Monday, October 6, 2008


A follow-up commentary to the Article
By Victor Drummond ©
October 2008

For those who have not read the reference article here is my offer of an apology contained therein:-

Canadians for Fair and Equal Taxation, (CFET), has organized the submission of several versions of the “Question” –

As Canada’s next Prime Minister what would you do to correct this unjustified tax and compensate its current victims?

My bet being their question will not be presented – in any form -- during either of the Leadership debates. It will be lost in the shuffle of so-called higher priority issues.

What if I am wrong – for once? Then my sincere apology will be posted in my next article – constructed to be commensurate with the degree the question is presented intact.


The questions submitted on the topic of fair and just taxation never made it to the debates – so there is no apology needed from me.

There should, however, be an apology made by the administrators of the Political Leaders Debate to the members of CFET who submitted a few very relevant questions.

In the day, or so, following the English Language Debate the moderator Steve Paikin remarked how difficult it was for the debate administrators to select the eight most relevant questions from the 4500 questions submitted via mail and the on-line link

Yes it must have been a daunting task to be sure.

Of course questions relating to the current economic downturn and the US Government 700 Billion Dollar Bail-out project are a no-brainer highest priority topic.

But how relevant is a question asking our political leaders for their response to the lack of voter trust caused by the frequent failure of politicians to keep their pre-election promises?

Everyone knows election promises are comparable to pie-crust – they are both made to be broken.

But even if our politician’s sincerity, honesty, integrity and decency were all above reproach – sometimes well intentioned promises can not be kept due to changing circumstances.

When a promise is broken under unforeseen condition changes – then all that is due the voter is a clear and rational explanation.

So who would consider an irrelevant question – that no political leader, or subordinate, can do anything about – to be more important than a question relating to the distress of thousands of Canadians that any Prime Minister of Canada could correct?

By placing a higher priority on a purely rhetorical question the debate administrators have revealed that public input to these debates is more than less irrelevant. The questions that are actually presented during these debates are cherry picked.

Questions -- on real issues that the political leaders do not want to address -- are just left of the debate agenda.

But why would any political leader -- campaigning for election to the office of Prime Minister --
want to avoid addressing a home grown situation that abuses and distresses thousands of honest hard-working Canadian taxpayers?

Would they rather lose votes – and possibly the chance of winning the election – than do the honourable, right, and proper thing?

It certainly looks that way to me. How does it look to you?

If you resent being assessed by the political spin doctors -- as an anti-establishment, university age Canadian who’s principle ambition is to urinate on the street and/or on the classroom blackboard -- then contact your local candidate, for election, and inform them you demand their party commit to restoring every Canadian’s RIGHT to fair and equitable taxation – or no support from you.

If you resent being assessed by the political spin doctors -- as a gullible, passive, unthinking Canadian taxpayer who doesn’t know the difference between a real relevant question and a stupid inconsequential question for our political leaders to answer at a public debate -- then contact your local candidate for election and inform them you demand their party commit to restoring every Canadian’s RIGHT to fair and equitable taxation – or no support from you.

Reference data on this issue is available at:-

See you at the federal election polls October 14/08 O’Grady, (Ref. prior posting O’Grady Sez.)

Victor Drummond ©

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