Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Use your voice and your vote effectively.

A commentary by Victor Drummond (c)
July 2009

The latest poll taken of federal political parties implies the Stephen Harper Conservative party has taken a slight lead over the Federal Liberal Party led by Michael Ignatieff.

One commentator went so far as to say now that Michael has been exposed to public scrutiny the public's love affair with Michael is over and since he was not a democratically elected leader of the party he is not necessarily the person most Liberals would have chosen.

My own hopes for a new deal for Canadians, under Michael’s leadership have been dashed due to his reluctance to speak out on the issue of taxing honest, hard-working Canadians on fictitious, (phantom) income.

Many Canadians caught in that tax trap have endured as much negative impact as those Canadians now suffering the effects of the world economic recession BUT not one Canadian Political leader has cared, or dared, say anything about it. Now, however, when a significant number of votes are at stake, they are all quite concerned and outspoken about the distress caused by major corporations going out of business and the current massive loss of jobs.

Wake up everyone. This problem didn’t just happen. There are many Canadians who were taxed out of their homes and/or life’s savings and who lost their employment beginning with the Hi-Tech market crash in the year 2000.

Instead of rushing to their aid and correcting the defective legislation that gave rise to the problem the Liberal Government, of the day, merely allowed the victims to defer payment of the unfair taxes levied for as long as the proper conditions were in effect. This only delayed the payment of the unjust taxes and left a cloud of worry and anxiety over the heads of those victimized.

Although the Federal Conservative Party campaigned, in 2005, on promises of: "lower taxation, more government accountability, a Canadian Fair Tax Plan," etc. and their slogan “STAND UP FOR CANADA” once they were in power “THEY SAT DOWN ON MOST VICTIMZED CANADIANS”.

Perhaps the Tax Remission Order (TRO) that was implemented by the Harper Government in 2006 was intended to be the first step in providing “Fair Taxation” for all similar victims, (of the same tax trap), but so far it has turned out to be the only, and last step, in that direction.

In fact following the recent CBC, B.C. “Speak Out” broadcast of the Shannon MacLeod interview, on the subject of taxing phantom income the Hon. James Flaherty, Canada’s Minister of Finance was quoted as saying: “ Those who are waiting for the tax policy to be changed – needn’t hold their breath.” (or words to that effect.)

It is very apparent the Harper government has no intention of following the example set by the United States Government, when the U.S. Government acted to put an end to taxing “phantom income” and also fairly compensating those that had been victimized by it. Ref:-

Just give this matter a bit of thought. Our past, “Liberal Government”, and our present “Conservative Government” have, and still are, applying a tax policy whereby “REAL” Income Taxes are levied on purely “fictitious income”. In many instances the tax levied is by itself several times greater than the victims gross income for the same year.

Does anyone really believe that ordinary Canadians should be levied any tax what-so-ever on purely “potential” phantom income under any excuse?

Does anyone actually believe it is fair, under any circumstances to levy taxes, on ordinary, honest, hard-working Canadians, that force the victim to sell, or re-mortgage their home, and/or deplete a lifetime of savings and/or borrow money to pay such a tax?

Does anyone believe the recourse open to object to such an outrageous tax levy is to appeal, individually, to the Canada Revenue Agency(CRA) local chief of Appeals Official who may, or more likely may not, grant tax relief -- to be a fair system of taxation?

Does anyone believe that bulk cancellation of such taxes, and related penalties, for a mere 37 victims, by way of a “Tax Remission Order” (TRO) -- while denying the same treatment to thousands of other victims of the same tax trap – is “fair”?

Does anyone believe they are protected from such abuse by their government because they have written, stated, rights in both the: “Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms” and the updated “Taxpayers Bill of Rights” that will automatically kick-in to protect them? If so you are in for a real shock.

There is no agency performing the function of watchdog over those rights – which the CRA violates at will with impunity.

Those rights are reserved for Canadians who are well connected and/or financially prepared to fight their way through the court system. Usually with the result of throwing good money after bad.

Are you content to allow this travesty of justice, and gross unfairness to continue in your Canada?

If so – then go merrily on your way – what happens to other victimized, honest, hard-working neighbours isn’t your concern. And you will likely get the government you deserve.

If you do not want your government to continue to victimize you and/or your neighbours or you merely want Canada’s world image of being a decent, and fair place to live, and to do business, to be an honest appraisal, then let your voice be heard.

Contact the group: “Canadians for Fair and Equitable Taxation” (CFET), at:

Sign the petition you will find there. Contact your riding's Member of Parliament (MP) and inform him, or her, you want Canada’s taxable benefit legislation amended to put an end to taxing Canadians on money they never saw, “phantom income”.

The address of all members of Canada’s 40th parliament can be found at:

As a famous person once said: “Everything is possible if we all speak with one voice.”

Speak out and let your voice be heard and make your vote in the next federal elction really count for something.

See you at the voting polls in the bext federal election O’Grady.

Victor Drummond ©

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