Saturday, February 21, 2009


An appeal to Canada and USA Ham Radio Operators
To provide a public service to Canada’s
Victims of phantom income taxation.

By Victor Drummond ©
February 2009

Providing any kind of service to humans in distress seems to remain in the domain of people with a sense of compassion, decency and social responsibility that is more highly developed than is found in the average person.

What inspires a person to contribute their time and money to support organizations such as the International Red Cross or the Salvation Army, or the Amateur Radio Fraternity who’s members participate year after year in a 24 hour, international communications marathon called, Field Day? What is the purpose of Amateur Radio Field Day anyway?

Amateur Radio Field Day is a training/practice exercise in setting up an emergency world wide communications system that is self sufficient, e.g. independent of any form of outside energy supply.

Awards and prizes are given to both individual Amateur Radio operators, and Amateur Radio Clubs, for logging the greatest number of contacts in the 24 hour period according to a number of different categories, e.g. taking frequency bands used, power of the transmitter, type of antenna, for example.

A typical Ham Radio enthusiast is a conscientious person who uses their own money to build and/or buy expensive radio gear, erect their own antenna systems and utilize their own time to participate in their chosen hobby.

When disaster strikes, such as earthquake, fire, flood, landslide, volcanic eruption and the like where people are victimized, killed, maimed and/or left homeless, communication of the event and for those victimized has often been first and foremost provided by Ham Radio Operators.

If everyone were as unselfish and socially considerate as the average Ham Radio Operator the world would be as close to paradise as it is possible to get.

What would the world be like if everyone took a purely selfish attitude and like the Pharisees and Scribes in the parable of “The Good Samaritan” merely looked upon those who were fallen upon by thieves and then they passed by on the other side?
You wouldn’t want to live there.


For the past eight years, a minority of both American and Canadian taxpayers have fallen victim to defective income tax legislation and many have been financially decimated to the point where homes were lost, families were broken up, peoples life’s savings were wiped out, and peace of mind destroyed.

This abysmal situation was caused by taxing certain people on Phantom Income, e.g. money the taxpayer never actually received but were taxed on anyway due to defective income tax legislation.

Some U.S. newspapers reported this insidious tax policy as a contributing factor in the suicide of two American taxpayers.

In October 2008 the U.S. Congress passed a bill amending their defective “Alternative Minimum Tax”, (AMT), legislation thereby putting an end to taxing income that never existed. Also all related outstanding taxes and penalties have been revoked and those already victimized are being compensated. Ref:- and

Canada’s government, on the other hand, has essentially ignored all appeals by victimized Canadian taxpayers, over the past eight years, and still shows no sign of responding to the many appeals made by victims personally and/or the victims support group “Canadians for Fair and Equitable Taxation”, (CFET). Ref:-

Apparently Canadian victims need a louder voice, raised in protest, by more Canadian voters, before our federal political leaders turn on their hearing aids.

In order for this louder voice to become a reality victimized Canadian taxpayers, who are spread across a variety of Canadian Corporations, e.g. Communications, Financial, Mining, Forestry for example and also physically spread across the vast area of Canada, need to be informed there is a group of victims and supporters waiting to assist them in obtaining justice and Fair taxation.

It is difficult, for CFET, a Non-profit Public Service Group, to reach these widely distributed victims to make them aware there is a group of public spirited Canadians fighting for them and fighting for every Canadian’s RIGHT to FAIR and EQUITABLE TAXATION.

Why Should Amateur Radio Club’s and/or Amateur Radio Operators
get involved with Tax Issues?

(1) Because a significant minority of honest hard working Canadians have been financially ruined, to the extent of losing their homes, losing their life’s savings, children losing their education funds and in some cases suffering the loss a parent through domestic breakdown all because of a flaw in Canada’s insidious taxable benefit legislation and application policy.

(2) Because the RIGHT of every Canadian to FAIR and JUSTIFIED TAXATION is compromised as long as the present flawed “taxable benefit” legislation remains in force.

What can Amateur Radio Clubs and Operators
do to help?

When individual amateur operators are rag-chewing they could mention the fact that some Canadians are being taxed on income that never existed.
That will come as news to most people.

Then they could inquire if their contact has heard of this phantom tax fiasco and/or knows of anyone victimized by it. They could mention the United States had a similar tax problem which they fixed last October, complete with compensation to those American Taxpayers already victimized. The U.S. government did this in spite of their current economy problems.

They could then encourage every contact to visit the CFET web site:- and sign the petition, anonymously if preferred, and post a comment. Everyone over the age of majority may sign the CFET petition, and post a comment. Signers do not need to be actual victims of the phantom income tax, they only need to be in favour of elimination abusive taxation.

When club editors are composing club news reports, bulletins and the like, make mention of this un-Canadian tax and the CFET web address.

Amateur Radio Club publication(s) editors could accept paid ads from CFET to appear in Amateur Radio Club bulletins and/or News Reports.

Participating in correcting this abusive, unjust and unfair situation is performing a genuine public service because as long as the present defective legislation remains on the law books every Canadian’s RIGHT to fair taxation is compromised and new victims continue to be created.

Radio Amateurs are the best media to accomplish the job of reaching into every nook and cranny across Canada to assure maximum public awareness of CFET’s public service program, e.g. to restore Fair and Equitable Taxation for all Canadians.

QSL via or via e-mail

73’s & 88’s

Victor Drummond ©

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


A commentary on the meeting of the U.S. President with Canada’s Prime Minister.

By Victor Drummond ©
February 2009

Thursday, February 19, 2009 a historic meeting is scheduled to take place on Capitol Hill
Ottawa Canada.

Barack Obama, the 44th president of the United States of America, and the first non-white person to achieve this position, is scheduled to meet with Stephen Harper, Prime Minister for Canada’s 40th Parliament.

This visit is planned to be a very brief, made more, to show the world that the new President United States of America has a high regard for Canadians and Canada.

Some of the topics they will likely discuss are easy to predict. The North America Free Trade Agreements, (NAFTA), will most certainly be mentioned. Fossil energy supplies, available to the U.S. from Canada and what can be done to clean up “dirty oil” production to keep the world a bit greener are other hot items sure to be mentioned.

Then of course is the question of how best to co-ordinate Canadian and American economic stabilization and recovery programs -- is a sure fire item for discussion.

But interference in the social policies of one countries government, by the leader of another country, is certainly not up for discussion. International diplomacy and courtesy forbid it.

In spite of the much worse financial situation facing the United States government, however, the U.S. has enacted legislation to end the unjust, unfair, and abusive taxation of nonexistent, (phantom), income. In addition all related outstanding taxes and penalties have been revoked and taxpayers already victimized are being compensated. Ref:- and

The U.S. government likely realizes there is no more effective way to stabilize their economy and restore consumer confidence than to put more discretionary funds back into the hands of their rightful owners, e.g. taxpayers who were unjustly taxed on nonexistent income.

The Canadian government, on the other hand, claims to be much better off, in the area of our current financial and economic circumstances, but for some unknown reason has continued to financially abuse many honest, hard working Canadians, by taxing them, even into financial distress, on the basis of phantom income. There is absolutely no justification for this callous abuse of Canadian taxpayers what-so-ever. Ref:-

Answer:- “Nothing”.
President Obama is likely too much of a gentleman and true statesman to embarrass the head of another county’s government.

But, if I were he, I would be thinking many things. None of which would be complimentary to Canada’s past and present governments and/or Prime Minister’s.

And he likely does know because he keeps on top of world affairs.

Victor Drummond ©

Sunday, February 15, 2009


A parody on Canada’s ongoing policy of
Taxing Phantom Income.

By Victor Drummond ©
February 2009

When it comes to famous manifestations of purely ethereal beings Canada is far behind countries such as Germany, (Transylvania), France and Great Britain where ghostly presences have been witnessed by people on hundreds of occasions.

Old Castles appear to be their preferred habitats. Especially those where gruesome events have taken place in times past. These Castles are real property even if the ghostly occupants are not.

This situation is grossly unfair to ordinary citizens, who in addition to being frightened out their skins, by these chain rattling spooks, are also taxed by the government on the property they occupy and the assets they acquire.

These ghostly apparitions not only possessed the properties they currently occupy but those that existed in real life were mostly Barons, Kings, Dukes and the like with huge personal fortunes.

Of course in real life these phantoms also undoubtedly obeyed the tax laws that were in effect at the time and/or made tax laws to suit themselves. Much like the Canadian government does today.

Canadians who are honest, hard working taxpayers and who are taxed on their real income, the same as their counterpart Canadians have little or nothing to complain about.

Likewise Canadians who invest, and/or, speculate in the stock markets of the world, and who are taxed on the profits they actually realize also have little to complain about.

How about a corporate employee who is offered the opportunity to acquire shares in their employer corporation, either at an attractive cost price, or even in lieu of other benefits such as an increase in pay, or additional paid vacation time?

During the decades long hi-tech market boom, ending in the year 2001, many corporations implemented “Employee Share Purchase Plans”, (ESPP’s) and/or Employee Share Option Plans, (ESO’s) to entice employees to remain loyal to the employer and produce higher output in order to share in the corporations success.

These honest, hard working taxpayers were lulled into a sense of false security, both by their employer and the very government they may have voted for.

It was seldom or sometimes never made clear to those employees that they could, and would, be taxed on money that never existed. Money that was no more tangible than the apparitions haunting the castles of the old world.

Taxes, which regardless of whether or not the taxpayer lost their employment, their life savings, their children’s education fund, their homes and sometimes even a spouse, were imposed without compassion.

To make matters worse the victims of this outrageous tax could not apply real losses they suffered if they actually liquidated their equities. The tax imposed on phantom income may only be paid up front or, in some cases, deferred until the taxpayer themselves become a ghost.

Canada’s tax barons have made the law discriminatory between phantom taxable benefits and real tangible losses such that one is not allowed to offset the other.

Quite the self-serving set of legal rationalizations. A tax system that Lucifer himself would be proud of.

Taxing imaginary income is about as fair, and reasonable, as posting a tax levy on a haunted castle demanding payment of property taxes by the ethereal occupant.
At least the castle and the phantom’s past possessions are real, even if the ethereal occupant is not.

The U.S. government has recently amended their comparable tax, on phantom income, legislation and it is no credit to our Canadian government that they haven’t yet followed the American lead in this aspect.
Ref:- and for more detail.

SHOULD GHOSTS BE TAXED? Answer:- Not until they materialize with real assets.

Consequently neither should living Canadians be taxed until the related phantom income also materializes. Ref:- and follow the “Sign our Petition” link to Signatures – Comments, for more detail.

When looking for a Canadian Federal Political Party to support, in the next election, you won’t find one worthy of your vote, and your $!.25 per vote tax contribution, until you find a party prepared to correct Canada’s Tax on Ghostly income.

Victor Drummond ©

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


A commentary on the performance of your Member of Canada’s Parliament.

By Victor Drummond ©
February 2009

Now that the Conservative minority government has survived the reading of the 2009 budget and the prospect of another federal election, for the time being, the jockeying of our federal political parties, for public support begins.

Each party will be utilizing the parliamentary question period to grandstand on one issue after another in an effort to sway public opinion polls in favour of their policies and performance.

And no matter how outrageous the issues may become no combination of parties will call for a vote of no confidence unless they believe they have sufficient public support to bring them to power in another federal election.

Barring some major earth environmental catastrophe, which can be blamed on air pollution, and/or global warming, issues such as going green or imposing a carbon tax wont cut the mustard.

With the world’s economy going down the drain, and with tens of thousands of family bread winners around the world becoming unemployed, losing their homes, their savings, and sometimes their families there is little doubt our politicians, provincial and federal will be beating the drums about stabilizing Canada’s economy and restoring full employment.

Although hundreds, possibly many thousands, of honest hard Canadians have been appealing to their
elected representatives, for protection from financial/social decimation by their own government only a favoured few, (about 43 victims), have had their elected representative, (MP Gary Lunn), actually go to bat for them.

All other victimized appellants have either been totally ignored or at best sent a useless boiler plate reply. So who do those other 300, or so, elected Members of Parliament actually represent?

Is Gary Lunn the only Member of Parliament to be outraged at the financial devastation being wreaked upon his constituents by their own government?

Do Canada’s Prime Ministers from Jean Chrétien to Stephen Harper, and possibly next to Michael Ignatieff, believe it is acceptable to bleed honest hard working Canadians financially dry on the basis of taxes levied, and maintained, on income that never came in?

After nearly a decade of Canadians being victimized by their own government, and their appeals ignored, by their elected representatives is any concern, now expressed by our politicians for the financial problems of current victims of the economic downturn, creditable?

Even in the face of the United States government recent action to revoke all taxes and penalties related to the taxing of phantom income, our Canadian government displays no indication of doing the same.

Apparently our elected representatives in Canada’s parliament feel their constituents are not as worthy of support and protection from harm as the U.S. Congress honours their commitment to their citizens.

Unless at least one candidate for election to Canada’s next parliament has the conscience, sense of decency, and the moxie to speak out in support of all Canadians victimized by Canada’s defective taxable benefit legislation then I, for one, will save my time and taxpayers money by boycotting the election polls.

Why should I, or anyone, pay dollars per vote in support of politicians, and/or political parties that neither represent me nor the moral standards I want to have in my government.

If the U.S. government can afford, at this time of economic crisis, to treat their victims of taxes on phantom income fairly then there is no excuse, this side of Hades, why the Canadian government could not and should not do the same.

Visit:- and and for more detail on this issue.

Canadians are not second class Americans. Remember that when the next Canadian federal election gets under way.

Victor Drummond ©

Sunday, February 8, 2009


A commentary on the golden opportunity
The Canadian Government now has to
Correct a grave injustice and Right
An outrageous Wrong.

By Victor Drummond ©
February 2009

As the saying goes:- “It is an ill wind that blows no good.”

Yet the economic woes currently besetting the worlds industrialized nations provides the Canadian Government, and those that aspire to become our government, a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Apparently as far back as 1964 Canadian taxpayers were being set up for serious abuse and unjustified taxes when financial gurus began to write thesis on the taxation of employees who became beneficiaries of their employer corporation shares and/or share options.

Fancy statistics, theories, averages, and trends were tossed into the pot and stirred vigorously until a desired rationale for levying taxes on any real, potential, theoretical and/or purely imaginary funds could be classified as some kind of taxable income, or, benefit.

Deliberations were taking place in tax areas of several countries, such as, Great Britain, Australia, the United States and Canada.

A typical reference document is the Fisher Black and Myron Scholes study done in 1973.

In 2001 Daniel Sander compiled his own tax document which included a chapter titled:-
“The Tax Treatment of Stock Options: Generous to a fault.”

So far as I can determine, from perusing this composition, Daniel is saying a government is justified in levying taxes on any potential income, that corporate employees might have realized, from stock shares and/or stock options acquired via Employee Share/Option Purchase Plans, (ESPP/ESO), and it is their own fault if they failed to avail themselves of this possible gain which they could have realized by merely selling their equities at the time of taking delivery, i.e. the exercise date. This argument requires an "ASSUMPTION" the taxpayer had ample opportunity to take advantage of the chance to sell their equities at that time. Not always a valid condition.

He then appears to be saying the Canadian government is generous to a fault by allowing such taxes to be deferred until the time of sale.

Perhaps Daniel was under the impression, at the time of writing,the taxes levied would be corrected to the real gain, or loss, the taxpayer actually realizes at the time of sale. If that were the case I might agree with the title statement. But that is not how the Canadian government operates this unjust, unfair tax system.

The tax levied in Canada remains at the theoretical profit level, the equities had, at the time of delivery. And even when a real loss is inevitable, to the taxpayer, it has no influence on the taxes already imposed, whether deferred or not.

Furthermore avenues of relief to have this outrageous tax revoked are limited to beginning with:- Appeals to Revenue Canada’s Chief of Appeals Officer located at various Tax Returns Offices across Canada.

According to the Auditor Generals Report this process is the equivalent of a crap shoot where a favourable decision may depend more on the location of the appeal than it does on the merits of the victim’s circumstances. This situation merely aggravates the situation and introduces an even greater element of unfairness.

Daniel devoted some 60 pages of closely spaced typing, including 7 pages of notes and references, (214 items), to convince himself, and others, that such a taxation operation is fair and justified.

Around the year 2003 Daniel composed another tax document titled:- “The benchmark Income Tax Treatment of Employee Stock Options: A basis for comparison.”

This time it only took 26 pages of typing to arrive at the closing statements:-

“If the value of the stock option were recognized on the vesting date, this amount, (plus the amount, if any, that the employee paid for the option), would be considered the cost of the option to the employee. Going forward, the option would be treated in the same manner as any other option granted by the corporation for it’s own shares. It is highly unlikely that this benchmark treatment will be adopted in Canada in the foreseeable future. Indeed the recent trend has been to increase the favourable tax treatment of employee stock options by deferring tax until the sale of the underlying shares and by reducing the amount of the benefit subject to tax. In any tax expenditure analysis of employee stock options, this favourable treatment should be evaluated against the proposed benchmark treatment for employee stock options.”

When it takes ten thousand words -- or more, including theories, assumptions, averages, and trends -- to create a tax rationale then the rationale is invalid.

It is akin to a base constructed of playing cards which collapses into useless scrap when exposed to the slightest test.

A claim that any government is entitled to extort real money based upon any purely potential amount of money, (phantom money), is a concept that has no validity this side of Hades. No matter how many words and/or arguments written to the contrary.

The ESPP/ESO tax policy may have operated, more or less, satisfactorily during the post WWII economic growth period but when the Hi-tech stock market crash arrived in the year 2001 the flaw in Canada’s ESPP/ESO tax legislation, and the way it was applied, became painfully evident.

Until the world economy decline became a full blown depression Canada’s government, and federal political party leaders may have felt they had good reason to ignore the financial ruin, loss of income and broken homes due to the unfair, unjust and unreasonable taxes levied, and/or held in abeyance, on phantom income.

But now with the massive loss of jobs and financial distress imposed on Canadians by the current depression they find their moral conscience and begin to make noises declaring how appalled they all are about this unbearable distress being felt by many Canadians.

The situation has only changed in magnitude.

Exactly the same distressful conditions were imposed on those honest hard working Canadians who were taxed out of their life’s savings, out of their homes, out of their children’s education funds, etc from the year 2001 to the present time.

Now is the time for the Canadian political leaders to correct – so far as possible – the grave injustice they have stood by and allowed to operate for nearly a decade.

While throwing money in all directions, in an attempt to stabilize and restore Canada’s economy, begin by following the United States government's lead in correcting our defective taxable benefit legislation. Ref:-

Revoke all related taxes, and penalties and compensate those who have already paid the price of this disastrous tax policy.

This action would restore some credibility to the crocodile tears now being shed on behalf of Canadians currently in financial distress and do more to restore Canada’s reputation and economy than twice the number of dollars thrown in any other direction.

There will never be a better time to right this obnoxious wrong. Or a better time to justify asking for victims votes in the next federal elction.

Victor Drummond ©

Sunday, February 1, 2009


A commentary on the Federal Liberal Leader’s promise to place
Canada’s minority conservative government on probation.

It must be comforting to those Canadians who have lost their employment, due to the current world economic depression, and, to those facing income loss as their employers downsize or go out of business, to know that the minority government has been put on probation.

Using all the leverage available, from the threat of replacing an elected government with an unelected coalition government Michael Ignatieff succeeded in pressuring the Harper Conservatives to bring in a budget that will put Canada’s finances in a serious deficit position for years to come.

Whether, or not, this pressure-can budget is the right mix, to stabilize Canada’s economy in the shortest possible time, remains to be seen.

Of course on this issue Michael is in a really good political position.

If the budget does bring a quick end to Canada’s economic woes Michael can take the lion’s share of the credit.

Conversely if the budget merely puts the government in an even bigger financial sink-hole then Michael can say they failed to read the economic indicators correctly and therefore are not competent to govern Canada and manage Canada’s financial affairs.

A no lose situation for the Federal Liberals and possibly a real win situation for financially distressed Canadians.

Perhaps at long last Canada’s government will find its moral sense of balance and compensate Canadians who have fallen on hard financial times.

But precisely where should this financial rescue package begin? Canadians have been enjoying the longest run of economic good times in recent history, i.e. from 1946 to 2000, about 55 years.

This is longer than the average working years for most humans. Of course there were casualties along the way, such as, accident victims, a workers with health problems, but no massive loss of employment such as Canadians are now experiencing.

A shadow, of things to come, fell across world Hi-Tech corporations in the year 2000 when flag ship companies such as Nortel Networks, and JDSU Fitel saw their client orders drying up and their stock market shares coming to the end of an unprecedented decades long rise.

Victims of the year 2000 – 2001 hi-tech bust were generally not too bad off. If they had years of experience they usually were given a buy-out which would be more than adequate to see them through to their next job.

There were, however, a relatively small number of Canadians, put in real financial distress due to a flaw in Canada’s taxable benefit legislation that did not become obvious until certain
Employees, who had purchased shares of their employer corporation, under an Employee Share Purchase Plan, (ESPP), and/or an Employee Share Option, (ESO) plan, found themselves levied horrendous taxes on money they never received.

In many cases this unjustified taxation was heaped on top of the taxpayers’ loss of employment.

Many of those caught in this financial vice appealed to the government at all levels to have their tax burden normalized. All to no avail.

As it happened the Paul Martin Liberals had a majority government and could have easily
Rectified the problem with a members bill to amend the taxable benefit legislation.

It appeared briefly that Paul Martin was planning to correct the problem in his year 2000
Budget but as it turned out the best he did was to allow those victimized to apply for tax deferment via a tax form T1212. The tax levy, and penalties remained in force but the victim could keep putting off payment by applying via the T1212 form each year.

The government strategy was likely to allow deferment of these outrageous taxes until the market boom resumed then all would be well. Unfortunately the market bust turned into a full blown depression and those outrageous taxes are still hanging over each victims head.

So if Mr. Ignatieff is putting anyone on probation perhaps he should get both feet of the Federal Liberal Party on the moral high ground and submit a bill in the house of commons to correct this tax atrocity that has wreaked financial havoc on so many honest, hard working Canadians for so many years.

Another insidious aspect of the T1212 tax deferment legislation being that if your employer corporation is bought out, or goes out of business, then your tax deferment is null and void.

So now that Nortel Networks has applied for Bankruptcy protection there are a number of taxable benefit victims spending restless nights and anxious days for fear their deferred taxes will be demanded payment on their next tax return.

Some voters may recall that the Federal Conservative Party campaigned on the basis of fair taxation before the 2006 Federal Election. And to some extent they attempted to keep that commitment when Mr. Gary Lunn, Member of Parliament, for the riding of Saanich-Gulf Islands, British Columbia, succeeded in getting a Tax Remission Order, (TRO), issued to revoke some of the taxes levied on about 40 former employees of the defunct SDL Optics plant that had been bought out by the JDSU Fitel corporation.

What is there about that particular group of victims that justified granting them relief of the unjustified taxes but none of the other thousands of identical victims across Canada.

Was it an attempt to fulfill the pre-election promise to bring fair taxation to all honest hard working Canadians? If so all that was accomplished was to make the situation even worse for those excluded from the tax remission action.

Was it because within the 40 or so victims was a young unemployed husband with a pregnant wife who were now faced with eviction from their home? One in 42 is 2.38 %

Using a straight 2% estimate there would be 20 similar cases for every thousand victims of this outrageous tax fiasco. Why should their situation be ignored?

And allowing those 2% could make a successful plea to the Chief Appeals Officer in the Canadian Income Tax offices what kind of fair taxation system is that?

On a plain logical basis no one should ever be levied real money in taxes against a purely potential, (phantom), income.

As this gross injustice made its initial appearance on the Liberal Party Watch it falls to the present Leader of the Federal Liberal Party, Mr. Michael Ignatieff to restore the tarnished image of his party AND live up to the claim that the Liberals deserve to be restored to a majority government.

Michael already has one foot on high moral ground all that is necessary for him and his party to stand head and shoulders above all other Canadian Federal Parties is to raise the other foot off the necks of Canadian victims of taxable benefits and place it on a commitment to correct this gross injustice, revoke all related outstanding taxes and penalties and compensate those Canadian Taxpayers who have already paid money on this pretext.

The United States Government has corrected their AMT legislation, to put and end to the taxation of American citizens on phantom income, and, have approved a compensation package for those who have already paid related taxes and/or penalties.

According to our government the Canadian Economy is in much better shape than the American economy – so if the U.S. government can do it – so can the Canadian Government.

Now where were we? Oh yes – Where should the Government begin to apply the billions of economic stabilization dollars?

Can you think of a better place to begin than when the first Canadians were taxed on money they never received? Giving people back their own money is not only fair and just it is the decent thing to do.

It may not restore any lost homes or the many broken marriages caused by this unjustified and abusive tax but it will be more effective in restoring the confidence of many Canadians in their elected representatives and do more per dollar to stabilize the Canadian economy than twice the number of dollars spent any other way.

Last – but not least – It will put both feet, of the government in power, solidly on the higher moral ground.

In this regard more than the Federal Conservative Party is on probation.

Victor Drummond ©