Wednesday, March 11, 2009



A commentary on the 307 Members of Canada’s 40th Parliament
who fail to protect their constituents from unjust, unfair, abusive taxation.
By Victor Drummond ©
March 2009

There are actually 308 people elected as members, (MP’s) to Canada’s 40th Parliament.

One of those 308 MP’s actually took the time to listen to the appeal of a constituent, who has been, and still is, in financial distress because of an outrageous Canadian income tax policy.

Just imagine being levied a huge tax on income money that you did not receive, e.g. “Phantom Income”. Where the tax alone can be 300 to 500 percent of your total gross income for the entire year.

Does anyone believe any government is justified in levying tax on income that never really existed?
Apparently only this one MP of the 308 elected cares one way or the other.

This one outstanding MP actually comprehends the injustice, unfairness, abusive, aspects of this Tax on phantom policy and is aware the United States government has, in the face of their horrendous economic problems, amended their equivalent tax legislation and has put an end to taxing phantom income for American taxpayers. Ref:- and

Furthermore this one outstanding MP took immediate action to try to protect their distressed constituent, and all Canadian victims, by writing a letter, on House of Commons letterhead, to Canada’s Minister of Finance, (MOF), “The Hon.” James Flaherty”, Informing him, in no uncertain terms, what is wrong with this abusive tax policy.

The letter, however, gives the MOF credit for knowing the appropriate corrective action to take.

If the MOF couldn’t figure out for himself that taxing people into financial ruin was unreasonable, cruel, unjust, indecent and unfair, and a policy that needed to be promptly corrected, then who could expect him to be competent to figure out the best way to correct the problem.

As the MOF himself publicly admitted, recently, “Mistakes will be made”, (in addition to the whoppers already made), it seems most likely he will make another dandy by ignoring this real MP’s letter.

His recent remark “mistakes will be made” was in relation to the doling out of billions of taxpayers dollars in an attempt to stabilize Canada’s economy and restore full employment as soon as possible.

It would be no mistake, however, to direct all the dollars needed to correct Canada’s defective “taxable benefit” legislation and fairly compensate those victimized by it.

It would be no mistake to put an end to taxing honest, hard working Canadians into financial ruin on the basis of profit that “MIGHT” have happened – but did not.

It would be no mistake to compensate every Canadian already victimized by this insidious tax on imaginary income..

The benefits that would be realized, by such honourable and decent action on the part of Canada’s government, would be threefold:-

(1) Those who had been technically robbed would have their loss restored, with interest.

(2) The money thereby restored to its rightful owners would find its way back into the economy and do more to restore consumer confidence than any other action the government could take.

(3) The Political party that implements this corrective action would restore Canada’s image, on the world stage, to being a country where citizens are treated equally and fairly, plus giving themselves a strong plank upon which to build an election platform.

The one real MP said in their letter to the MOF :-

“The cost of restoring tax fairness is not justification for continuing to rob Canadian taxpayers and undermine the credibility of Canada’s government.”. Or words to that effect.

Where do the remaining 307 people in Canada’s 40th parliament stand, on this outrageous tax policy?

Does the “Right Hon.” Prime Minister agree with it?
Do any of the federal opposition party leaders agree with it?
Do any of the remaining MP’s agree with it?

If silence is consent then they all apparently do agree.

Because:- although they have received multiple appeal messages from victims, and from the grass-roots group:- “Canadians for Fair and Equitable Taxation”, (CFET), requesting this atrocious tax policy be corrected, not one other MP has so much as spoken out against it.

Yet I can say with 100 percent certainty:- “if any one of them were personally victimized by this insidious tax, they would find their tongues quick enough. They would lose no time in having this tax policy corrected”.

If it is not acceptable to those in authority, when they are the victims, it is not acceptable to anyone, anywhere in Canada, at any time, as it is no longer tolerated in the U.S.A.

When all is said and done:- CANADIANS ARE NOT SECOND CLASS AMERICANS and do not deserve to be treated as such.

The time is long past when the remaining 307 people, elected to serve and protect all Canadians, stood up for their constituents, alongside the one real MP, and demand the Canadian government do no less for Canadians, than the U.S. government has already done for their taxpayers victimized by phantom tax .

If you wish to see Canada’s economy stabilized, and full employment restored as soon as possible,
look up your Member of Parliament at:-

Contact her/him and tell them you demand Canada’s defective taxable benefit legislation be amended immediately. Put an end to taxing phantom income, and those already victimized to be fairly compensated.

There is not one thing any MP could propose that would do more to reverse Canada’s sagging economy and restore credibility to Canada’s government.

You would be doing your part towards implementing the object lesson of “Economics 307”.

Visit:- Follow the “Sign our Petition Link” and “Signatures link” and sign the petition. Anonymously if you prefer. Have your say in the "Comment" panel.

Think about it.

Victor Drummond ©

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