Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Years Resolutions..

As a fourth generation native born Canadian and a Canadian WWII Veteran I feel entitled to express my opinions and expectations of those elected to govern me and my homeland.

Victor Drummond ©
December 31, 2008

Canadian political leaders have performed miserably throughout the year 2007.

The democratically elected minority conservative party has acted as though they had a majority mandate and in so doing have essentially dared the opposition parties to bring down the government via a no confidence vote.

As the year progressed so did the apparent public support of the conservative government such that by August 2007 polls indicated the conservatives could win a majority government if a federal election were held then.

With polls favouring the conservative party the opposition parties declined to bring down the minority conservative government via a no confidence vote and instead spent their time and resources searching for a way to discredit the Prime Minister and the party he heads.

When -- by September 2007 --the opposition parties had not obliged our Prime Minister with a no confidence vote Stephen Harper took the gamble of having the Governor General dissolve parliament to force another federal general election.

An election he likely expected to return the Conservative party to power and this time with a majority government. (A miscalculation to be sure.)

All Canadian Federal Parties demonstrated gross ignorance of the attitude of the Canadian public and world political/economic affairs during their pre-election campaigns and policy platforms.

The Liberal proposed Carbon Tax received little if any public support.

The NDP policy of restoring the corporate tax levels to their former level didn’t receive much public support.

The Green Party platform policy focusing on preserving the environment didn’t generate much public support.

If Stephen Harper and Jack Layton not opposed Elizabeth May’s bid to participate in the pre-election party leaders debates the Green Party might have been completely lost in the pre-election hi-jinks.

As it turned out Elizabeth not only fed crow to Jack Layton and Stephen Harper she had her day in the sun by attending the debates along with those who declared they would boycott the debates if Elizabeth were allowed to participate. (Another miscalculation to be sure.)

BTW:- The pre-election party leaders debates are a farce in any case. The questions are cherry picked before presentation.

Do you believe a question on the breaking of pre-election promises by leaders running for office outranks the issue of taxpayer abuse? None of the victimized Canadian taxpayers think so.

The issue of abusing Canadian taxpayers by taxing many on phantom (nonexistent) income was submitted to the debate program administrators -- well in advance of the debates -- but not one word was said on this important issue during the debates broadcast. Questions on this issue were submitted by at least a dozen victims of the insidious defective Canadian taxable benefit legislation.

Although financial storm clouds had been visible for over a year – and they were growing bigger and blacker by the day – our Prime Minister and Minister if Finance kept assuring the Canadian public that Canada’s financial affairs were in good shape and there was no real cause for the average Canadian to become unduly concerned. (Another miscalculation to be sure.)

Were they really that inept at reading the signs of a coming world wide depression or were they merely gambling their assurance of Canada’s good financial situation would translate into more votes?

The government and opposition party leaders’ obsession with bashing each other and all of them failing to address really important issues resulted in the lowest voter turn out in recent history.

Less than half of Canada’s eligible voters even bothered to vote. No wonder the Conservatives failed to achieve their desired majority government. As long as any Canadian Federal Political
Party ignores honesty, decency, fairness and justice in their dealings with the Canadian public they will be lucky to get even a minority of their candidates for office elected.

So here are my Governments Resolutions for the year 2009.

(1) We will keep our promises to the Canadian public -- to the best of our ability -- and when
conditions change that prevent our doing so we will give a truthful and complete

(2) We will cease wasting time and resources in an effort to make ourselves look good and/or
our opponents look bad by comparison.
There will be no more personal attacks on other government members.
(No more pooping puffins in our television promotions.)

(3) Our Primary focus will be to serve Canadians’ and Canada’s best interests -- in all our policies -- to the best of our ability.

In keeping with the foregoing resolutions we will take prompt action to correct Canada’s defective taxable benefit legislation and revoke all related taxes and penalties levied on phantom income.

Furthermore we will fairly compensate Canadian taxpayers who have already been victimized by this outrageous tax policy in a manner comparable to the United States government’s recent correction of their similar Alternative Minimum Tax legislation and victim compensation.

Ref:- and


Victor Drummond ©

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