Tuesday, December 29, 2009


A commentary on the puppet performance of those elected to serve the best interests of their constituents and all Canadians and regardless of their failure to fulfill their duties I wish them each and every one a very Merry Christmas and an enlightening New Year.

by Victor Drummond ©
December 2009

December 2009 marks the third year anniversary of the exceptional early Christmas gift bestowed upon 37 Canadians victimized by Canada’s tax on money that never existed.

The Hon. Gary Lunn, CP, MP, for the riding of Saanich – Gulf Islands, British Columbia set an example of the kind of representation every Member of Canada’s House of Commons is expected to provide to their constituents.

Gary had the support of the recently elected Prime Minister – The Right Honourable Stephen Harper, CP, MP, PM who approved the Tax Remission Order (TRO), requested by Gary, to provide the “fair taxation” promised by the federal Conservative Party in their pre-election campaign: “STAND UP FOR CANADA”.

The Hon, Carol Skelton, CP, MP, Minister of Natural Resources, requested the Gary Lunn TRO be prepared but by the time the TRO was ready for signing Carol had been replaced by the Hon Gordon O’Connor, CP, MP, as Canada’s Minister of Natural Resources.

In spite of warnings -- issued by senior bureaucrats in the Department of Finance -- that granting “fair taxation” to a few Canadian taxpayers -- via the Gary Lunn TRO – is unfair to the thousands of other Canadian excluded taxpayers victimized in the same way and was setting a dangerous precedent – the Hon, Gordon O’Connor and the Right Hon, Stephen Harper both signed the Gary Lunn TRO.

Canada’s Governor General, Her Excellency Micheal Jean then signed the TRO, giving it the force of law while declaring she does so: “in the best interests of all Canadians.”

The December 20 edition of the Vancouver Sun Newspaper carried a report on this tax remission under the title: “Tories Kill Tax on profit never made.”

On Tuesday, December 19 2006, Gary Lunn announced: “his government is offering immediate tax relief to the employees of the defunct JDS Uniphase plant in Saanich, who had been taxed on the phantom profits.”

“It took a change of government to get someone to listen, but the Prime Minister has come through and delivered tax relief.” “It’s not in the interest of government to tax people on money they never saw.”

The Victoria Times Colonist Newspaper also carried a report of this momentous event and in addition the journalist, Cindy E. Harnett, interviewed the Right Honourable Stephen Harper and asked him if the tax relief granted the SDL Optics Inc./JDS Uniphase phantom income tax victims might be extended to all Canadian Taxpayers caught in the same tax trap? The Right Hon. Stephen Harper is quoted as replying to that question: “we’ll get it resolved – it will take a change of code.”

Apparently the means of getting this unjust, unfair, violation of item 8 of the updated “Taxpayers Bill of Rights” and a gross violation of the government document: “Serving Canadians – Canada’s System of Justice” “resolved” is to change the governments “code of ethics” and leave the defective income tax legislation -- that is used as an excuse to legally rob thousands of honest, hard-working Canadian taxpayers -- still in place.

Instead of extending the “fair” tax treatment -- provided a paltry 37 victimized Canadian Taxpayers via the Gary Lunn TRO – to all honest, hard-working Canadian taxpayers caught in the same tax trap the Harper Government has slammed the door shut and has implemented a policy of stonewalling all appeals for fair treatment by victims and by the grass-roots organization “Canadian for Fair and Equitable Taxation” (CFET).

Even the leaders of Canada’s federal Loyal Opposition party’s are close-mouthed on this issue.

Why? Are they not the watchdogs of the government just waiting to find a legitimate misdeed on the part of the party in power? Do the leaders and members of the opposition party in the House of Commons really believe the taxation of Canadians on phantom income is fair, justified and proper?

Even if they buy into the ridiculous claim by the Hon James M. Flaherty, Canada’s Minister of Finance, that the taxation of phantom income is “fair” because those taxed in this way are treated the same as all other Canadian stock market Investors/speculators – then reply to victims/CFET appeals and tell everyone what they believe to be true.

Silence on the other hand implies they can not convince themselves – let alone anyone else – that they believe the taxing of some and the revoking of this same tax for others – is fair, justified or ethical
and so our watchdogs are muzzled.

When you can not trust those who seek our support to be elected as our servants and representatives in government then it is time to “demand any candidate soliciting your vote – earn it by committing to support correction of Canada’s defective income tax act to provide the same tax treatment for all victimized Canadian Taxpayers.”

In closing I wish every member of Canada’s House of Commons the best Christmas ever and may they each receive the reward they so richly deserve.

See you at the voting polls in the next federal election O’Grady.

Victor Drummond ©

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