Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Facts vs Fiction

An observation on human idiosyncrasies
By Victor Drummond ©
July 2007

It doesn’t take a brain surgeon, or a rocket scientist, to recognize (that) the average person in the so-called civilized world prefers fiction to fact.

I feel quite safe in saying the television viewers that watch fiction shows, such as CSI, Seinfeld, Everyone Loves Raymond, According to Jim etc. outnumber the views that watch educational programs, such as National Geographic and Discovery by a factor of 1000 to 1 or greater.

Of course along with the unhealthy dose of fiction some of these programs also supply a taste of spice, (sex), and humour, (frequently a bit off-colour), – and that program content appears to fill the average person's need for an escape from reality.

Public Library’s may fare a bit better – mainly due to the need for students to research history and science topics in order to prepare for tests and term papers. But it is a safe bet there are more fiction books available on library shelves than there are books dealing with facts.

This quirk of human nature also offers unscrupulous individuals a grand opportunity to rape, pillage and rob entire societies and have most victims walk away smiling at the wonderful lies they have soaked in.

A prize example of such manipulation, of an entire culture, was the master propagandist Joseph Goebbels who actually proclaimed that if you mix a little truth with the grandest lie you can imagine – most people will believe it.

Unfortunately the truth of his theory was proven, all to well, by the German rampage of death and destruction that was driven by the lies he told the German people – and their all too willingness to believe him. Apparently the average German, citizen in those days, didn’t care what the political parties were doing and couldn’t care less if they were promoting fact or fiction. Sounds a bit familiar doesn't it.

That was a very serious mistake and one that present day societies appear to be willing to perpetuate. Our present day politicians make rhetorical comments and realistic sounding promises which they have no way, and likely no intention, of fulfilling. But the fiction sounds good to the voter and it doesn’t seem to matter one bit that the proposals, promises and statements have no substance.

For example did anyone take Jack Layton’s suggestion seriously when he proposed (that) Canadian politicians, (himself included presumably), should travel to one, or more, of the Taliban strongholds to negotiate a peace settlement?

(Shades of Neville Chamberlain!!) I wonder what concessions he was prepared to make in order to achieve the peace he wanted. Did anyone ask? Did he offer to say? Does anyone care?
From my perspective the answers are NO, NO and YES. I care.

In WWII I wasn’t prepared to settle for peace at any cost – and I still feel the same way. There is a point -- beyond which -- peace comes at too great a price.

When anyone, in my living space, makes a serious statement, promise or commitment I expect them to fulfill their commitment and if they fail, for lack of trying, their social value drops to zero in my view. They will never borrow money from me. They will never get my support for any public office, and they will never sell me a car etc.

If everyone in Canada applied the same standard of performance we would have, by far, the best compliment of politicians and living standards in the world. We would not have a Prime Minister who makes stupid comments such as:- “When you have a proof, it is a proof, and you then have a proof.” (J Cretien) (or words to that effect.)

You would not have a Finance Minister who can’t account for hundreds of thousands of dollars – missing from the Government treasury, (P. Martin)
You would not have an immigration department fast tracking exotic dancers for the sex trade.

If you desire a government that will uphold the more important aspects of the social structure, that we all presently enjoy -- and wish to maintain same, then raise your own standards and let those, who would represent you in government, know what you expect, NO! TELL THEM WHAT YOU DEMAND OF THEM in order to obtain your support.
If you set low standards – so will your representative in government.

If you are prepared to settle for second best – then that is what you will get – or worse.

If he wants my vote -- my, would-be MP, already knows I DEMAND a genuine fix of the “Taxable Benefits” disaster, left behind by the previous – rather untrustworthy – Liberal government

No such commitment -- no vote AND THAT’S NOT FICTION.

If unfamiliar with the taxable benefits rip-off situation then read the prior postings:- “Stone Walls…”, Not A Leader..” and then if you still feel indifferent to the problems of others and to the quality of your government ???? do nothing.

Victor Drummond © E-mail”-

Author’s comment:-
This blog page is a campaign for general public moral support – not for financial support. All we desire is to obtain fair treatment and dependable government.

If you do not feel like posting a comment – send me an e-mail to let our members know you care and are doing something to bring about fair taxation. Unless you request a reply no one will contact you and your identity will remain confidential.

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