Sunday, January 24, 2010


Federal Political Parties are very good at telling us the faults of their political opponents but very poor at telling why we should vote for them.

I am one Canadian voter that wants to know: "why I should vote for you?"
by Victor Drummond (c)
January 2010

The federal liberal party of Canada enjoyed one majority government after another until the financial scandals perpetrated under the Jean Chretien regime became public knowledge in the years 2004 and 2005.

Prime Minister Jean Chretien displayed arrogance and total distain for Canada’s Parliament when he was under investigation by the Gomery commission. Instead of giving straightforward answers to the questions he was asked he sat with his eyes lowered on a handful of golf balls and began to make wise cracks.

Chretien attempted to justify immoral mismanagement of taxpayers dollars, per the sponsorship scandal, on the grounds this timely action avoided splitting Canada into two nations. His rationale apparently being the end justified the means.

Perhaps the lack of ethics -- displayed by the federal liberal party at that time – was a determining factor in the Liberal government being defeated, by the federal Conservative party, in the 2006 federal election. A second important element contributing to their defeat was the fact the conservative party campaigned on a long list of promises they were going to implement if elected.

Instead of telling voters why they should vote against the Liberals – which was general knowledge anyway -- they focused on why the voters should vote for them.

Starting in 2005 the federal conservative party began a pre-election campaign that was couched in a slogan: “STAND UP FOR CANADA” with some very important “Action Plans” to entice voter support such as: a promise to enact legislation to tighten up the criminal code and keep repeat offenders in jail longer.

Another important promise was an “Action plan” to implement “Fair Taxation for all Canadians” a basic right to which every Canadian is entitled and one -- especially victims of taxation on “phantom” income -- would be sure to vote for.

Still another very important promise was to “Enact legislation to ensure that full and timely compensation will be paid to all persons who are deprived of personal or private property as a result of any federal government initiative, policy, process regulation or legislation.” This is another promise that every victim of taxation on “phantom” income would be certain to vote for.

There is no doubt the legislation -- which the Revenue Canada Agency currently uses as an excuse to extort money from honest, hard-working Canadians – has been, and still is depriving many of our citizens of considerable personal property ranging from their life’s savings to their very homes.

So although the conservative party did a bit of finger pointing -- at the scandalous conduct of the liberal government -- their main 2005 pre-election platform was a long list of things they were going to do to improve the quality of life for the average Canadian. They offered abused Canadian taxpayers something to vote for -- not something to vote against.

After the conservative party was elected, however, it turns out a few of the more important action plans they promoted were only half-way implemented and the “fair taxation for all Canadians” plan was abandoned after a token number (37) phantom income tax victims had been given the promised “fair” tax deal.
Reference: The Gary Lunn Tax Remission Order (TRO) which can be found with a Google Search.

The federal liberal party then attempted to regain public support by selecting a replacement party leader who they hoped would upgrade their credibility and public image. They thought they had found a suitable candidate in the person of Stephane Dion who had a scandal free record and was very likeable.

Stephane Dion became leader of the federal liberal party on December 2nd 2006. Not long afterward the conservative party finger pointing began. Unable to dig up any real dirt on Mr Dion the conservative party spin doctors began to issue attack ads claiming: “he lacked leadership qualities.”

By conservative party standards this claim was valid.

Stephane Dion is first and foremost a man of integrity. He is a person who values his personal and his government attributes such as: integrity, dependability, honesty, decency and fair play above a budget surplus.

I am willing to bet on Stephane Dion keeping his word if he made a commitment to correct (“resolve”) Canada’s outrageous policy of taxing honest, hard-working Canadians on money that never existed i.e. “phantom” income.

Eventually the federal Liberal Party realized Stephane Dion was indeed too much of a gentleman and no match for the perfidious conservative political machine. Mr. Dion would not stoop to the conservative party level of political-opposition and personal character assassination.

I have no doubt if Stephane Dion had become Canada’s Prime Minister he would have restored Canada’s image on the world stage as a truly democratic country where citizens are treated fairly and equally under Canadian law.

The Liberal party began looking for someone to become their leader who could match, and surpass, attacks of the federal conservative spin doctors. Again the Liberal Caucus found a person they hope can lead them back to forming the government of Canada – a man by the name of Michael Ignatieff.

Michael became leader of the federal liberal party on December 10 2008.

Shortly afterward the finger pointing by the federal conservative party spin doctors began with statements such as: “Michael Ignatieff is not a suitable candidate for the office of Prime Minister of Canada as he is only visiting.” the attack ads went on to say Micheal is a person devoted to world travel and has no real interest in the affairs of Canada.

What else could the conservative party do? They couldn’t regurgitate their “STAND UP FOR CANADA” action plans – especially the promise of “fair” taxation for all Canadians” as they had already defaulted on that promise. And the commitment to: “Enact legislati on to ensure that full and timely compensation will be paid to all persons who are deprived of personal or private property as a result of any federal government initiative, policy, process regulation or legislation.” never got off the drawing board.

Michael has made a few false starts since becoming leader of the federal liberal party. He quickly realized Canadians did not want Canada governed by a coalition of opposition parties and wisely backed out of that arrangement.

He has done a bit of finger pointing since but hopefully he will soon realize Canadians do not need, or want, regurgitation of the conservative government’s misdeeds – the news media does a fair job of keeping everyone informed about those items.

When Michael Ignatieff realizes Canadians are looking for an honest government that allows parliament to do the job they were elected to do AND commits to rectifying government abuses of honest, hard-working Canadian taxpayers THEN he can count on my support and the support of the many thousands of Canadians (from coast to coast to coast) victimized by the unjust, and outrageous tax on so called “Earned Income” that was neither “Earned” nor real “Income” of any kind – it was “phantom Income” for which only "phantom taxes" could be justified.

Give us something real to vote for Michael and minimize the finger pointing.

See you at the voting polls for the next Federal election – O’Grady.

Victor Drummond (c)

BTW:- Comments are now moderated before they are posted.

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