Thursday, July 19, 2007

True Love

A Commentary on Canadians who love a love story.
By Victor Drummond © July 2007

There is a saying that “The whole world loves a lover.” There must be some truth that quotation as a number of print houses that publish romance fiction, such a “Harlequin Romances”, have enjoyed considerable financial success.

What is there about a story of “Love Conquers All” that captures the imagination of so many people? Each story contains the same formula, i.e. a wholesome girl, a handsome boy, and boy meets girl. (Good Start)

Then there are obstacles to overcome, a villain lurks in the shadows,– doing mischievous and/or evil deeds to frustrate any romance between the girl and the boy.

There is always a crisis or two along the way -- but to every readers delight the young couple eventually join forces – overcome all opposition, and – as in all such fairy tales – live happily ever after. (RIGHT).
And that’s the way we would all like to see our world work out.

So let’s exam the qualities of each element of a romantic story to see what makes the various components either desirable, undesirable or are a don’t care, and how they work their magic on our frame of mind.

Everyone is familiar with the children’s romantic fairy tale:- “Cinderella” so that story will do fine for this analysis.

What is there about our heroine Cinderella -- that makes her a desirable element in the story? she is young, she is honest, she is decent, she is trustworthy. She doesn’t strike back when verbally assaulted and when finally decked out in a princess’s finery she is beautiful. So for those attributes alone -- we like her -- and hope all the best things for her.

Then there is the benevolent, (malevolent), Stepmother – who after her husband died – kept Cinderella, clothed her, (in hand-me-downs), fed her, (stale leftovers) and provided shelter for her and a place to sleep, (in the basement coal bin and cinder storage area: ( – hence the name Cinderella.)Last but not least she denied Cinderella, a true heir to her father’s estate, any part of her inheritance

Stepmother gets the image of being a villainess in spite of the good things she does for Cinderella. Why do we see stepmother as an evil person? She didn’t send Cinderella to an orphanage when Cinderella’s father died. That was decent -- wasn't it?

Could it be because she played favourites between her own two spoiled daughters and Cinderella. Could it be because she used Cinderella as a slave? Could it be because she was untruthful, or deceitful, or mean-spirited and lacking in compassion, or all these things combined. (Yes -- all of the above --without a doubt.)

How about the prince? We like him because he is handsome. He is wealthy. He is honest. He is decent. He is trustworthy. He is dependable. He is truthful. He isn’t a womanizer.

Before we discover the Fairy Godmother we expect the prince to don shining armour and go on a crusade to find, and rescue, Cinderella and the two ride off to the princes castle. But it didn’t happen that way.

Enter the Fairy Godmother. What do we like about her? She has virtue, honesty, a sense of fair play, is beautiful and has magical powers. She takes compassion on Cinderella’s plight and decides to do something about it. (Who wouldn’t just love someone like that.)

The drama then unfolds with the -- pumpkin chariot,-- the mice horses and mice footmen, -- and the glass slippers -- and the midnight curfew -- which all add mystery and suspense to the story.

Not one reader wanted the wicked stepsister(s) to fit the glass slipper and deceive the prince into a disastrous union. Things could just never work out for such a mismatched pair.

We all knew that the prince and Cinderella were just right for each other.

And so it worked out – the prince and Cinderella found one another, overcame the evil deeds of the wicked stepmother and lived happily ever after. (To every readers delight.)

Don’t you wish you could enjoy the satisfaction of foiling the evil aspects of an unfair situation and bring happiness to abused and deprived victims – in real life?

If you do – then you are in luck – we have all the elements of a romantic story right here in Canada and right now. Most of the character roles are already cast but there is one prize character role left -- for you to play, i.e. the Fairy Godmother.

The abused victim(s) are those Canadians who were/are unfairly taxed on money they never received. Many are left with a tax debt, (deferred), that could deprive their children of any meaningful inheritance. Their peace of mind has been compromised for years – and the angst is on-going.

When Gary Lunn and Stephen Harper granted tax remission to JDS Employee’s in British Columbia the victims thought they had found a Prince Charming. It seems however our prince got lost somewhere between a good start and a final happy ending.

Hopefully he still has the glass slipper. But to assist our prince (whoever he/she turns out to be) we need a Fairy Godmother. Now that is where – you the voting reader comes in.

Our prince/princess needs a bit of magic to overcome the evil forces that are working hard to prevent a happy ending.

If you have Canadian voting rights you are qualified to play the role of the Fairy Godmother. Apparently all the prince’s horses and all of his men cannot correct the problem without outside help.

There will be a federal election in the foreseeable future and the current polls indicate a dead heat support for the two leading parties that are vying to form the next government.

By notifying your local, MP and/or candidate in your federal riding -- that your support will go to the party that commits to bringing genuine fair taxation to all the victims, (Cinderella’s), -- of the “Taxable Benefits” rip-off -- you may just accomplish the same happy result -- in real life -- that the Fairy Godmother did in our foregoing love story.
Not all happy endings are confined to fairy tales.

If you care enough for your fellow Canadians -- to do something about this unfair tax situation -- then kindly notify your local Candidate for Federal Office and pass the web address of this blog page along to your voting age Canadian friends and contacts -- and ask them to keep the ball rolling.

If you are unfamiliar with this taxation problem read prior postings:- Stone Walls, & Not A leader – for starters.


You may reach your MP by regular mail, postage free, or by E-mail via the following web page and following the links to the list of sitting MP’s.

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