Friday, August 17, 2007

Canada's Golden Image

Why thousands of Canadians can not
fully appreciate the good life in Canada.

A commentary on the foul taste left in the mouths
of Canada’s victims of the “Taxable Benefits” Fiasco.
By Victor Drummond ©
August 2007

Most Canadians – and those outside of Canada who have heard of this great land of freedom and opportunity – have a mental picture of Canada being a place where everyone is equal, and have personal and religious freedoms assured – a virtual paradise.

Although Canada does not have a statue of Liberty -- to welcome one and all to our shores -- Canada still projects an image of a knight in shining armour offering the tired and weary traveler a haven of rest and security. And that is the way it should be for all Canadians – but unfortunately it is not a universal reality.

For thousands of Canadians our symbolic knight is not perceived to be arrayed in shining armour and to make matters worse he has feet of clay.

Their view of our symbolic hero is seriously obscured by a tax burden -- which is unwarranted unjustified unfair and also discriminatory by way of a preferential tax remission – granted to a select few victims but not every victim of the same defective tax legislation.

They can not see past the mountain of debt they faced when taxes -- levied on “Income” they never received -- were imposed on an employment benefit that never materialized. (See prior postings for details.)

To them Canada’s image is one of living with a bully who has the power to extort money from them – money that many had to borrow in order to pay taxes that often exceeded their real income by a large margin.

The harm done -- by placing these taxpayers in the position of having to go into debt and/or mortgage their homes/property to pay an unjustified tax – can not be fully undone BUT the very least Canada’s current government should do is treat all such victims equally. Give all victims in Canada the same tax relief already given to a select group of JDS Employees in British Columbia in 2006.

That would go a long way towards helping everyone -- even the victims of our flawed tax laws -- to see our Canada as the complete – from head to toe -- symbolic knight in shining armour that it deserves to be.

In order to properly correct this tax problem the following actions are needed:-

(1) Apply the tax relief -- granted to the British Columbia JDS victims -- to all
Similar “Taxable Benefit” victims across Canada.

(2) Remove corporate shares from the “Taxable Benefits” classification and put
Them -- where they belong -- in the “Capital Equities” classification.

(3) Grant a retroactive 20 year amnesty to those who have already paid unjustified
Taxes and allow them to resubmit their tax returns listing their shares
transactions as Capital gains/losses as the actually were.

Contact every Canadian Voter you know and give them the web address of this blog page.

Tell everyone who asks -- who will you vote for in the next federal election?

“The candidate who belongs to a Political Party that will commit to correcting the unfair “Taxable Benefits” legislation – and who will apply the 3 proper steps listed.”

If you feel that I am the only blogger that recognizes the responsibility of the Canadian voters – then read the following excerpt from a posting on (E-Group) article titled: “Voters need some time for self-reflection” - by Cameron Holmstrom

“We keep rewarding politicians for telling us too much of what we want to hear, and not enough of what we need to hear. We have too many politicians telling us we can have our cake and eat it too. There are too many promises of tax cuts joined with service increases, which we all know is either going to lead to service cuts or tax increases. We reward those who tell us that they will do what they know they cannot, and we sadly punish those who bring out necessary measures that the people don't want to face. Honestly, it is just like teaching children. You don't reward their bad behavior, you correct it. Yet, this idea doesn't seem to be translating to politics in Canada.”
“Who is to blame for this condition??? The voting public is to blame. They are to blame because there are far too many voters who don't take the time to inform themselves on what the parties want to do, then those same people complain loudly when they do it after the are elected. They are to blame because they keep on returning those who act against what they want, or refuse to act for their constituents at all. They are to blame because they complain that they do not have choices, but they don't get involved and trying to make things better.”
“We, the voters, need to start rewarding those that do a good job and keep their promises.”

You can read the complete article at:-

Victor Drummond ©

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