Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Beggars can't be....

A parallel between Oliver Twist and the status of Canada’s
victims of the defective Taxable Benefits Legislation.
By Victor Drummond ©
October 2007

Charles Dickens wrote about a child born in a parish workhouse -- to a vagrant woman – who died shortly after the child was born.

The child, a boy, was born with only the universal right to exist and not much more.

Anything the parish administrators provided to him was by way of a favour – so far as the administration was concerned.

The day eventually arrived when the boy, now known as Oliver Twist, realized he needed more nourishment in order to feel comfortable and go to bed at night without hunger pangs.

Oliver then dared to approach the gruel dispenser – with basin, and spoon, in hand – and politely beg for some more nourishment. He didn’t likely realize his lack of self esteem or the low level of self worth or lack of social status that he had been living with.

The gruel dispenser was absolutely shocked that a vagrant child would have the audacity to plead for more.

Even the parish administration felt that such a child would eventually come to a sad end.

Fortunately very few children born in Canada suffer such hardships and lack of rights.

Children born in Canada not only inherit the universal right to exist but also the right to honest, fair and equal treatment under the laws of Canada.
This right should also apply to ALL Canadian taxpayers – but it does not.

There are many Canadians currently faced with huge tax levies on money they never saw and likely never will see.

Canada’s current government has upgraded a series of “Fair Taxation” bulletins, form and pamphlets and a “Fair Taxation Pledge” which create the impression they are seriously offering the taxable benefit victims – a fair deal. NOT SO.

As long as the Canadian Income Tax Act contains legislation that empowers the Canada Revenue Agency to tax non-existent gains as “Earned Income” then the victims of this legislation have NO RIGHT to real fair taxation. The victims of this mode of taxation are reduced to begging for their unfair taxes to be dismissed.

Way-to-go Canada. You have created our own sizable population of Oliver Twist(s).

These victims, however, have experienced attributes of dignity, compassion, social status and fully realize when they have been lowered in the social system from kings of their own domain to nothing more or less than beggars.

To add insult to injury they must beg for their own money which should never have been extorted from them in the first place.

The defective taxable benefit legislation -- that created this social disaster -- generates victims at a wholesale rate – while the appeal process is deliberately designed to provide relief to a very few victims at a time.
This is passed off as: “Equal Treatment” under the law.

Many victims would rather suffer the loss of their money than stoop to begging for what is rightfully theirs.

Furthermore the granting of relief to the paltry few -- who can afford to utilize the system – and may obtain a favourable ruling -- merely compounds the felony by creating unequal treatment for a fortunate few while -- leaving the vast majority of identical victims to stew in their own juice. This is also passed off as: “Equal Treatment” under the law.

Appeal after appeal has been made to every level of government over the past six, or more, years. The only real corrective action taken so far is the granting of remission of this specific taxation to some 60+ employees of the JDS Uniphase plant in Saanich British Columbia. For an update on this situation see prior articles:- “Could anyone want for more?” and “Will Canada’s Real Leader Please Stand up.”

PLEASE SIR CAN WE HAVE SOME MORE? – Give us back our RIGHT to Fair Taxation – Introduce a members bill to exclude Corporation shares from the “Taxable Benefit” classification.

If this injustice is ever going to be rectified it appears the Canadian Voter is the last ditch factor. They alone seem to be able to provide relief and fair treatment for the “Oliver Twist” victims of this defective segment of our tax legislation.

As a voter you can tell those who solicit your vote – “Commit your party to implement corrective action on the “Taxable Benefit” legislation – or NO VOTE.”

See you at the polls.

Victor Drummond ©

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