons given for their death was the stress associated with the Alternative Minimum Tax, (AMT) tax on money they never received and did not have.

In October 2008 the group named ReformAMT announced the U.S. congress had passed bill HR 1424 amending their defective AMT legislation which revoked all taxes levied on phantom income and refunded such taxes already paid in the form of tax credits and cash.
For more details visit:-

The U.S. Government took this action in spite of, or perhaps because of, a world wide economic downturn.

Putting billions of dollars back in the hands of the rightful owners may be a means of fighting the economic problems now facing their country.

Canadian victims of our equally flawed taxable benefit legislation have not been so lucky.

The Canadian government has so far ignored the plight of -- all but 30 or so -- honest, hard working Canadians victimized in the same way as their American counter-parts.

Likewise the Canadian news media has devoted little time or space to articles decrying the abuse, and distress of Canadian taxpayers.

Grass-roots Canadian victims have also formed an organization called:- “Canadians for Fair and Equalized Taxation”, (CFET) to appeal to our government for exactly the same action as the U.S. government has now taken.

For more than a year now CFET has sent appeal after appeal to Canadian Members of Parliament pleading for corrective action to be taken. So far to no avail.

Will it take the suicide of some innocent Canadian victim(s) to get our government and/news media to do something to fix the problem? I certainly hope not. But the possibility of this happening is very real.

If you think I am exaggerating the situation here is a copy of a letter by a Canadian victim who has previously openly declared he hopes he expires before his tax deferments do.

This victim has lived for years now with the stress and anxiety associated with being financially ruined by taxes on phantom income.

The writer of this letter is a Former employee of Nortel Networks Corporation.

In November of this year I had my 68th Birthday, I have now been retired for 9 years (not my idea but Nortel’s!)

As I reviewed my life I realized that perhaps the most defining moment came down to the time when I ticked the “Receive Shares” box rather than the “Receive Cash” box when exercising my Nortel Stock Options.

Had I taken cash I would be sitting here with over $1million in the bank plus my RRSP’s (which admittedly have been reduced over the past few months by over 30%).

In reality I now sit here with no cash and a debt of approximately $200K hanging over my head plus my RRSP’s (which have …etc!)

Why is that? Well back in 2000 the Government announced a program whereby an option holder could take shares instead of cash and defer the taxes until the shares were actually disposed of.

The catch, as I later found out, is that unlike RRSP’s where your deferred taxes are based on the amount you actually withdraw, the tax on options is always based on the amount you could have had if you had taken the cash and not the amount you actually get when you sell.

So the Government insists that no matter when I sell, or what I really get, I will owe tax based on over a $1million of imaginary income. In reality, if forced to sell today I will be lucky to receive $1thousand!

Graciously they also accept that under these circumstances I will have a loss, but they call it a capital loss and say I cannot claim that against income! I never had the money but they won’t let me balance any real loss against the phantom gains.

In addition Nortel closed at 69 Cents today in Canada and is on track to be de-listed in both Canada and the USA (and probably the rest of the world as well).

They lost an astounding $3.1Billion in the last quarter!

And in these dark times I do not see how they can survive. Particularly as the Canadian Government expects them to pony up a further Billion or so to bring the Pension Fund up to the required level.

Nortel is going to go under I think and trigger this tax debt (not just for me but many others, so beware!)

As I said I have no cash so it will have to come out of my RRSP’s, running the figures through my “Quick Tax” program shows that to come up with over $200k I will have to cash over $400K of RRSP’s which leaves me with almost nothing after 50 years of saving.

Further bad news, If Nortel goes under the Pension fund will have to reduce the size of all pensions.

If Nortel goes under the Retiree Health Plan ceases to exist.

So, having worked hard and honestly for 50 years almost everything is gone. What a fantastic retirement I am having!

Without this tax on phantom income I could probably still live reasonably well, with it – well I just don’t know.

I never dreamed my retirement would be this bad, and all because I ticked the wrong box! (I ticked it only because I didn’t need the cash and was trying to ensure my options didn’t expire, and of course I also misunderstood what they meant by Tax-Deferral)

They used to do it this way in the USA as well but after 2 suicides someone took notice and this year their Government acted. They are now taxed on what they get when they sell. Seems fair to me so why can’t my government see that? Heaven knows I’ve asked them enough times.


Why is the Canadian news media reluctant to publicize the distress and abuse this unjustified and insidious tax policy is imposing on thousands of our citizens.

Many victims are reluctant to speak out for fear of drawing the wrath of the Canada Revenue Agency and further verbal abuse from the people they voted to represent them in parliament.

I have seen copies of letters of appeal sent -- by several victims -- to their Prime Minister, and/or their riding Member of Parliament, and/or the Ministers of National Revenue and National Finance.

Many of those letters were never acknowledged and those that were gave replies that would be an insult to anyone with at least the intelligence of a fifth grader.

The Minister of Finance sent one victim this excuse:- “You have been taxed according to laws that have been on the books for many years – therefore your tax levy is justified.” (or words to that effect.)

What a sick excuse for ruining a person’s financial situation and destroying their peace of mind for the rest of their life.

Everyone over the age of 20 years has seen several Canadian laws -- that have been on the books much longer -- ruled out of date and no longer valid.

Our television public affairs programs – such as “The Fifth Estate” and “W5” – have not picked up on this issue which among other things violates every Canadians “RIGHT” to fair and just taxation.

Our Radio and Television talk show personalities such as CFRA’s Lowell Green and CBC’s Rex Murphy have failed to address this issue. Why not?

Are they personally -- or their bosses -- ignorant of this situation or are they intimidated by the fact they might put some subsidies in jeopardy? I suspect the latter as I have not yet concluded anyone -- in their right mind – could actually agree with taxing people to financial extinction against income they never received.

For more details on the Canadian victims of the taxable benefit fiasco visit web page

Read the press articles and sign the petition you will find there.

If you wish to show support for the CFET objective to achieve fair taxation then click on the link:- and become a member.

CFET is non-partisan, non-profit, and has no membership fees or dues.

Victor Drummond ©

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


A commentary on a single act essential to the
recovery of Canada’s Economy and to salvage
the reputation of Canada’s government.

Thereby effectively killing two birds with one stone.

By Victor Drummond ©
November 2008

Everyone knows the general classification for any organization that extorts money from honest, hard-working taxpayers without justification.

Organizations that practice this kind of money extraction -- purely on the grounds they do it because they can -- are usually tagged with an appropriate name.

Titles such as:- Thugs, Crooks, Extortionists, Bullies, Thieves, Goons, are among the more polite titles that might be considered applicable.

I am one Canadian that never expected to see the day the above titles could be fitting names for any part of our Federal Government.

A government known world wide for humanitarian qualities and among the first to rush to the aid of people – regardless of nationality -- when terrible natural disasters put the people of any other country in great distress.

These same politicians, however, have selective blindness and loss of hearing regarding appeals from their own honest, hard working citizens who have been financially decimated due to horrendous taxes levied on income that never existed, i.e. Phantom Income.

Whether by good luck or good financial management Canada’s economy has – so far – suffered the least damage of any of the G20 nations.

Many financial experts are saying the road back to world wide economic stability is paved with government tax dollars applied intelligently and effectively to restore:- (1)- consumer confidence in the economy and (2)- buying power.

The United States government has approved 700 Billion dollars to be used to fight the current economic recession. With few exceptions there has been no clear plan of action -- set forth -- for the application of this money.

One notable exception, however, was the passing bill HR 1424 -- at this time – amending their flawed Alternative Minimum Tax legislation, (AMT), and revoking all related taxes on phantom profits and setting a two year limit for compensating those already victimized thereby.

This action indicates the U.S. Congress either believes:-

(1)- A significant amount of recession fighting money will become effective when put back into the hands of taxpayers who were taxed on phantom income.


(2) – Restoring local and world opinion of the United States government -- as an elected body of politicians that truly represent and protect honest, hard working citizens – is worth the cost of revoking all taxes and penalties levied on phantom income regardless of current economic duress.


(3) – A combination of (1) and (2) above – which is truly killing two birds with one stone.

By comparison – so far – our Canadian government has mainly focused attention on our citizens who have recently lost their job – or have been warned they will lose their job soon because of declining sales and increasing cost.

Political party leaders, union bosses and mayors of city’s and towns -- that are now threatened
with economic disaster -- are saturating the news media with appeals for government action to buy-off the threat.

Where were these champions -- of the unemployed and financially distressed -- when the hi-tech market crash of the year 2000 created thousands of honest, hard working Canadians who were suddenly faced with huge taxes – levied on money they never received – and which taxes compounded the distress caused to those who also lost their jobs?

From the year 2001 up to and including the date of this article there has been no public outcry -- by any of our politicians, union bosses, mayors or anyone else in authority – condemning this unfair, unjust, abusive and demoralizing treatment of our fellow Canadians.

Are the victims generated by our flawed taxable benefit legislation – since the year 2001 -- any less worthy of the support of their elected representatives, or their union leaders, or the mayor of their towns and cities, than the victims of the current economic downturn?

So if our government can ignore the 2001 victims of a hi-tech economic downturn there is no honourable reason for providing any kind of financial support to current victims. That would only add favouritism to the list of screw-ups already perpetrated.

No doubt our government has a generous supply of the kind of letters, e-mails etc. sent in reply to those taxable benefits victims who appealed their unjust taxation over the past seven years.

On the other hand if our government would like to kill two birds with one stone they could follow the example set by the U.S. government when they passed bill HR 1424.

Readers are requested to inform their Member of Parliament which action they want the Canadian government to take.

(a) --Follow the U.S. government lead and -- Kill Two Birds with one stone --(duplicate U.S. bill HR 1424 for Canadian Taxable Benefit victims) – or (b) -- turn a blind eye and deaf ear to all appeals for government intervention.

Reference:- and and

Victor Drummond ©

Sunday, November 23, 2008

The road back to ...

A commentary on the cause of the present world economic woes
and the basic means of reversing the process.

By Victor Drummond ©
November 2008

Market watchers, Speculators and Investors have been well aware of the declining economy beginning with the hi-tech stock market crash in the year 2000.

Tens of thousands of people -- employed in the computer, communications, television industry’s and soon after the real estate business -- found the market for their products and services declining rapidly. The process started in the hi-tech sector but gradually widened and accelerated with time.

As their markets dried up manufacturing corporations cut back on production.
Lower production quotas required fewer employees and in efforts to remain profitable surplus employees were laid off.

Unemployed people seldom undertake to buy houses, cars, boats, airplanes, etc. and are not given good credit ratings.

The recently unemployed -- that already had a heavily mortgaged house and/or had bought expensive items on credit – found themselves defaulting on payments and losing possession of many things purchased on credit – up to and including their homes.

Financial institutions -- that had a large number of credit customers in payment default –
found themselves in financial distress and could not, or would not, provide credit to anyone.
Some went right out of business.

By the mid-year 2007 it became increasingly apparent the whole financial world was heading in the direction of a full blown depression.

Governments around the world began to talk of providing major employers – in financial distress -- with government assistance.

Financial experts argued that keeping these large corporations in business and curtailing mass layoffs -- by these corporations -- was imperative to the survival of the corporations and to the country’s economy.

It was acknowledged that in order to keep these organizations in operation -- at anything like their current level of employment -- would require tons of money.

The United States government, alone, has earmarked 700 billion dollars to finance an economic stabilization program.

This money, however, has not been applied -- as yet -- due to a pending change of presidents and the lack of a clear plan of action.

American authorities – who currently advise the government on financial matters -- want to know how the big three automotive corporations plan to apply any government money -- they may acquire -- to resolve their financial problems.

So far the authorities haven’t received a reply to that reasonable request.

Why anyone would even consider giving, or lending, billions of dollars to an industry – or even a single corporation -- that has lost its ability to turn a profit is a mystery to me.

There is a good reason why buildings -- where consumer products are fabricated – are called plants. That is because industrial plants parallel the performance of trees that produce editable fruit and grasses that produce editable grains etc.

Products wanted and needed by the worlds people.

Plants -- of both types -- that do not produce a needed or desirable product are generally classed as a weed, or nuisance plant.

Any farmer, or greenhouse operator, will tell you that when a plant -- in nature -- withers and dries up it doesn’t do any good to pour water on its leaves. In order to save the plant a person must water and supply nourishment to the roots.

Likewise it will not do any good to pour millions of taxpayer’s dollars into corporate coffers if no one wants, needs, or can afford the goods they produce.

The solution to this problem is:-

(1) The withering corporation(s) must offer a desired product.

(2) Next the product(s) they produce must be competitive in price, performance, appearance,and reliability.

(3) Governments can then do their part by making sure the common people have the means to buy these products.

The United States Congress has taken a right first move in the direction of improving the buying power of thousands of their ordinary citizens by amending their flawed Alternative Minimum Tax, (AMT), legislation.

In addition to fixing the AMT they are revoking all taxes levied thereby -- on phantom profits – and compensating those already victimized.

Unfortunately for Canadians -- victimized in a similar way by our flawed taxable benefit legislation -- the Canadian government hasn’t recognized – as yet – just how punitive, abusive, unfair, and unjust their tax on money that never existed really is.

In every way it is proper, decent, honourable and fair for the Canadian government to follow the example set by the United States government to correct the flawed legislation and compensate those already victimized by it.

Failure to take corrective action places the Canadian Government in the position of being greedy, petty and uncaring of the abuse and distress their insidious phantom income tax has heaped on honest, hard working Canadians.

Another way governments can assist the common people -- to afford luxuries in addition to necessities – is to subsidize rebates on luxury items such as automobiles, boats, airplanes etc. which items may also be a partial necessity, i.e. transportation to and from work shopping etc.

If the billions of dollars set aside -- to fight this economic downturn – are made available to the grass roots population it will be the equivalent of watering the root of the withering industrial plants and people will buy our way back to world economic stability.

Readers who agree with this method -- of fighting the threatening world wide depression -- are invited to send this article to their Member of Parliament via the letter icon below.

Vic Drummond ©

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Congratulation ReformAMT and..

Canada’s American counter-part lobby groups have succeeded
in persuading the American Government to take the Right and
Honourable action while CFET makes no tangible progress.

A report by Victor Drummond ©
November 2008

It took seven years of lobbying the U.S. government -- and a lot of money --but the efforts of the American grass roots organizations – to achieve fair taxation for their citizens has paid off.

For details of their struggle and the results they have achieved visit:- and read the article titled:-
Rescue bill offers relief to some valley taxpayers hit with the AMT

The rescue BILL No. H1424 does a lot more than provide relief to some Silicone Valley Workers. To read the whole story go to the ReformAMT web page:-

To give you a preview of what you will see there following is a clip from the ReformAMT group web pages.

October 4, 2008 - To our Champions in Congress, ReformAMT would like to express our deep gratitude and appreciation for all that you have done for us. Your efforts have saved many families, their homes and their childrens' future.

Brief Overview of the Law
What the new law does :
1. Removes all income (AGI) limitations (no more income phase-outs)
2. Refunds your AMT credits over 2 years
3. Abates all outstanding liabilities, interest, and penalties
Refunds all anything you have already paid (including penalties and interest) to the IRS associated with ISO-AMT liability

Does anyone think -- for one moment -- the impact of huge taxes on phantom income is less devastating on Canadians than the same tax has on American victims?

If the United States Government can make this costly correction to their tax system while in the midst of an economic crisis what possible excuse can the Canadian government fabricate -- for not doing the same for Canadians -- when they tell us our economy is in relatively much better shape?

If you have any concern for your own basic RIGHT to fair taxation – which is nonexistent while our taxable benefit legislation remains as it is currently written – then visit the “Canadians for Fair and Equitable Taxation” (CFET) web page,

Sign the petition you will find there and contact your local Member of Parliament, (MP).
You know what to tell your MP. Also:- Send them a copy of this article.

The best Christmas present our government can give to all Canadians this year is to follow the U.S. Government lead and revoke all taxes and penalties based on income that never existed.

Victor Drummond ©

Saturday, November 8, 2008

When my country called..

A commentary on the call to military duty
I received in 1945. How I responded
and why.
By Victor Drummond ©
November 2008

Veteran’s Day – based on the signing of the armistice ending WWI at the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month 1918 – performs its intended annual purpose of reminding everyone of the sacrifice made by ordinary citizens who served in the defence of their nation. Especially those who lost their lives or were left handicapped in the process.

Having been born in the year 1926 my formative years ocurred during the great economic depression from 1929 to 1939. Our family was in financial distress during that decade and my father was on the road most of that time – looking for employment – along with hundreds of thousands of others.

I didn’t know what it was like to have a regular spending allowance and my greatest event was to get a few cents -- once in a while -- with which I could buy a candy grab-bag at the corner store.

In 1939 – when I was 13 years old – a small White-wear business started up near our home.
That was when I landed my first regular paying job. Prior to that -- from age 10 to 13 -- I was lucky to have an opportunity to earn a few cents cutting/splitting firewood or mowing someone’s lawn with a borrowed push-mower or shovelling snow from someone’s sidewalk.

My employment at the White-wear factory was part time, after school hours, and paid $0.15 per hour. My duties ranged from sweeping the production floor, with a 24” wide push-broom, to crawling under a line of sewing machines to repair or replace broken drive belts and keeping the fabric cutting tables supplied with material to cut. This latter duty involved carrying heavy bolts of cloth from the first floor stockroom, up a flight of stairs, to the second floor cutting tables.

Having a job which provided me with about $5.00 a week spending money made me the envy of my friends and school mates. I now had enough money -- every week -- to indulge in such things as going to the movies, enjoying an occasional ice cream soda at the local drug store and treating a friend or two to the same thing.

The White-wear job lasted from 1939 to 1941. By mid 1941 a local defence industry was going 24/7 producing war materials and begging for employees. Even though I was only 15 years old they hired me as an electrician’s apprentice and I began working a full 48hrs/week. My starting rate was $0.35 per hour. This pay level was more than double the hourly rate I had been receiving and more than triples the number of hours per week that I was previously working.

Taking the defence industry job meant foregoing my high-school education but in exchange I was now earning over $15.00 every week AND contributing to my country’s war effort.

Within a year my pay had gone up to $25.00 per week and I was looking forward to my 16th birthday when I could try for my drivers beginners permit and buy my own car.

Sure enough in mid 1942 I received my driver’s license and a co-worker -- at the defence plant – sold me his 1929 model “A” ford roadster. Furthermore he had a farmer’s permit which provided him with extra rationed gasoline coupons plus a couple of rationed tires per year to keep the car on the road.

Life had never been so good. My friends and I went driving at every opportunity even when we had no where in particular to go. Eventually my gas ration coupons ran out and I had to suspend use of the car to the end of the year.

In 1944 I sold the Model “A” roadster and purchased a snazzy 1932 Chevy Convertible. It had a Yellow Body and Black fenders. It was a striking looking vehicle. There were two spare wheels -- one on each front fender -- which gave some measure of tire availability. Especially since I had no tire ration coupons with which to purchase new tires if needed.

Shortly after buying the Chevy Convertible I received a registered letter from the Department of Defence. Enclosed was an invitation to join Canada’s Military and participate in the defence of the British Empire – which included Canada.

It wasn’t a hard decision to make.

Perhaps I could have requested deferment of military service on the grounds that I was already working in a defence industry. Perhaps I could have requested deferment on the grounds that I was now the sole support of my recently widowed mother. At the very least I could have declined “Active Service” and remained in Canada where I would be relatively safe from harm.

Those possibilities never entered my mind at the time. My older brother was already overseas in the Canadian Army. We didn’t know where he was relative to the fighting but we later found out he had taken part in the invasion of Italy and was in the midst of the heaviest fighting to defeat Mussolini’s army and drive the Nazi Army out of Italy.

My sister’s husband was also overseas in the Canadian Army. He was involved in the “D” day invasion to drive the Nazi army out of occupied Europe.

So when my country called I was mentally prepared to give up my new-found luxuries, abandon my recently widowed mother, forsake my trade apprenticeship, sell my prize Chevy and take up arms in defence of my country.

Had I discovered that Canada’s government of the 1940’s practiced the same lack of decency and gross unfairness -- I have found in Canada’s recent governments -- my willingness to give up anything to defend that kind of regime would have been greatly impaired.

Any rationale -- whereby honest, hard working citizens are legally robbed of huge sums of money purely and simply because of the honest method by which they acquired publicly traded shares
in their employer’s corporation – is one that any disciple of Joseph Goebbels would be justly proud.

When the Canadian government called on us -- during their time of need -- my family and I responded positively and without hesitation. Having ancestors that came to Canada as British Empire Loyalists and relatives -- that were devout British Monarchists at that time -- no able bodied person of military age -- in our household -- would even think of shirking our duty to our country.

Now it seems we were naïve -- to the extreme -- in believing Canada was – and would remain – a place where democracy, fairness, honesty, decency and justice would be equally available to all of our honest, hard-working citizens.

Believe me when I say it came as an unbelievable shock in the year 2006 -- while assisting a close relative to update some prior year tax returns -- to discover that he had been taxed many thousands of dollars on money he never ever received.

This unwarranted tax exceeded his gross annual income for that entire year and caused him to re-mortgage his home in order to pay it.

By what convoluted, insidious, extortionist rationale could this happen in Canada?

So I asked this relative if more Canadians had been legally robbed the same way or was he the only one?

His answer came as another shock. He informed me there were hundreds of his former co-employees who had also been levied huge taxes on money they never received.

The policy of taxing phantom income – I discovered -- was a plague right across Canada hitting innocent, hard-working Canadians employed in a wide range of hi-tech corporations.

INCREDIBLE. This kind of rip-off just isn’t acceptable in my Canada.
What were Canadian tax authorities thinking of? What were intelligent, alert Canadians doing about it?

This absolutely extortionist tax situation must be some kind of error.
An error -- in Canadian tax legislation -- that the Canadian government would correct smartly as soon as they became aware of the problem. (Dream on.)

Contacting only a few -- of his co-workers -- revealed that many victims of this defective legislation had appealed to every government authority from their local Member of Parliament all the way up to the Prime Minister, (Paul Martin) and later (Stephen Harper).

Appeals for relief from this tax had been submitted by victims over the past seven years. There is no way the previous and current governments of Canada did not know all about this defective legislation and the punitive, devastating impact it was inflicting on honest, hard-working citizens.

Most tax relief, appeal messages, were totally ignored. And the rest were given a boiler plate reply which said -- in essence – “you have been taxed according to legislation of long standing and therefore your appeal is denied.”

Since when has the length of time a law has been on the books had any bearing on its quality? Usually the opposite is true and is definitely true in this instance.

The bottom line is:- Avenues of appeal -- made available by the Canadian government to those who were victimized by this flawed legislation -- are designed to discourage all such victims from even making an attempt. When it comes to violation of their basic rights – guaranteed under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms – no one is minding the store.

When comes to an appeal to the Supreme court of Canada – the appellant must first lose their case in a lower court of justice. An expensive route to justice.

When it comes to appealing their case to the “Tax Court of Canada” – the outcome is a crap-shoot. The tax court of Canada does not base its decisions on the fairness, or justification of the defective legislation.

When it comes to appealing to the recently appointed “Tax Ombudsman” – do not waste your time or his. The mandate of the “Tax Ombudsman” is limited to assuring your communications with Revenue Canada are polite. Not that they must treat you fairly.

How about making a request for a tax re-assessment via the Chief of Tax Appeals Officer?
This is another crap-shoot decision system. If the appellant is lucky they may get a favourable decision – but don’t count on it.

In spite of claims -- by our political leaders -- they are humane, compassionate family people they all turn a deaf ear and blind eye to the unfairness of the defective taxable benefit legislation and the distress and financial havoc it is imposing on its victims.

The only action that restores the right of all Canadians to fair and equitable income taxation, and compensates those already victimized, is the one recently taken by the U.S. Government to correct a similar problem they had with their Alternative Minimum Tax, (AMT), legislation.

They amended their defective AMT legislation and revoked all taxes and penalties based on the taxing of phantom income.

Every intelligent and fair minded person knows instinctively that is only way to correct the problem. As Don Cayo said in his article --which appeared in the Vancouver Sun Newspaper --
“Change the law don’t just mask the problem”. (Article can be found via a Google search)

Every one of our federal party leaders has avoided acknowledging the problem and thereby avoids taking proper measures to correct the defective taxable benefit legislation and compensating those already victimized by it.

My advice to our political leaders on this 90th veteran’s day of remembrance.

While paying tribute -- to those who fought in defence of this country -- try a little harder to remember those who have earned a tribute from their employer’s and for their efforts have been financially abused by our defective taxable benefit legislation.
Ref: -

If you do not remember what the words, decency, honesty, justice and fairness stand for – then don’t call on us this time if you need help.

My family and I have already more than fulfilled our duty to a government that picks our pockets while we stand at attention to salute our flag.

See also:- “Canada Remembers – and so do I” – November 2007

Victor Drummond ©

Sunday, October 26, 2008



A Government that recognizes a tax atrocity when it is told about it and then does something decent and tangible to correct the problem.


A comparison between the USA Government’s correction of their
defective AMT Legislation which produced taxes on phantom profits.

Whereas the Canadian Government does not acknowledge an identical defect in our taxable benefit legislation.
By Victor Drummond ©
October 2008

How many readers of this blog have ever heard of the “CFT”?

Not many judging by the feedback – or lack thereof – reaching me via comments to this blog series and/or e-mails to me via:-

Those who have read – one or more of my postings know all about “CFET” and know it is the acronym for the group of Canadians dedicated to petitioning the Canadian Government to resolve the ESPP/ESO issue which has victimized thousands of honest, hard-working Canadians. This Canadian tax atrocity has caused the financial ruin and stress sufficient to trigger heart attacks for many thousands of honest hard-working Canadian taxpayers.

The stated purpose and objective of the USA group called:- “The Coalition for Tax Fairness”, (CFT), is word-for-word identical to the stated purpose and objectives of the Canadian counterpart organization is called:- “Canadians for Fair and Equitable Taxation”, (CFET).

Both the CFT and the CFET have appealed to their representatives -- in government -- for correction of the legislation that produced unjust tax on money never received and compensation for those who have already been victimized.

The problem tax has been operating in both countries for at least eight years.

The CFT government representatives acknowledged there was a problem and introduced one or more bills -- to correct the situation -- to their Congress, and associated government agencies. The most recent being the Kerry/Lieberman bill to accelerate the compensation of those taxpayers already victimized.

Although the USA is more deeply affected -- by the current world economic crisis than is Canada -- they have found the distress of those unjustly taxed -- to be sufficiently important to pass corrective legislation now.

Is the distress of the overtaxed American citizen of greater importance to their government than an identical overtaxed Canadian is to the Canadian government?

Read the entire pdf reference document below and decide for yourself.

Below is the opening sentence of the pdf file announcing final passage of the corrective legislation by the American government.


WASHINGTON, DC … October 3, 2008 --- The Coalition for Tax Fairness (CTF), an organization working to address the Incentive Stock Option Alternative Minimum Tax (ISO AMT) crisis, and ReformAMT, a grassroots tax reform organization dedicated to resolving the ISO AMT crisis,


The entire text can be viewed at the following link:-

Whatever your opinion may be of the USA Government they do not take a back seat when it comes to representing their citizens. CFET members have been appealing -- to their elected representatives for correction of their identical unjust tax penalties -- for at least eight years and under two different political parties. To date no Canadian Political party has recognized a problem.

All the majority -- of Canadian victims -- have to show for their efforts are a stack of boiler plate replies and/or a reply that states you are not entitled to the same tax remission granted the former employee’s of the Saanich B.C. SDL/JDSU Corporation.

Why not? No one in authority can – or will – say.

Apparently Canadian taxpayers do not rate equal -- and/or fair – treatment and/or justice – or defence of their rights – by their elected representatives that the American taxpayer has now received.

Why not?

I would guess it is because it appears the average Canadian will just suck it up and do nothing about it.

There will not be any protest marches, and No crowd of angry citizens waving placards and shouting we want justice – on parliament hill.

There will not be full page newspaper adds decrying the lack of government action and No radio talk-show hosts, such Lowell Green of CFRA, or television political commentators such as Rex Murphy or Mike Duffy criticizing our government inaction on this issue.

Why not? Then again do not be so sure that these things will not happen.

It appears our elected representatives believe their constituents have no reason and/or no right to expect them to do anything to protect them from Government abuse.

And as long as we Canadians just suck-up such abuse things will never change for us.

If you are a Canadian who is public spirited enough to run in a marathon -- or organize a public event -- to help one or more worthy causes then consider doing the same for those victimized by the same kind of defective tax legislation the USA government has now seen fit to correct.

If you want to do your part -- to correct this on-going abuse of your fellow Canadians -- please contact CFET at email:- and/or send me an e-mail at and/or post a comment to this article.

Victor Drummond ©

P.S.:- Although my postings are marked © copy write I will make any and/or all my postings available at no cost to any publisher, radio and/or television producer who wants to use my material in support of the CFET objectives.

Sunday, October 19, 2008


What was there about the 2008 Federal Election that failed
to interest 40.9 percent of Canada’s eligible voters?

A commentary by Victor Drummond ©
October 2008

Although the leader of the Green Party, Elizabeth May, captured a bit of public interest during her fight to be included in the Political leaders debates her election platform lacked consistency.

Before long no one knew whether the green party was more concerned in protecting the environment or in defeating Stephen Harper. The later objective appeared to be the main thrust of the party.

The end result being Elizabeth failed to be elected in her own riding and the green party failed to elect even one member to the House of Commons.

The leader of the Liberal Party, Stephane Dion, and the leader of the New Democratic Party
both began their election campaigns with declared objectives which may have interested enough voters to get them a decent percentage of the popular vote.

Somewhere along the way they both became distracted from their initial programs, i.e. “The Carbon Tax” and the “Hold the line on the Corporate taxes”, and use the money to subsidize job creation in Canada.

They also became infatuated with the “Anyone but Harper” campaign. At that point I, and many other voters lost interest in both parties.

It then seemed to me the conjecture made in my prior posting titled:- “What do you get for your money”, e.g. “That no party really wanted to win this election due to economic problems they could be faced with…” – might really be the case.

The lack of specific information regarding proposed policies along with waffling on what objective the parties really held as their highest priority left voters with little or nothing to get excited about.

In my opinion that is why voter turn-out was by far the lowest -- for this election -- than has been the case for several decades.

Leaders and support staff of the three main political parties in Canada have been made well aware of a major glitch in the Canadian Income tax, taxable benefit legislation, which manifest itself during the crash of the hi-tech stock-market in 2001.

Beginning with the 2002 taxation year the legislation defect generated huge taxes on ordinary hard working Canadians who thought they were being rewarded by their corporate employers for their performance contribution to their employer and by association contributing to the economic well being of Canada.

The economic downturn in progress today is ideal for the creation of a new batch of victims of the defective taxable benefit legislation.

There were thousands of decent Canadian taxpayers financially decimated by way of devastating taxes being levied on Income they never received. (Real taxes on phantom Income).

During the 2008 Federal Election prelude Stephen Harper, Jack Layton, Stephane Dion and Elizabeth May all had knowledge of this atrocity and plenty of opportunity to acknowledge
the correction of this issue as a plank in their election platforms.

Instead they all chose to ignore those victimized Canadians struggling with unjustified taxes, often, beyond their ability to pay and which -- if deferred -- hang like a sword of Damocles over the heads of these victimized taxpayers.

Those same political leaders have been made aware the United States Government has a bill in process, (now passed by Congress), to correct their equivalent Alternative Minimum Tax, (AMT) legislation which also produced taxes on phantom profits.

But it seems Canadian political leaders prefer to adopt policies that sound good – Protect the Environment, (whatever that entail’s?)

Fiddle with the economy by introducing a Carbon Tax. (At a time when the economy is in deep trouble.)

Or pour tons money and resources into downsizing the global warming concerns.

None of the above high profile issues are things that a Canadian Government can really predetermine a positive result or even accomplish anything without international co-operation.

It appears to me the political party leaders -- identified above -- have adopted an attitude of:- “I would rather lose this election than do the proper, honourable and decent thing for all Canadians.”

Why give Canadians back their RIGHT to fair and equitable taxation – if you do not have to?

Canadians are not anywhere near as gullible as the conduct of our political leaders would imply.

In my opinion that is why the voter turn-out for the 2008 Federal Election was the lowest in recent times.

For readers not familiar with the defective taxable benefit issue visit the web page for the group:- “Canadians for Fair and Equitable Taxation”, (CFET), at:-

Victor Drummond ©

Friday, October 10, 2008


An unofficial oath of office by those I would Support in the 2008 Federal Election – October 14 2008
By Victor Drummond (c)

October 2008

IF ELECTED MY PRIORITIES WILL BE:- (In order of importance)

(1) To represent my constituents to the best of my ability.

(2) To apply my power in office in the best interests of all Canadians.
So far as it is within my power I will provide all Canadians with honest, decent, fair and
just government.
When a real violation -- of any of these fundamental principles – comes to my attention
I will acknowledge the problem and do my best to have the violation corrected.

(3) To only vote the party line when the party line does not conflict with any of my higher
level priorities.

(4) To serve in the best interest of all honest hard-working Canadians to the best of my

Endorsed By:- ______________________________



Witnessed by:- _________

As a Canadain voter do you have any expectations of your local candidate?
Do you have any demands on the party you intend to vote for?
Would you vote for any candidate who would hesitate to endorse the foregoing priorities?

Your vote is important to those who would form Canada's next goverment and
the policies of those you support should be important to you.

Among the abuses currently being imposed upon thousands of honest hard-working Canadians is the taxation of phantom income on people who not only had lost their jobs but to add insult to injury the unfair taxes imposed cause the financial ruin of many of them.

Ref. information at:-

If you do not endorse this treatment of your fellow Canadians send this e-mail to your local candidate and inform them you want them to apply it's policies IF ELECTED.

See you at the federal voting polls on Tues Oct 14 2008 -- O'Grady

Victor Drummond (c)

Monday, October 6, 2008


A follow-up commentary to the Article
By Victor Drummond ©
October 2008

For those who have not read the reference article here is my offer of an apology contained therein:-

Canadians for Fair and Equal Taxation, (CFET), has organized the submission of several versions of the “Question” –

As Canada’s next Prime Minister what would you do to correct this unjustified tax and compensate its current victims?

My bet being their question will not be presented – in any form -- during either of the Leadership debates. It will be lost in the shuffle of so-called higher priority issues.

What if I am wrong – for once? Then my sincere apology will be posted in my next article – constructed to be commensurate with the degree the question is presented intact.


The questions submitted on the topic of fair and just taxation never made it to the debates – so there is no apology needed from me.

There should, however, be an apology made by the administrators of the Political Leaders Debate to the members of CFET who submitted a few very relevant questions.

In the day, or so, following the English Language Debate the moderator Steve Paikin remarked how difficult it was for the debate administrators to select the eight most relevant questions from the 4500 questions submitted via mail and the on-line link

Yes it must have been a daunting task to be sure.

Of course questions relating to the current economic downturn and the US Government 700 Billion Dollar Bail-out project are a no-brainer highest priority topic.

But how relevant is a question asking our political leaders for their response to the lack of voter trust caused by the frequent failure of politicians to keep their pre-election promises?

Everyone knows election promises are comparable to pie-crust – they are both made to be broken.

But even if our politician’s sincerity, honesty, integrity and decency were all above reproach – sometimes well intentioned promises can not be kept due to changing circumstances.

When a promise is broken under unforeseen condition changes – then all that is due the voter is a clear and rational explanation.

So who would consider an irrelevant question – that no political leader, or subordinate, can do anything about – to be more important than a question relating to the distress of thousands of Canadians that any Prime Minister of Canada could correct?

By placing a higher priority on a purely rhetorical question the debate administrators have revealed that public input to these debates is more than less irrelevant. The questions that are actually presented during these debates are cherry picked.

Questions -- on real issues that the political leaders do not want to address -- are just left of the debate agenda.

But why would any political leader -- campaigning for election to the office of Prime Minister --
want to avoid addressing a home grown situation that abuses and distresses thousands of honest hard-working Canadian taxpayers?

Would they rather lose votes – and possibly the chance of winning the election – than do the honourable, right, and proper thing?

It certainly looks that way to me. How does it look to you?

If you resent being assessed by the political spin doctors -- as an anti-establishment, university age Canadian who’s principle ambition is to urinate on the street and/or on the classroom blackboard -- then contact your local candidate, for election, and inform them you demand their party commit to restoring every Canadian’s RIGHT to fair and equitable taxation – or no support from you.

If you resent being assessed by the political spin doctors -- as a gullible, passive, unthinking Canadian taxpayer who doesn’t know the difference between a real relevant question and a stupid inconsequential question for our political leaders to answer at a public debate -- then contact your local candidate for election and inform them you demand their party commit to restoring every Canadian’s RIGHT to fair and equitable taxation – or no support from you.

Reference data on this issue is available at:-

See you at the federal election polls October 14/08 O’Grady, (Ref. prior posting O’Grady Sez.)

Victor Drummond ©

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Canadian Political Leaders Debates...

A commentary on the Real Issues, the Red Herring Issues and
Side-Step Issues to be expected during the French Language debate on October 1rst and the English Language debate on October 2nd 2008.
By Victor Drummond ©
September 2008

Real Issues:-

Regardless of any bail-out package the American Congress may approve for “Main Street” to salvage “Wall Street” the world economy vis-à-vis the Canadian economy will dominate the Canadian Political Leaders debate in both official languages.
i.e:- Job Loss, Job Creation, International trade treaty re-negotiation etc.

Getting tough on youth crime is sure to make the top ten list.

Energy conservation. Initiating projects to replace fossil fuel energy sources by renewable energy sources. All leaders will subscribe to this issue but do not expect much in the way of a W5 on this item.

Then the topic of provincial equalization payments will take center stage – at some point -- with accusations flying back and forth regarding which provinces are being over compensated and which are being short-changed.

Municipal transfer payments – Infrastructure renewal etc.

In the mix will be the issue of recognizing Quebec as a nation within a nation.
To what extent self rule etc.

Red Herring Issues:-

Saving the world from global warming. According to scientific calculations Canada’s total contribution of green-house gas to the world total is approximately 2%. Go figure.

Our political leaders may make a lot of rhetorical comments on this issue but in reality there is nothing substantial that Canada alone can do to make any real difference.

The Carbon Tax. The theory of revenue neutral taxation sounds great but just does not work in this instance.

The cost of setting up -- and operating -- anything like a system that gives the taxpayer something for nothing would be horrendous and could never be kept in balance. This plan should be best classed as a Make Work project.

Side-Step Issues:-

Note:- A side-step Issue is a Real Issue that none of the Party Leaders want to deal with.
Although most – perhaps all – Canadian Political Parties subscribe to popular moral values such as honesty, decency, dependability, justice, fairness, equality and the like – when it comes to costing them votes and/or significant sums of money they can turn a blind eye to the most flagrant examples of a violation of one or more of these typical Canadian Values.

The matter of correcting unfair, unequal, abusive, taxation of thousands of Canadians allowed by a defect in the taxable benefit legislation is well known to every current Canadian Political Leader. To date not one leader has acknowledged the existence this outrageous violation of taxpayers RIGHTS.

Canadians for Fair and Equal Taxation, (CFET), has organized the submission of several versions of the “Question” –

As Canada’s next Prime Minister what would you do to correct this unjustified tax and compensate its current victims?

My bet being their question will not be presented – in any form -- during either of the Leadership debates. It will be lost in the shuffle of so-called higher priority issues.

What if I am wrong – for once? Then my sincere apology will be posted in my next article – constructed to be commensurate with the degree the question is presented intact.

Then if any of the top three party leaders claim no prior knowledge of this issue – they are at the very least undermining their party communications system and at most prevaricating.

Because this issue has been appealed by its victims numerous times -- to every party to form our government -- over the past seven years.

Side-Step Actions:-

(1) At least one party leader can claim to have partially addressed the issue -- of taxing phantom income -- by way of signing a “Tax Remission Order”, (TRO), to revoke this unjustified taxation of -- by my estimate --- 0.00001% of those honest hard working Canadians victimized by this insidious tax.

(2) This same leader can also claim to have upgraded the tax victims appeal process and appointed a toothless Tax Ombudsman to advise the Canada Revenue Agency to treat all such victimized appellants courteously.

Victims shouldn’t mind being told very politely to:-
“Pay up or else.”

(3) In order to facilitate a victim’s case being brought to the attention of a “Chief Appeals Officer” this same leader had a tax appeal form, or two, upgraded to make it easier for individual appellants to organize and submit their appeals.

The problem has not been solved – or even alleviated – by the foregoing three government actions.

As Journalist Don Cayo said on this topic in his article published in the Vancouver Sun last year:- “Change the law – don’t just mask the problem.”

When a flaw in an existing law becomes apparent by creating victims at a wholesale rate it is dishonest, unfair, and an insult to the intelligence of any normal person to pretend a one-at-a-time appeal process is any kind of corrective action.

Unless at least one leader – if elected Prime Minister -- commits to -- the very minimum -- extending the conditions of the SDL/JDSU – TRO – to every honest hard working Canadian -- taxed on phantom income – then they have all failed the people they portend to represent.

See you at the Federal Election Polls – O’Grady

Victor Drummond ©

Sunday, September 21, 2008


A commentary on the family relationship between the Person
Elected to be the leader of Canada and All Canadians.
By Victor Drummond ©
September 2008

Among the first 2008 election promotions issued -- by the three main federal political parties of Canada – are those video clips portraying the party leader as a down-to-earth, responsible, dependable, hard-working Family Man.

Stephen Harper – shown with his wife and children – dressed in ordinary everyday clothes and with the moderator telling the audience what a great husband and father he is.

Stephane Dion and Jack Layton also climbed on to the Family Man band-wagon – appearing in public with their wives – and letting everyone know they have the best interests of Canadians at heart.

All of the above are promising to lower taxes, provide the best child-care, provide more jobs, save the environment by supporting renewable energy projects etc.

Not one party leader has acknowledged the relief -- of thousands of innocent, hard-working Canadian Tax Payers – from the abuse and distress caused by a defective piece of Canadian Tax legislation.

Following is an excerpt from a recent message I received from one such victim.
Nortel is now trading at the equivalent of 30 cents per share and yet the government is still wanting to tax me on shares at a value of $104.

My nightmare has resumed, the pundits are saying Nortel is ripe for a take-over. If this happens does this mean that my shares are considered sold? Even though I don’t want to sell them? Even if I refuse to hand them over?

Can I just keep the certificate and claim “Hey, the law says the taxes are due when I sell – well I haven’t sold!”

Needless to say I am again loosing sleep and desperate with worry. At age 68 is this what my government really thinks is a good thing?

To add insult to injury, if I am forced to sell, if I do have to include close to $1 million (of fictitious income) in income this year, not only will I have a tax-debt of over $200k but I have nothing with which to pay this. Sell my house? Cash in $300k of my equity? And oh yes, the Ontario Government will ding me for $900 as a fair-health premium! As that is based on income.

CFET is my only hope!

(Victim’s identity withheld by Vic Drummond)

When a federal party leader is elected to the office of Canada’s Prime Minister -- to represent all Canadians -- does he, or she, not have a duty/responsibility to serve and protect every Canadian from being victimized -- like this -- by their own government?

How many innocent, hard-working Canadians are -- too many -- to be allowed to be financially destroyed through taxation on income that never existed -- before our elected representatives say enough? I believe – one -- is one too many.

Yet there are thousands of Canadians -- who have been levied huge taxes on phantom income – and many are in situations as bad – or worse – than the person who wrote the above excerpt.

The above victim see’s the group:- “Canadians for Fair and Equalized Taxation”, (CFET), as their only hope for relief from this oppressive/abusive tax. Is that the way you see it also?

What about a voters protest? If enough ordinary Canadians decided to demand this tax atrocity be corrected – and notified their local candidate(s) in this coming federal election – what do you suppose would happen?

Wouldn’t the same people -- who vowed to boycott the Leader’s Election Debate if Elizabeth May were allowed to participate – suddenly recognize how unfair, and un-Canadian this tax fiasco is?

You can bet your last Loonie they would have their eyes opened in a flash.

If you are unfamiliar with this tax rip-off visit the CFET web page at:-

Follow the links to Sign our petition, and Signatures, and read the comments posted by those who signed the petition. Also follow the link to “Press” and read the articles published by several prominent Canadian Journalists.

The USA had a similar problem with their Alternative Minimum Tax, (AMT), and they are now in the process of rescinding taxes levied on phantom income. (Kerry/Lieberman Bill).

Also the USA has suspended their Internal Revenue Agency, (IRA) from collecting the taxes previously levied on AMT phantom income.

If you would like to show your support -- of abused fellow Canadians in this issue – kindly notify your local federal election candidate you want their commitment to support the objective of CFET for fair and equitable taxation.

CFET is a non-partisan, non-profit group and does not even have a membership fee.
Anyone may become a member and/or supporter by sending an e-mail to -

Vic Drummond ©

Note:- If you wish to contact the tax victim -- who authored the excerpt quoted above -- send me an e-mail which I will forward on your behalf to the victim personally.


Sunday, September 14, 2008


A commentary on the miscues by Canadian
Political Leaders in the first week following
the Calling of the 2008 Federal Election.
By Victor Drummond ©
September 2008

In the days immediately prior to the dissolution of Canada’s 39th Parliament Canada’s political leaders were warned well in advance an election would be called this fall.

They all had oodles of time to develop a solid election platform and declare exactly what they would do for Canadians -- if elected.

So what have they declared so far?

First out of the gate was the Most Honourable Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada – with a video of a couple of ordinary citizens declaring Stephen knows where he stands, is a straight up guy and a regular good person.

This extremely non-committal video was quickly followed by another of Stephen in ordinary casual attire -- blue sweater and all – surrounded by his wife and children with the commentator informing the audience that Stephen is a devoted family man etc.

About this time other Canadian Political Party leaders climbed on the band wagon releasing videos portraying themselves as regular Canadians who love Canada and also have family values etc.

Still little to zero commitment to do anything solid for the average Canadian.

Then things began to jump the track. Elizabeth May, Leader of the Green Party of Canada, declared she intended to participate in all pre-election Party Leader debates. She would take the issue to the courts if necessary to achieve this end.

Other party leaders announced their positions on this issue with one or two saying it didn’t matter and a couple saying no-way. The debate authorities (media) said no as did Stephen Harper and Jack Layton. The latter political party leaders even went so far as to say -- if May were allowed to be a participant then they would boycott the debate.
(Major goof No. 1).

Not a very fair or well thought-out attitude to assume.

Being a high profile Canadian Elizabeth’s situation was given nation-wide media coverage and her supporters launched protest scenes which also received nation-wide coverage.

No doubt both Stephen Harper and Jack Layton were embarrassed by this turn of events but realizing a lot of votes were at stake they both did a prompt about face.

While the Elizabeth May fiasco was winding down the Conservative War Machine release a smear video depicting Stephane Dion as a loser with an Atlantic Puffin dropping poop on his shoulder as it flew past. (Major goof No. 2)

Who in their right mind would even imagine a smear tactic of this kind could be a plus credit to the author(s)?

Likely as part of the over-all Conservative Election strategy Stephen Harper then began to announce party policy on genuine issues. Issues that might actually benefit the average Canadian.

Promising to cut the diesel fuel excise tax by 50% -- if elected -- is a solid issue.

Promising to support the replacement of fossil fuel energy – as much as practical – by renewable energy sources – if elected – is a universal *issue.

*An item that is also on the USA Presidential Election agenda.

Promising to set a withdrawal date for Canadian troops -- serving in Afghanistan -- is an astute political manoeuvre but will not actually benefit average Canadians in the immediate future. This more of a good intention commitment.

Attacking the election platform commitments of the other federal Political Parties is standard procedure and it falls to the promoters of each party’s platform to defend and/or justify the benefit – if any – their policies would bring to the average Canadian.

Publicly attempting to discredit the father of a Canadian soldier killed on active duty in Afghanistan, however, can not be justified under any circumstances. (Major Goof No. 3)

There is another major issue – however -- deserving of highest priority attention by whatever party forms the next government.

An issue that has resulted in a very significant number of honest, hard-working Canadians being financially decimated and kept in a state of duress for over seven years.

An issue that is very similar to the unjustified taxation of many American citizens which the USA Congress is now in the process of correcting. (Kerry/Lieberman bill)

An issue that every Canadian Federal Party Leader has been made well aware of – but not one party leader even acknowledges exists.

An issue that not one Canadian party leader has committed to do anything to correct – if elected.

It is ironic that those who solicit our support – to be elected to represent all Canadians – will ignore defective legislation that unjustly causes financial ruin, distress, anxiety, and loss of hard earned financial security while presenting themselves to be ordinary Canadian family people.

Until our elected representatives recognize all Canadians are their family and are entitled to equal and fair treatment -- they are REALLY OFF.

If the issue of taxation of phantom income is not addressed during the Political Leaders Election Debates -- and -- if no party leader commits to correcting this atrocity – then I won’t waste my time voting for any of them.

A real family person would not allow this travesty of justice to continue.

If unfamiliar with the phantom income tax issue visit the web page of:- “Canadians for Fair and Equitable Taxation”, (CFET) at and explore the links to “Press”, “Sign our Petition” --> “signatures” --> “Comments”.

Victor Drummond ©

Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Law of zero ...

A commentary on the benefit of calling a federal election now.
By Victor Drummond ©
August 2008

A Federal election costs Canadian taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars -- and for many -- also time to actually go to the polls and vote.

So there should be at least one good reason -- for calling an election before the government has been defeated -- or their current four year term expires.

Our Prime Minister -- The Right honourable Stephen Harper -- has stated very recently -- he does not expect the Conservatives would win a majority government if an election were held now.

He also said he expects the result would be very similar to the minority government we currently have.

So why take the nation to the polls now – and spend hundreds of millions of dollars -- if there is little – or nothing -- to be gained?

Could it be that a Democratic Party win in the American Elections -- this coming November --
would alter the prospects of the Canadian Conservative Party -- getting even a minority government -- in a subsequent Canadian Federal Election?

Both the USA Democratic Party candidates -- Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama -- have declared they will review the NAFTA agreement with the objective of implementing a more protectionist American policy.

This action would impact directly -- and adversely -- upon the Canadian economy.

Now that Barack Obama has accepted the Democratic Party nomination -- to run for the office of President of the USA that little incident of a leaked confidential report -- by Canada, e.g. that Barack’s promise to the American voters to review the NAFTA agreement was merely political rhetoric –- takes on a life of its own.

Regardless of who -- in Canada -- leaked the confidential USA communiqué to the media -- the onus is now on Barack Obama – if elected president -- to prove he meant what he said regarding protecting the American economy.

Whichever Canadian Political Party happens to be in government -- when the President Barack Obama axe falls -- is going to become the scapegoat for the consequences of that leaked communiqué.

Our next federal election may then become unique in the respect that it is an election that no political party really wants to win.

Even if the American Republican Party Candidate – John McCain -- happens to become the next President of the USA it could be bad news for the Canadian government.

Because the American economy is in such a bad way – with no recovery in sight.

Canadian voters may glean a clue or two from the items selected -- by each Canadian Federal Party -- as planks in their pre-election platform.

For example -- if a party selects a non-issue – such as renewing the great lakes , i.e. anything beyond the ability of Canada to actually accomplish – or some non-committal, mealy mouthed statement such as – I love Canada so elect me etc. -- then you know they are not making a serious pitch to form Canada’s next government.

They do not wish to take the blame for anticipated problems in the Canadian economy.

So where does a campaign like that leave the Canadian voter?

What can anyone expect to gain by going to the polls under those conditions?

Even more confusing. If your preferred federal political party puts forward ridiculous campaign statements -- in an obvious effort to avoid being elected -- then who should you vote for?

In such an event it seems logical you should vote for one of the other federal party’s to help your favourite in their effort to avoid being elected.

In order to be confident the federal political party of your choice actually wants your support they must campaign on one or more real issues.

Issues that address the resolution of real abuse of all Canadians and will make it worth every voters time and money to go to the polls.

Issues that are actually within the power of our elected representatives to correct.

When I see any Canadian political party commit to restoring every Canadian’s RIGHT to fair Income Taxation – then I will know that party is serious in their effort to form Canada’s next government.

And even more important – they deserve to be elected as Canada’s ruling party.

It is VERY important to protect every Canadian’s RIGHT to fair, justified and equalized taxation in order to uphold Canada’s image on the world stage and deter creeping anarchy.

And when such a party is actually elected – with the majority they deserve – every Canadian will receive a huge dividend for their time and money.

Political expediency will be replaced by political decency and thousands of Canadians --victimized by extortionist-like taxable benefit legislation -- will have their money restored with tax overpayment interest and all related unpaid taxes/penalties revoked.

All Canadians of voting age should contact their Member of Parliament and demand to know if the candidate supports objectives of:- “Canadians for Fair and Equalized Taxation”, (CFET).

If unfamiliar with this very important issue – visit web page:-

Follow the links to their petition and signatures and read the comments left there by those who have been victimized by this insidious legislation.

See you at the next federal election voting polls – O’Grady.

Victor Drummond ©