Thursday, May 17, 2007


Barring any unforseen difficulties there will be a Federal election in the near future.
There are all kinds of would-be Members of Political Parties campaigning for your vote.

This money will be used to inform you of the wonderful things their party and they personally will do to make your world a better place.

Each one of them will be putting up all the money they can afford, and/or all the money the election rules will allow, in order to win over your vote. Therefore your vote is valuable -- in terms of money alone.

Your vote is worth much more, however, in terms of the power it gives you the voter to demand honest government.

Heaven forbid that any politician would make a false promise, or tell deliberate lies in order to, rob you of your vote and, try to gain power under false pretences.

If such a thing happened, however, would you vote for the same person, or party again?

What if a political party campaigned on the promise to give the Canadian Public Fair Taxes?

Does it concern you that some Canadians are given tax relief that the others in identical conditions are denied?

Do not throw away your opportunity to make the elected party live up to their promises.

Get out and vote -- and make your vote count -- only vote for the person and/or party that keeps their promises -- or that recognizes unfair policies or practices and corrects them without coercion.

If you do not use your vote, or use it indiscriminently, then you have no one to blame but yourself for encouraging any party, in power, to fleece you like the political sheep that you are.

Victor Drummond


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