Monday, August 13, 2007


A commentary on getting the job done.
By Victor Drummond ©
August 2007

Anyone who has read Jamie Golombek’s articles:- “What about the rest of us?”, and/or “Taxpayer’s Rights don’t apply equally.”, and/or Cindy E. Harnett & Jonathan Fowler’s article:- “Tories Kill Tax on Profits never made.”, -- OR -- has read any of the items posted on this blog – is aware that there is a serious abuse of certain Canadian Taxpayers.

Thousands of Canadians have been taxed on incomes that were artificially inflated by theoretical “Taxable Benefits” that never materialized. That is unfair, and unjustified taxation.

Shouldn’t someone do something about that?

A few Canadian taxpayers, victimized in this way, were granted remission of these illicit taxes while the vast majority of identical victims were denied the same relief.

This discriminatory treatment is both unfair and also a violation of article 15(1) of the rights “guaranteed” to every Canadian citizen by:- “The Charter of Rights and Freedoms”.

Shouldn’t someone do something about that?

In my younger days I carried the misconceived impression that the government of Canada was worth defending -- and I put my life at risk to do so – as I actually thought they, (the government), were on-the-job – as a guardian of Canadian citizens -- making certain all Canadians were fairly treated and protected against evil doers. In this instance it hasn’t happened.

How wrong can someone be?

Believe it or not – I actually expected – that members of parliament, (our law makers), would spontaneously jump into action to rectify any flawed legislation -- such as has now resulted in the taxation of citizens on false profits – within the jurisdiction of the Canadian Income Tax Act. In this instance it hasn’t happened.

How wrong can someone be?

Believe it or not – I actually expected the leaders of the opposition parties to seize upon the opportunity to show how concerned they are about serving the interests of the Canadian public by introducing a bill to correct the flawed Income Tax Legislation.
In this instance it hasn’t happened.

How wrong can someone be?

Believe it or not – I actually expected judges of the Supreme Court of Canada to spontaneously take action to rule against any judicial order that violates any article of the Canadian Charter of rights and Freedoms. Article 15(1) for example.
Such as restoring fairness to the JDS Tax Remission order so that it applies to all such tax victims. In this instance it hasn’t happened.

How wrong can someone be?

Believe it or not – I actually expected the office of the Federal Ethics Commissioner to take action when the unfair and discriminatory remission of taxes was granted to a select few victims in British Columbia.

This matter was brought to the attention of the Ethics Commissioner and the response was:- “This is a government issue that is outside of the mandate of the “Ethics Commissioner”.

How wrong can someone be?

There is a Federation of Canadian Taxpayers -- in existence -- that claims its purpose is to work for fairness in the Canadian Taxation system – perhaps they will take up this issue with the government to argue in favour of fair, just and equal treatment of the Canadian taxpayers.
But I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for that to happen.

In my perspective the foregoing is a list of the SOME ONES who should take action – without coercion -- to correct the travesty of justice and violation of the Equality Under The Law that now exists in the application of the “Tax on almost Benefits”.

Being so wrong -- about so many aspects of “My Government” -- changes my entire evaluation of the “Canadian Political Set-up”.

All the Federal Political Parties pay lip service to serving the Canadian citizens – BUT when a real opportunity to do something about unfair, discriminatory, and unwarranted taxation – they all go blind, deaf and really DUMB.


Could it be they, (politicians), believe the Canadian voting population is so naïve and gullible that they will still support them regardless of their obvious failure to live up to their promises and claims to serve -- and preserve the wellbeing of -- the citizens of Canada?

Is it because Canadian voters are so acclimatized to being -- cheated -- lied to -- bamboozled and ripped-off -- by our government that they will vote for – what they perceive to be – the lesser of the available evils?

If that is the case:- Then someone SHOULD do something about it. BUT WHO? = YOU.

When those in power, and/or, a position to do something about a problem -- such as this -- fail to take action -- then the last word defaults to the voice of the Canadian voter.

If the voters also do nothing -- about such a problem then the government -- and those who aspire to become the government -- have no reason to change their policies.

They will continue to feed BS to the voting public and to perpetuate all manner of deceptions, rip-offs and miss-representations, without the slightest, concern that anyone will notice or care – or even if a few citizens are abused, and/or unfairly treated – no one will have the moxie to do anything about it.

The distress of the victimized Canadians is further aggravated by the unfair and unequal tax relief given to a few -- but denied for the vast majority -- of identical victims.

Today only some 60+ victims -- of the Taxable Benefits extortion -- have any reason to feel better about their plight – and the vast majority are left waiting for – at least equal and fair treatment.

If you are a Canadian, of voting age, and you expect your government to treat you – and you fellow Canadians fairly -- and to respect your intelligence -- to the extent that they do not even try to treat you like a mushroom, i.e. keep you in the dark and feed you dung.


Inform every Canadian – you know -- of voting age – about this blog page.

Personally contact your local MP, and notify same of your demand for fair tax treatment and that they personally will not receive your vote, or support, unless they -- and their party -- give a public commitment to correct the unfair “Taxable Benefits” tax issues -- in a timely manner.

A rating guide for a corrective action commitment is as follows:-

(E) (Equality Action) A commitment to apply the terms of the JDS Tax Remission order to all Canadian victims of the same unfair tax.

(C) (Corrective Action minimum) – Amend the Canadian Income Tax Act to exclude corporate shares from the “Taxable Benefits” classification and place them in the “Capital Equities” classification where they belong AND apply Step (E) above.

(A) (Absolute corrective Action) – Apply step (C) above and also provide a 20 year retroactive interval amnesty for those who previously paid taxes on nonexistent profits to allow them to resubmit their tax returns declaring Capital Gains/losses as may apply.

A commitment to do anything less than action (C) does not warrant any voter action .

(A) deserves everyone’s support.

If there is a failure to fix this problem – then the responsibility rests with the last persons who could have done anything to make the fix happen. That happens to be us:-The collective Canadian Voters.

Believe or not – I actually expect Canadian voters to collectively display intolerance for this unfair and unjust situation and to collectively apply pressure to those who, (or want to), govern this country -- to correct this problem income tax situation.

My belief in the Canadian government, and my expectations for honest, fair and just, spontaneous, action, have been wrong so often -- until now – it’s about time WE got it right.

Don’t let me, your fellow Canadians, and yourself down – DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.

Victor Drummond ©

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