Wednesday, January 23, 2008

What O'Grady sez...

The question – Who Really Runs Canada’s Affairs?
A commentary by Victor Drummond ©
January 2008

One of the basic training exercises practiced in the Canadian Military -- back in WWII -- was to have a troop of soldiers stand in parade-square formation with full pack and rifle.

The NCO in charge would then instruct the troop that he was now going to give commands in two formats, e.g. “When I give a command preceded by the words:- “O’Grady sez” then you act immediately to perform that command BUT when the command is given without the “O’Grady sez” prefix then you do absolutely nothing. GOT IT?

So then the NCO would begin giving commands at a slow pace with many prefixed by O’Grady sez.

It took a few minutes -- of practice -- before the entire troop began working in unison.

Once the NCO saw the troop was keeping up to him he began to bark his orders louder and at ever increasing speed.

Of course as the command volume and speed increased the perfect unison -- achieved at first -- gradually became undone.

There was usually no penalty imposed on soldiers who goofed and moved to commands without the O’Grady prefix.

It was rare that a soldier who goofed once or twice was given an order to run around the parade square a few time with full pack – or do a few push-ups – (less pack).

We all knew who was calling the shots. It wasn’t the NCO it was some nebulous individual named O’Grady – and what O’Grady sez – GOES.

For most of my life I was under the delusion that our elected members to Canada’s Parliament
called the shots. They made the rules and -- nearly -- everyone else obeyed them.

Our MP’s introduced bills -- to serve and protect their constituents -- and hopefully benefit the entire Canadian society.

Those bills could eventually become the official laws of Canada – observed and supported by
all ministries and law enforcement agencies.

I thought our Prime Minister/Parliament was O’Grady.

Another of my delusions was that – for the most part – our politicians and supporting agencies were staffed by intelligent, honest, compassionate individuals who cared about the well being of all humans and especially Canadian citizens.

That every Canadian in authority – from the police to the Prime Minister -- would take prompt action to rectify any situation that caused and/or allowed abuse, intimidation and/or unjust treatment of innocent persons – especially Canadians.

After all – hasn’t the government of Canada been among the very first to send food, temporary shelters, medicine, fresh water generators, clothing and medical personnel to areas where major disasters have happened.

Yes our government is most compassionate when it comes to others in distress.

Now, after seeing our government in power -- minority or not -- produce mere token attempts to provide Canadians who have suffered tremendous abuse, loss of homes, loss of savings, sometimes loss of spouse and/or burdened with unjustified debt for life – with protection or relief -- I realize they are not O’Grady.

The leader -- of every Canadian Federal Political party -- has been sent numerous letters and/or e-Mails -- telling them of the hardship imposed upon the writers -- by unjust taxation on imaginary taxable benefits – and appealing to them for support and intervention. To absolutely no avail.

Most of those appeals were not even acknowledged and none were acted upon to grant Canadian taxpayers a fair deal. Why not?

Every sitting MP has the power to introduce a bill designed to correct this injustice – why don’t they do it?

Is it because they have few – or none – of the moral/social qualities I attributed to them?

Or is it because they are mere figureheads and some nebulous O’Grady entity actually runs Canada’s affairs?

In any event the present line-up of Canada’s politicians -- except possibly, Stephen Harper, Carol Skelton and Gary Lunn – have not done a thing to correct the abuse of honest, hard working, Canadians. And their efforts have merely produced even greater unfairness so far as the majority of taxable benefit victims are concerned.

Do you believe people who have the power to protect those abused – but who standby and play ostrich – are worthy to be – or become -- members of Canada government? I do not.

Those who ignore the plight of abused Canadians – deserve nothing – definitely not the support of the Canadian voters.

If no political party commits to correcting the flawed taxable benefit legislation and giving all victimized Canadians a truly fair deal then use your ballot to register your protest.

If you agree with me – vote for Victor Drummond – in the next federal election.
Become the nebulous power behind the throne i.e. O’Grady.
Remember:- What O’Grady sez -- GOES

See you at the federal election voting polls – O’Grady.

Victor Drummond ©

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