Wednesday, November 25, 2009


A commentary on the belief that people get what they give
i.e. What goes around comes around.
By Victor Drummond ©
November 2009

Doesn’t it seem odd that the big publicity moments our Right Honourable Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada participates in seem to often include a blooper or two?

Remember the two group photo’s of the world Financial leaders our PM was supposed to be present when the pictures were taken. Missing one may be understandable – it could happen to anyone who wasn’t paying attention to their surroundings BUT twice! That’s stretching co-incidence to the limit.

What about the recent grand entrance to the Mumbia, India Bollywood dance studio when Harper failed to see a step and almost did a pratfall on camera. This might happen to anyone – right?

Then there was the big moment when Harper is on camera negotiating with high level Indian government officials on the sale of Canadian Uranium to India for peaceful use in nuclear power plants.

Just at the climax of this momentous occasion an Indian official declared there is a high level security alert in effect to protect India’s nuclear power plants from perceived mass attacks by terrorists.

How is that for taking the wind out of Harper’s sails.

The grand finally to this public relations disaster is the revelation that earlier terrorist attacks in Mumbia might have been planned and executed by a person holding Canadian citizenship.

Could all these screw-ups and miscues be payback for something our Right Honourable Prime Minister did, or didn’t do, that offended the higher powers?

What about making a commitment to relieve the stress and financial devastation of taxes on phantom income, i.e. money never seen by the victimized Canadian Taxpayer and then turning his back on those same victimized citizens.

Is it possible the curses levelled at our PM for that treacherous act are having this negative effect on his: “get more and better publicity efforts”?

If I were the least bit superstitious – I would be inclined to believe so.

One or two screw-ups in a series of publicity schemes might be considered average but the things that have been going wrong for our PM are far above average.

If I were the Right Honourable Stephen Harper I would try keeping my word to correct Canada’s defective taxable benefit legislation, as promised, and see if future publicity attempts do not go as planned.

I am sure things that have messed up Harpers big moments so far -- Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.

See you at the voting polls during the next federal election O’Grady.

Victor Drummond ©

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