Sunday, August 10, 2008

Tories kill tax..

A Correction to the Title of the Vancouver Sun Article:-
By Victor Drummond ©
August 2008

To refresh your memory here is the headline and credits of the subject article:-

Tories kill tax on profit never made -- Cindy E. Harnett, Jonathan Fowlie,
Vancouver Sun; CanWest News Service, Published: Wednesday, December 20, 2006

And here is the first part of the claims made:-

The Conservative government has brought an end to a bizarre, five-year tax nightmare that forced several former Saanich plant workers to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxes on stock profits they never received.

Saanich-Gulf Islands MP Gary Lunn announced Tuesday his government is offering immediate tax relief to the employees of the defunct JDS Uniphase plant in Saanich, who had been taxed on the phantom profits.

"It took a change in government to get someone to listen, but the prime minister has come through and delivered tax relief," said Lunn.
"It's not in the interest of government to tax people on money they never saw."

At the time this article appeared in the press thousands of honest, hard-working Canadians -- who had also been levied huge taxes on money they never saw -- had their hope of obtaining justice -- and fair treatment -- renewed.

Finally here was an elected representative who knew fraud -- when he saw it -- and was courageous enough to take the issue to the head of his political party, i.e. The Most Honourable Stephen Harper – Prime Minister of Canada.

The two of them – then braving the slings and arrows of the back-room mandarins – took the issue to, “Her Excellency the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean, Governor General of Canada”.

Michaëlle Jean then signed a Tax Remission Order, (TRO) saying she did so in the best interest of Canadians.

To all Canadian taxpayers -- taxed on money never seen – it seemed as though the legend of Camelot, had suddenly materialized complete with a King Arthur, a Sir Lancelot and a Lady Guinevere.

Figuratively speaking -- King Arthur, ( Harper), it appeared had pulled the magic sword, “Excalibur”, from the Canada Revenue Agency, (CRA) stone and slain the Fire Breathing Dragon, (FBD), e.g. the defective taxable benefit legislation – owned and operated by the CRA.

This illusion -- however – didn’t last long.

Victims appeals -- to the Knights of The Round Table, (KTRT), i.e. Conservative Members of Parliament – for more information on this reported justified FBD killing – brought back little information other the claim this TRO only applied to the members of Sir Lancelot’s immediate circle of constituents who were actually named in the TRO. Every other victim was excluded.

Sir Lancelot’s white horse suddenly turned black and his shining coat of armour dulled and then disappeared completely.

King Arthur dropped Excalibur -- which promptly returned to be again stuck in the CRA stone.

Lady Guinevere had more important issues to attend to and disappeared from this tax scene altogether. So much then for the best interest of Canadians.

As for the FBD -- i.e. the tax on money never seen – supposedly slain by our staunch Conservative defenders – it is alive and well – having merely suffered an insignificant scratch in this minor skirmish.

With a federal election looming some KTRT are sending out brochures asking rhetorical questions e.g. "who do you think is on the right track on taxes”? and "Who do you think will best represent Canada on the world stage"?

These questions are a no brainer. You can discount any political party that shies away from providing just and fair taxation to ALL the people it is elected to protect and represent.

It is obvious if someone -- in control -- can not correct a blatant miscarriage of justice in their own country what kind of representation can you expect of them on the world stage?

A party that bungled the job isn’t a very likely prospect to be sure.

Canada’s image as a land of justice, fairness and integrity is already in shambles as a result of our politicians continuing to tolerate Canadian citizens being taxed on money they never saw.

Could any current Canadian Federal Political Party best represent Canada on the World Stage?

Not in my opinion. Because they are all well aware of this atrocity and not one of them has the moxie to acknowledge it -- or to commit to doing anything about it.

Canada sorely needs a champion -- first and foremost of its own citizens.
A government that will truly kill the FBD at home.

Then everyone will know for certain :- "who is on the right track on taxes” and
“Who will best represent Canada on the World Stage”.

When you receive federal election promotions – of any kind – from any Canadian political party – respond by referring the originator(s) to the “Canadians for Fair and Equitable Taxation”, (CFET), web page:-

Inform the sender(s) to commit to fixing this problem properly – finish the job of killing the tax on money never seen and properly compensating the victims. Otherwise no support on election day.

See you at the federal election voting polls:- O’Grady

Victor Drummond ©

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