Monday, January 12, 2009


Observations comparing Canada’s Federal
Political leaders to the U.S. A. team of incorruptible
Federal Agents created and headed by Special Agent Eliot Ness.

By Victor Drummond ©
January 2009

During the 1920’s and early 1930’s the United States of America was the playground of notorious gangsters such as Al Capone, Bugs Moran, Pretty Boy Floyd, Baby Face Nelson, John Dillenger and Bonny and Clyde.

These underworld characters engaged in such fund raising enterprises as the mere robbing of banks to operating a country wide chain of illegal gambling parlours, houses of prostitution, and hide-away pubs where illegal booze was readily available.

It was unavoidable there would be clashes between these hoodlums over territorial and competition issues.

Gang wars and individual incidents of one gangster killing another were relatively common.
The 1929 Valentines Day Massacre, however, tops the list of gang war killings.

The U.S. government was caught in a tight spot. The gangsters had money and influence and the best politicians and lawyers money could buy. Most attempts to arrest and convict gang leaders and/or gang members ended up with the gangsters going free – and their victims going to the cemetary.

Deciding to fight fire with fire the U.S. government decide to create a special group of law enforcement agents which could not be intimidated, bribed or coerced to bend from their assigned gang buster duties. Their assignment was to put the gangsters out of business any way necessary.

The person delegated to head up this task force of incorruptible people was a special agent named Eliot Ness. As it turned out Mr. Ness was exactly the right man for the job.

Eliot was honest, decent, fair minded and courageous, and above all determined to bring the criminals to justice. Alive if possible or dead if necessary.

Eliot Ness, and a co-worker, Oscar Fraley wrote Eliot’s autobiography -- published in 1947 --in which the many encounters Eliot Ness -- and his team of incorruptible law enforcement agents had with gang members -- are lucidly described.

This autobiography is titled “The Untouchables”.

The book came to the attention of comedian Lucille Ball, who, with her husband Desi Arnez,
had formed a TV corporation under the name of Desilu Productions.

Desilu Productions obtained the rights to create a series of weekly television programs – based on the book – and use of the name – “The Untouchables”.

The Untouchables were a hit TV series consisting of 118 episodes broadcast weekly from 1959 through 1963.

Has anything like the American rampage of gangsters and the need for special law enforcement agents to counter them ever happened in Canada?

There have been a few outlaw gangs in Canada – such as the Boyd Gang – but they were caught and put out of business by our regular law enforcement agencies.

However it seems some of the gangster traits have been picked up by our Federal Politicians.

For example the gangsters all had one belief in common, e.g. Because I have the power I also have the right to take something I want from those who owe me nothing.

Taxing nonexistent, (phantom), income by a government is about the equivalent of a gangster taking money from a business owner for protection. They both take something for nothing – because they can.

And likewise our government leaders are all but immune from action by those who are empowered to enforce the law – because they are the law makers.

The original “Untouchables” were a group of extraordinary people with above average intelligence, honour, justice, fairness, integrity, and courage.

Qualities difficult to detect in Canada’s cadre of current political leaders.

Victims of Canada’s defective taxable benefit legislation have sent appeal after appeal to all levels of Canada’s government over the past eight years. To no avail.

Attempts -- by individual victims and more recently by a group of victims, and supporters, named Canadians for Fair and Equitable Taxation, (CFET), -- to reach our Prime Minister, and/or the elected Members of Parliament – have not produced results.

Our defective taxable benefit legislation is still on the books and those Canadians, eligible to be victimized, are still on Revenue Canada Agency’s hit list.

Even the most outspoken news journalists have not responded to requests, by CFET, to speak out on behalf of Canadians victimized and abused by this insidious legislation.

The fact the U.S. government has now, (Oct. 2008), amended their equivalent defective Alternative Minimum Tax, (AMT), legislation and have revoked all taxes levied on phantom income, has not phased our Canadian federal politicians one iota.

Consequently I am obliged to accept the following conclusion:- our federal politicians are definitely NOT Untouchables in any way that matters.

Instead of fighting for the restoration of the RIGHT of all Canadians to fair and equalized taxation – they hide behind their MP/PM immunity and pretend there is no problem.

So far as victimized and abused Canadians are concerned their elected representatives are merely UNREACHABLES.

Keep that in mind when you next have opportunity to vote for the person to represent you in Canada’s House of Parliament.

Victor Drummond ©

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