Saturday, July 7, 2007

DO NOT A PRISON MAKE -- Nor Iron Bars a Cage.
To Althea from prison – Richard Lovelace

A comparison to the loss of true freedom Due to unfair taxation
written by Victor Drummond ©
July 2007

According the experts in the reading of poetry Richard Lovelace is telling the reader, In his letter to Althea that:-

“No one can imprison or enslave the human mind. A human being remains free to think and dream – as well as hold fast to controversial opinion – even though his body has limited ability. Obviously his theme can apply not only to a prisoner in a cell but also to anyone limited by circumstances – such as …. economic deprivation.”

Law abiding Canadians are among the most fortunate people on earth. They can be free of any concern regarding loss of privilege, (Inequality), or Liberty, or Mobility, (free to move to and from Canada as often as they wish.)

All of these wonderful benefits are guaranteed to every honest and freedom loving Canadian citizen under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Or are they?

Is it conceivable that the same government that so loudly proclaims its citizens are protected by their inalienable charter rights and makes “Fair Tax” a plank in their election policy platform also perpetuates a system of tax regulations that effectively denies these same citizens those very rights?

Following is a statement from a message sent by a Canadian Citizen – not one incarcerated behind STONE WALLS or Iron Bars but none-the-less a prisoner in his own country.

“I have turned down several job offers in the USA which would have required me to move and most important of all – never selling one single share of the stock that I acquired from ESO’s … as this would trigger a massive debt on profits I would never see.”

Does that sound like a person free to come and go as the charter declares?

How about this statement from the same document:-

“For the past 6 years I have been in the described deferral situation, doing the best I could to prepare and safeguard my families financial welfare. The stress and fear and anxiety that my wife and I have carried over the years has been incredible.”

The above is clearly a statement by a Canadian citizen who is obviously suffering economic deprivation? And what, or who, is making this Canadian a prisoner in his own land – and denying this Canadian his charter rights – and imposing duress and incredible anxiety on his entire family. Could it happen in our Free and Fair Canada?

Perhaps this is an isolated case – and there are no other Canadians disenfranchised in the same way – do you think? If you do – then think again. Following is a clip from another “Taxable Benefits” victim:-

“I am writing to you on behalf of an ever growing group of tax-payers from across the country, who are suffering from what we call the “Stock-Option Phantom Profits” issue. We know you are familiar with it.”

This writer is saying there are many more victims and their numbers are increasing.

And how about this statement from yet another victim of the “Taxable Benefits” robbery:-

“Her offer to donate the shares to the government of Canada was not accepted, her appeal was unsuccessful, her objection was unsuccessful. Finally under duress and after being theatened to have our house (which is in both our names) siezed and liquidated we got a bank loan and paid the taxes with interest.”

A penalty levied on top of an unfair and unwarranted tax! – How low can a government go! (The foregoing happened under the Liberal Regime)

How is that for “Fair, Equal and Just” taxation. Do these victims enjoy the full benefits guaranteed them under of the Canadian Charter of rights and freedoms?

They definitely DO NOT. They are as much, if not more of a prisoner than the poet – Richard Lovelace because they are under constant financial duress.

All victims of the Tax on imaginary gains have been tortured and mistreated, both emotionally and financially, as much, if not more, than citizens of many third world countries.

Believe it or not this has happened, and is still happening in CANADA.

This situation is a blight on the character of all Canadian Political parties that do not raise their voice in objection and commit themselves to correct these outrageous tax laws, rules and regulations if they are given the support of Canadian voters.

And Canadian voters who do not demand these ridiculous laws, and their outstanding deferred tax burdens be rescinded are letting themselves and their fellow Canadians down -- big-time.

Any political party that solicits my vote -- without a commitment to rectify this terrible injustice – is wasting their time and money.

Victor Drummond ©

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