Sunday, January 25, 2009

Are Canadian Politicians illiterate...

A commentary on the article by columnist Jeffery Simpson
“In a world of rights we ignore our responsibilies.”
Toronto Globe & Mail – 23/01/2009

By Victor Drummond ©
January 2009

In his article Jeffery Simpson makes this observation of Canadian Politicians:-

“Obviously, no Canadian Politician today has the command of language or the depth of thought to explore these ideas as Mr. Obama did in his sober, beautiful inaugural address.”

Just what idea(s) is Mr. Simpson speaking of? What command of language or depth of thought does he feel is missing?

Illiterate: -- displaying a marked lack of knowledge in a particular field.

Yes in terms of associating their duty, to treat all Canadians fairly, with their responsibility to actually do something about it – there is no doubt our political leaders are definitely ILLITERATE.

Further careful reading of Mr. Simpson’s article reveals he is impressed by the novel idea that rights are inherently linked to responsibilities’. This R&R association has been sadly neglected by both individuals and government authorities -- especially in Canada.

As Mr. Simpson observed:- “But there has been very little discussion in democratic societies lately of “responsibilities” that ought to be tied to “rights” and from which a different concept of government flows.”

Is he saying Canadians and our politicians have allowed the Canadian government to degenerate into a “you come first after me” self centered lot of greedy and incompetent louts?

Politicians who would waste taxpayer’s money, and their own time, plotting ways to legally seize power without giving Canadians an opportunity to express their preferences by way of a vote?

Politicians without the sense of responsibility, and/or capability, to attend to the nations business while the world economy is creating financial havoc across the land.

And what is he saying about the average person these days? He addresses this aspect in the following quote:-

“These days “rights” talk is often about what the state owes us by way of protection against itself or in affirming obligations that the state must fulfill toward us: whereas talk of “responsibility” reminds us of what we owe to each other, what we owe the society that incorporates us, what we owe the country of which we are a part, and the world of which we are a member.”

It appears obvious to me Mr. Simpson is saying the average person, in a democratic society such as Canada, is only thinking of themselves and their personal rights but totally unaware or totally indifferent to their responsibilities towards anyone else.

My own observation after posting over 130 articles to this blog page -- each one informing the reader of the unjust, unfair, punitive taxation of honest, hard working Canadians on the basis of. phantom income – I am obliged to agree with Mr. Simpson.

Canadian’s have barely responded to the plight of fellow Canadians who have been taxed into financial oblivion by a defective piece of Canadian tax legislation. e.g. our taxable benefit legislation.

Our federal politicians, from the prime minister, and opposition party leaders, members of parliament all the way down to the Income Tax Chief Appeals Officers, have not recognized their responsibility to correct unfair, abusive laws/practices and responsibility to treat all Canadians equally.

Accolades heaped upon President Barack Obama, by Mr. Simpson, regarding the R&R aspects in his inaugural address, are more than justified.

The United States government has recently recognized the abuse and injustice of taxing their citizens on income they never received, and they have put stop to it. Ref:-

Furthermore they have initiated compensation to those taxpayers who have already become victims of that defective Alternative Minimum Tax, (AMT) legislation.

So far Canadian federal politicians have failed to recognized their responsibility to Canadians who are being abused in an identical way.

And if Mr. Simpson is saying our politicians are ignorant of their responsibility to defend the right of all Canadians to fair treatment and therefore technically illiterate in this respect – I am obliged to agree with him.

It will take a revival of awareness, in all Canadians, of their responsibility to defend their own rights and the rights of fellow Canadians, at the voting polls before our politicians will see the light.

Keep that in mind when the next federal election arrives.

Victor Drummond ©

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