Thursday, November 29, 2007

Who are the thieves .....

A commentary on who wears the white hats
In this Fact versus Fiction review
By Victor Drummond ©
November 2007

One of the most popular fiction stories -- when I was quite young – was the tale of
Robin Hood and his merry band of outlaws.

The legends tell of how Robin became a hero to the bullied, abused and over-taxed peasants in the Nottingham, Barnsdale and Sherwood areas of England – back in the days of the evil King John.

As I recall the movie version -- of the story, starring Errol Flynn -- Robin becomes an outlaw leader after his father was killed by an envious and treacherous competitor -- whom Robin had recently defeated -- in an archery contest.

Robin was the next intended victim -- of the assassin -- but was faster and more accurate in his archery skills so he killed his attacker in self defence.

Robin, however was not about to plead his case before the unscrupulous sheriff of Nottingham or appeal his case to be tried before the upper courts of the evil King John.

Consequently he hid out in Sherwood forests where he eventually collected a small army of similar outlaws. Folklore makes a hero of Robin Hood -- and his gang -- for standing up to the unfair, and unjust establishment.

The majority of the population even approves of his practice of holding up rich travellers who have had the misfortune to be using the paths through the Sherwood forests on their journey(s).

This general approval may have been short lived had Robin not shared his loot with the victimized local citizens.

A somewhat unorthodox corrective action to the unfair tax legislation of the time.

So who gets to be the good guys in this situation and wear the white hats?

It all depends upon who you ask.

A democratic poll would give the white hats to Robin Hood and his gang of happy outlaws.

An opinion poll of the establishment would give the white hats to the Sheriff of Nottingham and his supporters. After all they are trying to uphold the law – such as it is -- one way or another.

Their situation is not a whole lot different than the circumstances associated with the defective taxable benefit legislation that gives our current establishment power to extort
“Income” tax from Canadian citizens on non-existent income.

This must be one law left over from the days of unscrupulous King Jean.
In any event the white hats do not go to the establishment in this case.

So far there hasn’t been a Robin Hood -- show up with his merry men -- to correct the defective unfair taxable benefit legislation.

Although the present establishment appears to be trying. (See prior postings:- “Could anyone want for more” and “Please sir..”)

Whoever initiates real action to properly fix this unfair legislation – gets to wear the white hats in this instance.

Save your vote -- in the coming federal election -- for the party wearing the white hats.

Victor Drummond ©

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