Thursday, August 7, 2008


A commentary on the stingy dolling out
Of Justice by the Canadian Government
To Victimized Canadian Taxpayers.

By Victor Drummond ©
August 2008

Canadian athletes are about to begin competing against the worlds best at the Beijing, 2008 Olympics.

If so much as one of our athletes is denied fair treatment -- during these competitions -- you can bet you last loony the media and our highest government officials will be all over the issue in no time flat.

The victimized Canadian athlete will not be required to fill in a CRA form T400A notice of objection and wait while the Chief of Appeals Officer decides whether or not to issue a favourable decision.

Outraged Canadians would take to the streets with protest signs – shouting at the top of their lungs – for justice and fair treatment of our mistreated athlete(s).

Where are these champions of Justice and Fair play when honest, hard working, Canadian taxpayers are legally deprived of their life’s savings, even their homes and property by our own government?

What happened to our love of justice and respect for our fellow Canadians?

Is it because Canada's tax victims are less worthy of respect, or less entitled to justice, or less visible to the world media?

Any Canadian unfortunate enough to unwittingly fall under the insidious aspects of the defective ESPP/ESO tax legislation is apparently not entitled to anything more than an opportunity to file a T400A objection and depend upon the tender mercy of a CRA Chief of Appeals Officer to decide their fate.

Supposing every Canadian Taxpayer -- who has been taxed on phantom income -- filed a T400A objection form and is granted a favourable decision.

Which would be nothing more than just and fair treatment – but most unlikely to happen.

It would be much more efficient to merely correct the defective taxable benefit legislation which would automatically restore the right --of every Canadian -- to fair taxation.

Could it be that Canadian politicians only pay lip-service to justice, and fair treatment of our citizens and are not the least bit interested in providing justice and fair treatment to every victimized Canadian?

Regardless of all the high sounding rhetoric proclaiming -- the virtues of Canada’s political leaders and -- the wonderful system of government they provide – actions speak much louder than words.

Tolerance of the taxation abuse imposed upon thousands of Canadians -- for nearly a decade --tells it the way it really is, “We couldn’t care less for the injustice, unfairness, and distress imposed on low profile Canadian citizens.”

“It is far more important for us to be seen fighting air pollution, and/or climate change, and/or getting our soldiers out of harms way and supporting our Olympic athletes etc. and the devil can have any Canadian taxed into financial ruin.”

If you are as outraged by this situation -- as I am -- then there is a way to let our politicians know when enough is enough.

You do not need to join a protest march -- with placards saying such things as:- “We demand fair taxation for all Canadians”, or “Fix the Law – don’t just mask the problem”, (D. Cayo – Vancouver Sun).

You can begin by contacting your Member of Parliament and letting him, or her, know, you demand the right to Fair Taxation be restored for all Canadians. Refer to the group:- “Canadians for Fair and Equitable Taxation”, (CFET) and their web page

Direct your family, friends and acquaintances’ to the CFET web page and ask them to join the campaign for taxpayer justice.

No more piecemeal justice will be tolerated. If similar tax victims -- in Saanich British Columbia are entitled to a Tax Remission Order, (TRO) – so are all Canadians that have been taxed on phantom Income.

See you at a protest march and/or at the next federal election voting polls O’Grady.

Victor Drummond ©

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