Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Veterans week 2007..

Ubique Fas et Gloria Ducunt
A commentary on the level of Integrity and Credibility
of Canada’s Recent and Current Politicians
By Victor Drummond ©
Veteran’s Week – November 5-11, 2007

Those familiar with Canadian Military mottos and slogans will immediately recognize the branch of the military your’s truly was a member of in the 1940’s.

For the benefit of those who are not familiar with Latin -- or Military Motto’s -- the title of this article translates into:- “Whither Right and Glory Lead.” And at the time I joined the Canadian military it was loosely translated to me as:- “Everywhere Honour and Glory Lead.”

It was a motto we wore on our badges with pride – and the neatly woven white lanyard which graced our battledress uniforms gave us a feeling of pride and distinction.

Our Officers and NCO’s did an excellent job of developing esprit de corps and convincing us that we were the good guys in that WWII conflict with the Nazi war machine.
And we had solid reason to believe them.

Had anyone told me -- back then -- they had been levied “Income Taxes on a fictitious “Earned Income” and these same unjustified taxes forced them to borrow money, and/or re-mortgage their home, in order to pay them, and/or they said the government had obliged them to carry a deferred tax burden -- on this imaginary income -- until paid.
I would have promptly challenged them.

I would have asked them which third-world country they came from? If they replied Canada -- I would have told them they must be joking. Such an unconscionable series of events would never – in a million years -- be condoned by the government I was defending. (Actually it only took about 50 years -- but it should have taken a million years or so)

But then again I am sure such things never happened -- in my Canada -- back in those days.
What did Happen? Did we lose WWII and no one informed me?
Taxing non-existent “Earned Income” sure sounds like Nazi style taxation to me.

Regardless of which translation you prefer -- it comes down to:- As members of Canada’s military -- We individually were taking the path of:- going where “Honour/Right” and “Glory/Praise” might take us. And we were proud to do so.

Back then I am convinced no one thought -- for one moment -- that the military was the only part of our government that held fast to such Honourable and Praiseworthy ideals.

I for one believed -- at that time -- it was a quality that permeated the entire Canadian social and administrative structure -- and then merely reflected in our military motto.

In spite of the usual political wrangling -- I -- and most of my comrades -- held a rather high opinion of the integrity, honesty and credibility of our political leaders.

So what has happened to change that opinion?

Unjust, unfair, unequal taxation – and the general political condoning of this travesty -- is the main reason in my case. Plus adding insult to injury by proclaiming a “Pledge of Fair Taxation” -- while this travesty of unfairness is still kept in operation.

Where is the “Right/Honour/Justice” in levying “Income Tax” on non-existent “Income”?

Where is the “Right/Honour/Fairness” in forcing taxpayers to borrow money, and/or mortgage their homes, and decimating their children’s inheritance -- to pay these unjustified taxes?

Where is the “Praise/Glory” in allowing this travesty of injustice to continue – and ignoring
all appeals for “Fair and “Equal Treatment”?

Where is “Equal Treatment” under the law – when some taxpayers are given remission of these unjustified taxes while other similar taxpayers are denied the same consideration. They are not even given a reason for being excluded from the same benefit?

Offering a clear and plain language explanation -- of a defective taxable benefit law – as a response to an appeal for “Fair” taxation is NOT FAIR AND EQUAL TREATMENT UNDER THE LAW – it is an insult to an average person’s intelligence.

Why not be fair and correct the defective legislation – and truly apply “Fair” taxation to all Canadians? Are our politicians having a problem with definitions of the word “Fair”?
(Take my word for it:- It doesn’t only mean blonde and blue-eyed.)

We veterans were courageous enough to fight for our Canada when the need arose.
What are you voters and our politicians now prepared to do for us about this tax rip-off?

If you know – then please tell me -- for I have not been able to find one speck of:- “Right or Honour” or “Praiseworthy conduct or Glory”. Neither -- in the defective tax legislation that produces such an unfair result – nor in those now in government who have the power to correct this problem -- but prefer instead to remain silent and allow it to continue.

How many other veterans have family members that were financially decimated and are still burdened with deferred taxes that were levied on fictitious “Earned Incomes”?

Can you – our politicians now face these tax victims today -- with a poppy in your lapel?
Only a genuine hypocrite could.

What credit is it to those who would vote these unworthy politicians into office without a commitment -- from any of them -- to correct this injustice?

The least you -- the reader -- can do is send a copy of this article to every Canadian of voting age you know and a copy to your MP – with the message:- “Commit to fixing this issue in a timely manner – or look elsewhere for this vote in the coming federal election.

Victor Drummond ©
(with poppy proudly in lapel)

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